We understand that.. ..
A meeting for Burton Joyce will be arranged early in the New Year "( ** we understand the arranged meeting is for the 27th January at 7:00pm **)" at which we hope to consult with a range of interested organisations. Your observations in relation to the development of the County Library service are of interest and I'm sure we will get opportunity to consider these in the context of Burton Joyce and the County as a whole.
You should also visit our parent site at www.burtonjoyceonline.co.uk
News, views, faces, places, serious, amusing sometime contentious Everday life in a Nottingham trent side village
Tuesday, 21 December 2010
Saturday, 18 December 2010
Cuts in cash to BJ Parish Council
A recent statement by the BJPC goes as follows
Our capital aid grant of £4929 has been lost completely, (WHAT DOES THIS MEAN ? - WHAT IS THIS REALLY FOR ?)
together with a further £4071 from the revenue grant (13.8% of total). ( WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? - WHAT IS THIS REALLY FOR ?)
GBC funding accounts for about 30% percent of our income and is applied for by BJPC to cover shortfall in income to expenditure for key services. ( WHAT ARE THESE KEY SERVICES ?)
The BJPC needs to review how this decision will affect us. ( YOU BET !!)
However additional items such as taking over the Public Toilets at the Recreation ground or assisting in more litter picking or verge cutting are clearly under pressure ( OH DEAR! SUCH A PROBLEM IN THE BIG PICTURE)
Our capital aid grant of £4929 has been lost completely, (WHAT DOES THIS MEAN ? - WHAT IS THIS REALLY FOR ?)
together with a further £4071 from the revenue grant (13.8% of total). ( WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? - WHAT IS THIS REALLY FOR ?)
GBC funding accounts for about 30% percent of our income and is applied for by BJPC to cover shortfall in income to expenditure for key services. ( WHAT ARE THESE KEY SERVICES ?)
The BJPC needs to review how this decision will affect us. ( YOU BET !!)
However additional items such as taking over the Public Toilets at the Recreation ground or assisting in more litter picking or verge cutting are clearly under pressure ( OH DEAR! SUCH A PROBLEM IN THE BIG PICTURE)
Monday, 13 December 2010
The Big Society - Communities Beware
A Trevor Lockwood says:
11.09.10 at 9:56 am ( Big Society ) It’s a lovely idea.
Reality (in Suffolk) seems to be different.
I’m chairman of a community radio station, keen to create a sense of community. The local council decided to update a public park, and applied to the Heritage Lottery for a two-stage application. They received £152,000 as 75% of first project total required on the promise that the District Council would cover the other 25%. They did, saying they would raise that money from voluntary effort. They created a ‘Friends of….’ association. With another member of my team I was elected to the committee, my colleague as secretary. At the first meeting I asked how the money was to be spent, and how we could help. I was told that I didn’t need to know, my job was to weed the gardens. That seemed strange as I knew a contract for £118,000 had been awarded to a Northants-based consultancy to act as lead consultant. The first secretary of the association (a council employee) took most of the rest of the grant money as the newly-created Project Officer.
Next I hear that ‘the committee’ has met (without telling the secretary), decided that **I was disruptive and banned me from the committee and the association. Checking the constitution I found they needed the full membership to remove me (for asking questions). Their response to that was to rewrite the constitution (without reference to anyone). I questioned the three councillors on that committee but received no reply.
**sounds very familiar**
As a local community radio station we’ve received no information about this project.
Next: the county council decides to let community groups run our 44 libraries (as part of a government initiative). We attended a meeting with the Director responsible, the head of libraries and our three local councillors. We suggest we need information in order to tell folk what’s happening. Library staff know nothing. We are told that they don’t have time to tell us anything. I then receive an email from one councillor who has regularly attended our community station to update the local community to say that he’s been told (advised perhaps?) not to come to the radio station any more – because I have expressed an interest in running the library. That was never the case, but I did ask for confirmation that a large property developer had expressed interest, and that they had suggested that libraries were more than buildings, and that they all stood on prime retail sites.
I make no comment. I do question the government’s belief that local councils are the best representatives of the local community. They have too many vested interests.
We’ve tried, in a small way, to encourage the local community, only to be thwarted every time.
I’ll be interested to see how our experience can be related to present aspirations.
Nick says:
11.09.10 at 1:34 pm Trevor you just made my day!
