Thursday, 20 May 2010

Burton Joyce Community

A change in face

Hi everyone

This Blog has been given a facelift ( Wow! that really is punny- what?).

As this is a new financial year and there should be Parish Council elections next year, I am now taking an uptodate look and reporting the on the relevant facts and incidents which probably affect the majority of those in our communty during the period running up to the actual voting.

To days topic is the "Anti Wind Turbine" lobby and the village exhibitions which will be featured both the coming Saturday and the following Saturday in the Carnarvon Rooms in the village centre

I am not taking a role either way or coming down on any side of the argument for and against , we simply say that the debate within the village is inevitably grossly unbalanced and biased by a few activists against the proposed plan ( with an unsubtantiated claim that they represent the vast majority against the scheme).

In fact the Chairman of the initial village meeting called in the Village Hall to discuss the "fors and againsts" meeting ( the chairman of the Parish Council ), had a vested interest in the topic and his openng statement clearly emphasised he would not allow any questions or arguments from the floor of the meeting, re- the benefits or the "green" credentials of the proposed plan -

The village anti lobby is also lead by aother Parish Councillor (who also has a vested interest which has now been waved by the GBC). This "Anti" lobby now has major financial support from the Parish Council, however , there is no equivalent financial contribution available to a "Pro" lobby .

Now I am not claiming that the majority of the community is actualy "for or against" the scheme, however I am saying that the original village meeting to discuss the action was flawed and biased and that one of attending villager's call for a referendum does not appear to have been answered or considered. I also suggest that the show of hands at the end of the meeting ( by approx 150/200 of the village population estimated at 3500/4000) was and is an undemocratic
assessment of the community opinion and furthermore the financial involvement with contribution by the BJPC is questionable
I await comments!
