Sunday, 13 September 2009

UFO's Spotted over Nottingham 12/09/09

UFO Spotted over Nottm 12/09/09

REALLY - This is true and substantiated by Cllr Allen Clarke our local County Councillor. -

12/09/09 My wife and I saw 6 x "UFO's" in the sky over Ruddington and south Nottingham late last night at 22.16< 22.18. These sightings were at a height and speed similar to that of aircraft approaching EMA. ( As we live directly opposite the incoming flight path from the South and at our homes height and view point from our huge lounge window we inevitably have a regular evening interest of watching incoming aircraft and diversions into EMA - somwhat an irresistable hobby ;-). However the main difference last night was our sightings of "UFO's" did NOT not have flashing navigation lights at their wing tips etc., NO their singular light was much larger and significant and constantly ( as opposed to intermittant flashing as those on conventional aircraft) they lit, singularly, reddy orange in colour. These "UFO's" appeared to fly in precise unison in 2 pairs ( maybe 0.5 miles apart ) with the second pair estimated 1 mile behind and a further single object a further 1 mile behind these. They all moved in unison at the same apparently leisurely floating speed. The amazing thing, then was after a miute or so the lights in the leading pair gradually dimmed ( almost as if the object turned oppositely away from our view point. The following pair of lights and the singleton bringing up the rear also gradually dimmed at the same place in the sky and eventually disappeared when they reach the same spot. The whole scene was like an aerial ballet. Some 2 minutes later the sixth single UFO. appeared and repeated the sequence. The night was very clear without cloud no chance of a mis sighting - a regular passenger plane passed overhead BJ at the same time and within another minute or so, a further conventional passenger flight came into view from the south on the normally expected flight path into EMA

BJ Blogger

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