Yes absolutely! what a great and lovely idea this thread is. Yet my own experiences as a ‘ volunteer’ has much resonance as your own. To avoid seeming too cynical I can only politely say that people in positions of local ‘authority’ need to look closely at themselves first and not be too judgmental (or patronizing) to existing help already coming from local volunteers. At the end of the day Mr Pickles cost cutting is aimed squarely at avoiding the kind of situation you mention. Simply ‘shuffling the pack’ won’t do! I simply cringe when I see just how much local money gets wasted in these kind of ways. I am also appalled by the way I have sometimes been treated as a volunteer. Simply ignored or treated on similar lines as an offending youth doing community service! Or worst still doing a good job with other dedicated charity workers and then being unable to reach funding for such small things as leaflets, while at the same time seeing local government produce huge quantities of high quality pamphlets on obscure and esoteric subjects.
Once again sounds familiar-
We will watch the progress to the local introduction of the BIG SOCIETY
A Trevor Lockwood says:
11.09.10 at 9:56 am ( Big Society ) It’s a lovely idea.
Reality (in Suffolk) seems to be different.
I’m chairman of a community radio station, keen to create a sense of community. The local council decided to update a public park, and applied to the Heritage Lottery for a two-stage application. They received £152,000 as 75% of first project total required on the promise that the District Council would cover the other 25%. They did, saying they would raise that money from voluntary effort. They created a ‘Friends of….’ association. With another member of my team I was elected to the committee, my colleague as secretary. At the first meeting I asked how the money was to be spent, and how we could help. I was told that I didn’t need to know, my job was to weed the gardens. That seemed strange as I knew a contract for £118,000 had been awarded to a Northants-based consultancy to act as lead consultant. The first secretary of the association (a council employee) took most of the rest of the grant money as the newly-created Project Officer.
Next I hear that ‘the committee’ has met (without telling the secretary), decided that **I was disruptive and banned me from the committee and the association. Checking the constitution I found they needed the full membership to remove me (for asking questions). Their response to that was to rewrite the constitution (without reference to anyone). I questioned the three councillors on that committee but received no reply.
**sounds very familiar**
As a local community radio station we’ve received no information about this project.
Next: the county council decides to let community groups run our 44 libraries (as part of a government initiative). We attended a meeting with the Director responsible, the head of libraries and our three local councillors. We suggest we need information in order to tell folk what’s happening. Library staff know nothing. We are told that they don’t have time to tell us anything. I then receive an email from one councillor who has regularly attended our community station to update the local community to say that he’s been told (advised perhaps?) not to come to the radio station any more – because I have expressed an interest in running the library. That was never the case, but I did ask for confirmation that a large property developer had expressed interest, and that they had suggested that libraries were more than buildings, and that they all stood on prime retail sites.
I make no comment. I do question the government’s belief that local councils are the best representatives of the local community. They have too many vested interests.
We’ve tried, in a small way, to encourage the local community, only to be thwarted every time.
I’ll be interested to see how our experience can be related to present aspirations.
Nick says:
11.09.10 at 1:34 pm Trevor you just made my day!
Yes absolutely! what a great and lovely idea this thread is. Yet my own experiences as a ‘ volunteer’ has much resonance as your own. To avoid seeming too cynical I can only politely say that people in positions of local ‘authority’ need to look closely at themselves first and not be too judgmental (or patronizing) to existing help already coming from local volunteers. At the end of the day Mr Pickles cost cutting is aimed squarely at avoiding the kind of situation you mention. Simply ‘shuffling the pack’ won’t do! I simply cringe when I see just how much local money gets wasted in these kind of ways. I am also appalled by the way I have sometimes been treated as a volunteer. Simply ignored or treated on similar lines as an offending youth doing community service! Or worst still doing a good job with other dedicated charity workers and then being unable to reach funding for such small things as leaflets, while at the same time seeing local government produce huge quantities of high quality pamphlets on obscure and esoteric subjects.
Once again sounds familiar-
We will watch the progress to the local introduction of the BIG SOCIETY
Thursday, 9 December 2010
BJ Library an alternative
Suggested BJ Library Media Centre
BJ Library is scheduled to have opening times cut to approx 10hours per week- we understand the reasoning behind this action and do not necessarily oppose them, however we do have a sound argument for a progressive change to the existing function and service.
The argument for change is not only financial but the ongoing reduced of use of the borrowing of books by the community generally (all age groups). The reasoning behind this is claimed to be the advancement of the digital age - internet etc . However with particular reference to the many urban and rural libraries of which BJ is one, this can only be a partly true.
