Friday, 17 July 2009

Why do our Councillors keep leaving

“Why do our Councillors keep leaving

”Extracts from ex Councillors - Julie O’Neill, Brian O’Neill and Marlene Dixon's resignation letters (full unabridged version Why do our Councillors keep leaving in this Hot Gossip link) brought to you as the result of "The Freedom of Information Act"

Dear Mr Potter
When I stood for the Council in 2207 , I did so because I was aware of the need for change .. .. It has been a difficult struggle .. to get the Council to adopt legall;y required policies and procedures ..
Now we have legally required documents and procedure in place .. .. Is purposeless unless they are adhered to. Recently we have seen standing orders and financial regulations flouted .. .. interests not declared .. Approved policies and procedure ignored or over-ridden .. Minutes interfered with ..
The treatment of Councillors who raise questions or make suggestions at meeting is a disgrace.. .. private vilification campaigns, aggression .. shouting down
Many of the people responsible for such behaviour in the past have now left . ..disappointing to see some of the new personnel have adopted the same practices. ..
Serve the community but to promote their personal and sectional interests ..” .......................

“Dear Chairman
My interest and knowledge about engineering and sporting matters would be welcome
.. Having undertaken an extensive piece of work in the Fire Risk Assessment of the Sports Centre with you and .. .. I find that others are determined to undermine the work for their ow petty reasons I am particularly concerned .. I find all this insulting to me personally and potential dangerous for the Parish Council ..
If this is the way you treat new Councillors .. not an organisation I wish to be associated with “ ...................

“Dear Chairman
I, Mrs Marlene Dixon wish to tender my resignation ..
I joined the Council in the hope that the 15% increase in the 2008/08 Council Tax could be brought down in line with other villages ..
I was publicly humiliated at my first council meeting to such an extent that other members complained of the treatment I received ..
After being on high profile committees as Chairman and Vice Chairman for 40 years .. . also being a retired tribunal judge, I do not want to be held responsible for decisions made without my knowledge.
I hope in future that the Council will not be swayed by outside forces .. .. In future the Council will treat all new Councillors with respect and kindness”

”Extracts from ex Councillors - Julie O’Neill, Brian O’Neill and Marlene Dixon's resignation letters (full unabridged version Why do our Councillors keep leaving in this Hot Gossip link) brought to you as the result of "The Freedom of Information Act"


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