Saturday, 4 April 2009

Hot Gossip

Bee Jay’s . “Hot Gossip “ in our Mother Site

Future topics at Burton Joyce Online

Allotments Invaders continued, Vacant Halls, Facilities for elderly, Peacocks, vandalism ( broken gates at rain track), Flood defences, Fly posting, village centre stop/meet, Youth facilities, Visible Pollution, Scouts/cubs /brownies, The Grove, The Village Plan - others for original B J Blogs - jokes , A gentlman is, PO car parking danger, more village activities, Poplars Sports ground cost, Help your neighbour day, summer activities. More WI activities, UFO‘s, ASB, “ Church Steepless, Car phoning, In- ar smoking, Car seat belts, Eye-see bargain, BJ Donkeys, Consensus politics in local government,

Your really should visit our Mother site

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