Our research and reasoning is much wider based – and based on a much wider based remit.
Burton Joyce has 50% of it 3500 population being over 50 years of age , in fact 30% are over 60 with many now living into their lat 80’s . Only a small number of these ( possibly 10% ) are familiar with, and regular users of email and the internet .
The conventional printed press is in decline, with moves towards extensive Online use for getting their news out to the public. The Nottingham Evening Post is a classic local example.
Even at the lower community level, information relative to the activities and content of interest groups and societies appears to be slow and ineffectual in dispersion through-out the rural and urban populations.
Yes we have Parish Magazines which continue to perform admirably with limited finance and efforts of volunteers. The information fed down from Councils at all levels lacks the detail and effective penetration with its production and circulation having a doubtful financial justification .
Our suggestion is to reorganise urban and rural libraries into community media centres where residents and volunteers can use and add to the facilities in such a manner as to more effectively bring communities together, developing and expanding local communication of the digital age into a more effective, interesting and total age range activity.
Some two years ago we created ( at our own expense) Burton Joyce Online – Community website . This project has been most successful in contributing to the spread of news, opinions, views ( amusing and sometimes contentious) not only locally, but world-wide with regular viewers/visitors to the website in the USA, Canada, through-out the UK, West and East Europe, Russia, Asia and the Far East, South Africa /America ,Australia and New Zealand etc. Our month on month visitor levels have now remain constant for over 18 months.
We suggest that this style of project and an initiative by the BJ library service could readily and easily adapted, with the contribution of volunteers and individually interested/ minded members of ALL ages ( including the Primary School and Teenagers, mature and senior interests within the community). This could easily develop as an integral part of a comprehensive and genuinely relevent media source - fully used and available by the wider community. This suggestion/proposal can quite easily become a possible follow-on/extension to our existing and FREE NHW - ABC (basic emailing and Internet) Tutorials at the BJ Library
By utilising the latent talents existing within a community and creating wide, specific , locally relevant information content available through such a project, individuals and groups ( within BJ) can readily, quickly and easily access online - at home , on a laptop or print off in the library, single and low quantities of selected articles for personal, distribution or collection by their own specific interest group ie. WI - Senior citizens – Coffee Clubs, Local History, Genealogy, Art groups, NHW, 1 to One, Choral Soc, Calligraphy, etc and provide a more relevant , useful and informative source of local interests/information.
Finally by the introduction of the interactive elements normally attributed with and available within media centres, and such a project as suggested, it is anticipated and expected that a greater stimulus for participation can be generated within the younger generations of our community and thus a greater interest and utilisation of our revised library ( media) service
Suggested BJ Library Media Centre
BJ Library is scheduled to have opening times cut to approx 10hours per week- we understand the reasoning behind this action and do not necessarily oppose them, however we do have a sound argument for a progressive change to the existing function and service.
The argument for change is not only financial but the ongoing reduced of use of the borrowing of books by the community generally (all age groups). The reasoning behind this is claimed to be the advancement of the digital age - internet etc . However with particular reference to the many urban and rural libraries of which BJ is one, this can only be a partly true.
Our research and reasoning is much wider based – and based on a much wider based remit.
Burton Joyce has 50% of it 3500 population being over 50 years of age , in fact 30% are over 60 with many now living into their lat 80’s . Only a small number of these ( possibly 10% ) are familiar with, and regular users of email and the internet .
The conventional printed press is in decline, with moves towards extensive Online use for getting their news out to the public. The Nottingham Evening Post is a classic local example.
Even at the lower community level, information relative to the activities and content of interest groups and societies appears to be slow and ineffectual in dispersion through-out the rural and urban populations.
Yes we have Parish Magazines which continue to perform admirably with limited finance and efforts of volunteers. The information fed down from Councils at all levels lacks the detail and effective penetration with its production and circulation having a doubtful financial justification .
Our suggestion is to reorganise urban and rural libraries into community media centres where residents and volunteers can use and add to the facilities in such a manner as to more effectively bring communities together, developing and expanding local communication of the digital age into a more effective, interesting and total age range activity.
Some two years ago we created ( at our own expense) Burton Joyce Online – Community website . This project has been most successful in contributing to the spread of news, opinions, views ( amusing and sometimes contentious) not only locally, but world-wide with regular viewers/visitors to the website in the USA, Canada, through-out the UK, West and East Europe, Russia, Asia and the Far East, South Africa /America ,Australia and New Zealand etc. Our month on month visitor levels have now remain constant for over 18 months.
We suggest that this style of project and an initiative by the BJ library service could readily and easily adapted, with the contribution of volunteers and individually interested/ minded members of ALL ages ( including the Primary School and Teenagers, mature and senior interests within the community). This could easily develop as an integral part of a comprehensive and genuinely relevent media source - fully used and available by the wider community. This suggestion/proposal can quite easily become a possible follow-on/extension to our existing and FREE NHW - ABC (basic emailing and Internet) Tutorials at the BJ Library
By utilising the latent talents existing within a community and creating wide, specific , locally relevant information content available through such a project, individuals and groups ( within BJ) can readily, quickly and easily access online - at home , on a laptop or print off in the library, single and low quantities of selected articles for personal, distribution or collection by their own specific interest group ie. WI - Senior citizens – Coffee Clubs, Local History, Genealogy, Art groups, NHW, 1 to One, Choral Soc, Calligraphy, etc and provide a more relevant , useful and informative source of local interests/information.
Finally by the introduction of the interactive elements normally attributed with and available within media centres, and such a project as suggested, it is anticipated and expected that a greater stimulus for participation can be generated within the younger generations of our community and thus a greater interest and utilisation of our revised library ( media) service
Saturday, 4 December 2010
Where is our democratic, transparent and open local governance
This is is a posting which appears in the Forum on the BJ community website
Where are past PC Minutes ?[/b]
Why is it that the Parish Council Website is so "out of date" with publishing past meeting minutes ?]
For example
Main PC Minutes, last published - July 2010
Poplars Sports Groun Committee Minutes, last published - March 2010
Amenities Committee minutes last published - April 2010
Financial and General Purposes Committee last published - July 2010
Planning Committee last published - Feb 2010
There are no references to the content of any of the Councillors monthly Open Forum meetings
It is officially stated by the Parish Council that every individual Parish Councillor has responsibilty for the content of their website - Does that mean, if there is NO content - there is NO responsibility
I really do wonder ?
One thing for sure - it is not amusing - yet it has to be a joke !
This is is a posting which appears in the Forum on the BJ community website
Where are past PC Minutes ?[/b]
Why is it that the Parish Council Website is so "out of date" with publishing past meeting minutes ?]
For example
Main PC Minutes, last published - July 2010
Poplars Sports Groun Committee Minutes, last published - March 2010
Amenities Committee minutes last published - April 2010
Financial and General Purposes Committee last published - July 2010
Planning Committee last published - Feb 2010
There are no references to the content of any of the Councillors monthly Open Forum meetings
It is officially stated by the Parish Council that every individual Parish Councillor has responsibilty for the content of their website - Does that mean, if there is NO content - there is NO responsibility
I really do wonder ?
One thing for sure - it is not amusing - yet it has to be a joke !
We must shout for better trains
THE parish councils that shout the loudest seem to get East Midlands Trains to stop at their village stations.
Alas, not Burton Joyce Parish Council though, not even a squeak from them about our appalling train services over the past two years, and that goes for the county councillors too.
For example, if you take the 8.17am Monday-Saturday train to Newark, and are unable to catch the 9.55am back (stopping at Burton Joyce), you have to wait until 3pm for another one stopping from Newark.
Hence, all that's left for you to do is catch a bus from Newark to Southwell, change there and catch another bus to Burton Joyce, carrying your shopping etc.
As for the Sunday service, it is abominable.
So Lowdham Parish Council, along with Collingham, did a bit of shouting to Tim Shoveller, managing director of East MidlandsTrains, and got him along to their meetings with representatives from Notts County Council and, you've guessed it, both village stations have a train stopping every hour now.
So, maybe Burton Joyce Parish Council could now start roaring at East Midland Trains to improve its service also.
This is a comment first made by DONALD WARD Lendrum Court Burton Joyce
to the Nottingham Evening Post
Good on yer Donald
THE parish councils that shout the loudest seem to get East Midlands Trains to stop at their village stations.
Alas, not Burton Joyce Parish Council though, not even a squeak from them about our appalling train services over the past two years, and that goes for the county councillors too.
For example, if you take the 8.17am Monday-Saturday train to Newark, and are unable to catch the 9.55am back (stopping at Burton Joyce), you have to wait until 3pm for another one stopping from Newark.
Hence, all that's left for you to do is catch a bus from Newark to Southwell, change there and catch another bus to Burton Joyce, carrying your shopping etc.
As for the Sunday service, it is abominable.
So Lowdham Parish Council, along with Collingham, did a bit of shouting to Tim Shoveller, managing director of East MidlandsTrains, and got him along to their meetings with representatives from Notts County Council and, you've guessed it, both village stations have a train stopping every hour now.
So, maybe Burton Joyce Parish Council could now start roaring at East Midland Trains to improve its service also.
This is a comment first made by DONALD WARD Lendrum Court Burton Joyce
to the Nottingham Evening Post
Good on yer Donald
Friday, 3 December 2010
"Strategic Plan" BJPC suggestions

.........................."IS THAT REALLY A PIE IN THE SKY ?...........
Sept2010 –Burton Joyce Strategic Plans .The BJPC begins its 3 year strategic planning for the village early November.
After feedback from the village plan and other sources the BJPC wants to set targets for areas of improvements within the village: Suggestions so far have been:
1. Village Centre facelift including new surface , furniture an lighting to the area around the Post office.
2. Christmas tree lighting up ceremony in the village as community event
3. BJPC to take over verge cutting from NCC in an attempt to have neater more frequently cut grass areas
4. New pathway and verges to wasteland next to Nelson Car park and access to Trent
5. Additional Parking pull-ins to service estate agent shopping area and village hall.
6. Additional revenue stream for the Poplars to get closer to self sufficiency of income—with an all weather pitch.
7. Closer consultation with NCC and GBC department to ensure Burton Joyce and its residents are cared for and its environment and if it can deliver any additional services such as verge cutting or local repairs more cost effectively than the larger agencies.
8. Community Power scheme development. Using either Photovoltaic panels( large scale) or Low Head Turbines on the Trent.
These are just some of the ideas being considered and prioritised by the BJPC and then adopted into a formal strategic policy for the next few years
WOW!- "Grass verge cutting" "Community Power scheme", "Christmas Tree ceremony", "All weather Pitch" "addirional parking for Estate Agentss" " new pathway toside of Lord Nelson etc" Where are specific considerations for improving and assisting the lot of the 50% within the community who are Over 50years
The Villge centre facelift appears to be the ONLY GENUINE STRATEGIC suggestion all the rest appear to be classic examples of "politic-ing"
.. -
.........................."IS THAT REALLY A PIE IN THE SKY ?...........
Sept2010 –Burton Joyce Strategic Plans .The BJPC begins its 3 year strategic planning for the village early November.
After feedback from the village plan and other sources the BJPC wants to set targets for areas of improvements within the village: Suggestions so far have been:
1. Village Centre facelift including new surface , furniture an lighting to the area around the Post office.
2. Christmas tree lighting up ceremony in the village as community event
3. BJPC to take over verge cutting from NCC in an attempt to have neater more frequently cut grass areas
4. New pathway and verges to wasteland next to Nelson Car park and access to Trent
5. Additional Parking pull-ins to service estate agent shopping area and village hall.
6. Additional revenue stream for the Poplars to get closer to self sufficiency of income—with an all weather pitch.
7. Closer consultation with NCC and GBC department to ensure Burton Joyce and its residents are cared for and its environment and if it can deliver any additional services such as verge cutting or local repairs more cost effectively than the larger agencies.
8. Community Power scheme development. Using either Photovoltaic panels( large scale) or Low Head Turbines on the Trent.
These are just some of the ideas being considered and prioritised by the BJPC and then adopted into a formal strategic policy for the next few years
WOW!- "Grass verge cutting" "Community Power scheme", "Christmas Tree ceremony", "All weather Pitch" "addirional parking for Estate Agentss" " new pathway toside of Lord Nelson etc" Where are specific considerations for improving and assisting the lot of the 50% within the community who are Over 50years
The Villge centre facelift appears to be the ONLY GENUINE STRATEGIC suggestion all the rest appear to be classic examples of "politic-ing"
.. -
Thursday, 2 December 2010
Our BJ Seniors "grasp the nettle"

"Mary" - Just one of our BJ Seniors who "grasped the nettle"
The "Seniors" in our Burton Joyce community have accepted the challenge and are taking on the challenge of becoming email and Internet active.
The BJ Community NHW has for many months now been proving FREE email and Internet tutoring at the Monday morning Library "Pop-ins".
Only these last few Mondays have seen several of our senior ladies ( all in their late 80's )coming thro just TWO one hour sessions with flying colours and are now so enthusiastic that each of them have either purchased or in the throes of getting their own laptops.
This NHW training programme is supported by a "ABC basic email & Internet Tutorial" and provides a "life time - help line" via email contact - A "HELP LINE", for all things - computers or otherwise
"Mary" - Just one of our BJ Seniors who "grasped the nettle"
The "Seniors" in our Burton Joyce community have accepted the challenge and are taking on the challenge of becoming email and Internet active.
The BJ Community NHW has for many months now been proving FREE email and Internet tutoring at the Monday morning Library "Pop-ins".
Only these last few Mondays have seen several of our senior ladies ( all in their late 80's )coming thro just TWO one hour sessions with flying colours and are now so enthusiastic that each of them have either purchased or in the throes of getting their own laptops.
This NHW training programme is supported by a "ABC basic email & Internet Tutorial" and provides a "life time - help line" via email contact - A "HELP LINE", for all things - computers or otherwise
Wednesday, 1 December 2010
Burton Joyce Today - December 2010

Burton Joyce is today snowed in, as are most places within the County and Country yet we all must continue to develop the "BIG caring, sharing Society" and that is not to simply develop and emphasise the present Governments "catch" phrase policy .
Everyone will see and understand the TRUE BRIT spirit of our population and communties with the many examples of those involved in the "7/7 London Bombing" as per the present hearings in London.
Here in our Trent Side village in Nottinghamshire we conscious of the need to further work together for the betterment of all in our community as the impending financial cutbacks loom ever close over us. We know we are going to see some loss in our library service which will include reduced Internet access for those without a home Broadband facility.
Keep looking and visiting this Blog for we have many aspects of interests and individuals to come,

Burton Joyce is today snowed in, as are most places within the County and Country yet we all must continue to develop the "BIG caring, sharing Society" and that is not to simply develop and emphasise the present Governments "catch" phrase policy .
Everyone will see and understand the TRUE BRIT spirit of our population and communties with the many examples of those involved in the "7/7 London Bombing" as per the present hearings in London.
Here in our Trent Side village in Nottinghamshire we conscious of the need to further work together for the betterment of all in our community as the impending financial cutbacks loom ever close over us. We know we are going to see some loss in our library service which will include reduced Internet access for those without a home Broadband facility.
Keep looking and visiting this Blog for we have many aspects of interests and individuals to come,
Saturday, 27 November 2010
All about Burton Joyce
Burton Joyce updates
Hi everyone maintaining this Blog with the immense amount of ongoing BJ current info is becoming quite an exercise. SO here is a more effective way of keeping on top of the ever changing news input, easily and promptly
SIMPLY use this this link
Here are some of the subjects currently under discussion
Over 50's - 676 views, Is yout computer sick - 407 views, Community watch - 1947 views, Parisn Council - 3864 views, BJ my ancestral home - 281, Hign Cost Low usage of Poplars - 2316, BJ Library Reduced service - 147 views, BJ Playground - 1737, Bus Plug - 3985, Insect Swarms - 73, Wind Turbines - 3869, Why do Councillors keep leaving - 1778
Keep in contact and visit our parent site for ALL BJ Village information at (it has been established and current for over 2 years - now without any competition )
Hi everyone maintaining this Blog with the immense amount of ongoing BJ current info is becoming quite an exercise. SO here is a more effective way of keeping on top of the ever changing news input, easily and promptly
SIMPLY use this this link
Here are some of the subjects currently under discussion
Over 50's - 676 views, Is yout computer sick - 407 views, Community watch - 1947 views, Parisn Council - 3864 views, BJ my ancestral home - 281, Hign Cost Low usage of Poplars - 2316, BJ Library Reduced service - 147 views, BJ Playground - 1737, Bus Plug - 3985, Insect Swarms - 73, Wind Turbines - 3869, Why do Councillors keep leaving - 1778
Keep in contact and visit our parent site for ALL BJ Village information at (it has been established and current for over 2 years - now without any competition )
Wednesday, 13 October 2010
Burton Joyce Library Cut Backs
To be available 8 to 10 hours per week>
This is what is being considered as opening hours for the B J Libary. .. .. ..
What a waste of such a great facility
However there is talk about it becoming a Community facility - what ever that means
The BJ community needs to unite and mobilise to ensure that the loibary facility remain available to us all . Yes ! we do all appreciate that finanial cut backs are required thro -out the country, but we as a community with our Armada of Volunteers can surely develop a viable alternative to running and developing this existing facilty for the benefit of everyone in and around BJ
email us your thoughts and support at bjowatch@gmail.com
This is what is being considered as opening hours for the B J Libary. .. .. ..
What a waste of such a great facility
However there is talk about it becoming a Community facility - what ever that means
The BJ community needs to unite and mobilise to ensure that the loibary facility remain available to us all . Yes ! we do all appreciate that finanial cut backs are required thro -out the country, but we as a community with our Armada of Volunteers can surely develop a viable alternative to running and developing this existing facilty for the benefit of everyone in and around BJ
email us your thoughts and support at bjowatch@gmail.com
Thursday, 16 September 2010
Burton Joyce Neighbourhood Watch initiative
Are your holidays over ?
Just a reminder to everyone that we have now recommenced our FREE "Training into e mailing and the Internet" after our brief summer recess.
Our course open to the "Over 50's" comprises or just TWO - one hour sessions ( Face to Face) using our individual "ABC Tutorial" technique.
It is not necessary to own a computer, as the Library service has free access to the Internet with several computers which can be used by anyone owning a library card .
To book a training session, call in the BJ Library, (any Monday Morning) to one of our Neighbourhood Watch POP-INs (10:00 <12:00 )
It's an easy way to join your friends and relatives Online - dont hesitate -you will not regret it
Our website is http://www.burtonjoyceonline.co.uk/ and email bjowatch@gmail.com
Just a reminder to everyone that we have now recommenced our FREE "Training into e mailing and the Internet" after our brief summer recess.
Our course open to the "Over 50's" comprises or just TWO - one hour sessions ( Face to Face) using our individual "ABC Tutorial" technique.
It is not necessary to own a computer, as the Library service has free access to the Internet with several computers which can be used by anyone owning a library card .
To book a training session, call in the BJ Library, (any Monday Morning) to one of our Neighbourhood Watch POP-INs (10:00 <12:00 )
It's an easy way to join your friends and relatives Online - dont hesitate -you will not regret it
Our website is http://www.burtonjoyceonline.co.uk/ and email bjowatch@gmail.com
Monday, 21 June 2010
Burton Joyce COMMUNITY Neighbourhood Watch
Burton Joyce now and once again has an operational Neighbourhood Watch scheme.
This new initiative is a true community initiative it is NOT associated with any local administration - Parish Council, LA Council or the County Council. HOWEVER it does have the support of the South Nottinghamshire Police .
Burton Joyce now and once again has an operational Neighbourhood Watch scheme.
This new initiative is a true community initiative it is NOT associated with any local administration - Parish Council, LA Council or the County Council. HOWEVER it does have the support of the South Nottinghamshire Police .
As with each Neighbourhood Watch scheme this paricular initiative is
"OWNED and RUN by its volunteers"
On Saturday the 19th of June the residents involved in this new initiative organised an OPEN DAY at the Carnarvon Rooms in the village centre. This event was a resounding success - much of the pre-event publicity being kindly provided by numerous local busineesses and individuals .
On Saturday the 19th of June the residents involved in this new initiative organised an OPEN DAY at the Carnarvon Rooms in the village centre. This event was a resounding success - much of the pre-event publicity being kindly provided by numerous local busineesses and individuals .
On the actual day many from the community came forward to act as volunteer Street Co-ordinators, supplementing the many who had volunteered before the Open Day event .
The day was primarily staged to publically announce the re-establishment of the Burton Joyce Community Neighbourhood Watch and introduce several new initiatives, designed to bring the new scheme and its volunteers closer ( physically ) to the community.
These initiatives are
1) A Monday Morning NHW "Pop-In" on Monday mornings at the BJ Library
2)Personal/confidential/incident reports re suspicious occurances in the village
3)A personal and confidential Holiday Watch scheme
4)A dedicated e mail address - bjowatch@gmail.com
5)A dedicated NHW section within http://www.burtonjoyceonline.co.uk/ website featuring regular updates and Police Alerts ( Hard copies on file at the (Pop-in)
6)A section within the website's interactive Forum for comments, opinions and suggestions etc
7) Advise and supply of Home and Personal security devices .
Finally we have been asked to join in with others and to publically thank all who gave of their time and effort, plus all those who actually attended the event - ensuring the day was such a success. Each and everyone of you was personally intrumental in creating the
The day was primarily staged to publically announce the re-establishment of the Burton Joyce Community Neighbourhood Watch and introduce several new initiatives, designed to bring the new scheme and its volunteers closer ( physically ) to the community.
These initiatives are
1) A Monday Morning NHW "Pop-In" on Monday mornings at the BJ Library
2)Personal/confidential/incident reports re suspicious occurances in the village
3)A personal and confidential Holiday Watch scheme
4)A dedicated e mail address - bjowatch@gmail.com
5)A dedicated NHW section within http://www.burtonjoyceonline.co.uk/ website featuring regular updates and Police Alerts ( Hard copies on file at the (Pop-in)
6)A section within the website's interactive Forum for comments, opinions and suggestions etc
7) Advise and supply of Home and Personal security devices .
Finally we have been asked to join in with others and to publically thank all who gave of their time and effort, plus all those who actually attended the event - ensuring the day was such a success. Each and everyone of you was personally intrumental in creating the
Burton Joyce Community Neighbourhood Watch
Thank you one and all
Thursday, 20 May 2010
Burton Joyce Community
A change in face
Hi everyone
This Blog has been given a facelift ( Wow! that really is punny- what?).
As this is a new financial year and there should be Parish Council elections next year, I am now taking an uptodate look and reporting the on the relevant facts and incidents which probably affect the majority of those in our communty during the period running up to the actual voting.
To days topic is the "Anti Wind Turbine" lobby and the village exhibitions which will be featured both the coming Saturday and the following Saturday in the Carnarvon Rooms in the village centre
I am not taking a role either way or coming down on any side of the argument for and against , we simply say that the debate within the village is inevitably grossly unbalanced and biased by a few activists against the proposed plan ( with an unsubtantiated claim that they represent the vast majority against the scheme).
In fact the Chairman of the initial village meeting called in the Village Hall to discuss the "fors and againsts" meeting ( the chairman of the Parish Council ), had a vested interest in the topic and his openng statement clearly emphasised he would not allow any questions or arguments from the floor of the meeting, re- the benefits or the "green" credentials of the proposed plan -
The village anti lobby is also lead by aother Parish Councillor (who also has a vested interest which has now been waved by the GBC). This "Anti" lobby now has major financial support from the Parish Council, however , there is no equivalent financial contribution available to a "Pro" lobby .
Now I am not claiming that the majority of the community is actualy "for or against" the scheme, however I am saying that the original village meeting to discuss the action was flawed and biased and that one of attending villager's call for a referendum does not appear to have been answered or considered. I also suggest that the show of hands at the end of the meeting ( by approx 150/200 of the village population estimated at 3500/4000) was and is an undemocratic
assessment of the community opinion and furthermore the financial involvement with contribution by the BJPC is questionable
I await comments!
Hi everyone
This Blog has been given a facelift ( Wow! that really is punny- what?).
As this is a new financial year and there should be Parish Council elections next year, I am now taking an uptodate look and reporting the on the relevant facts and incidents which probably affect the majority of those in our communty during the period running up to the actual voting.
To days topic is the "Anti Wind Turbine" lobby and the village exhibitions which will be featured both the coming Saturday and the following Saturday in the Carnarvon Rooms in the village centre
I am not taking a role either way or coming down on any side of the argument for and against , we simply say that the debate within the village is inevitably grossly unbalanced and biased by a few activists against the proposed plan ( with an unsubtantiated claim that they represent the vast majority against the scheme).
In fact the Chairman of the initial village meeting called in the Village Hall to discuss the "fors and againsts" meeting ( the chairman of the Parish Council ), had a vested interest in the topic and his openng statement clearly emphasised he would not allow any questions or arguments from the floor of the meeting, re- the benefits or the "green" credentials of the proposed plan -
The village anti lobby is also lead by aother Parish Councillor (who also has a vested interest which has now been waved by the GBC). This "Anti" lobby now has major financial support from the Parish Council, however , there is no equivalent financial contribution available to a "Pro" lobby .
Now I am not claiming that the majority of the community is actualy "for or against" the scheme, however I am saying that the original village meeting to discuss the action was flawed and biased and that one of attending villager's call for a referendum does not appear to have been answered or considered. I also suggest that the show of hands at the end of the meeting ( by approx 150/200 of the village population estimated at 3500/4000) was and is an undemocratic
assessment of the community opinion and furthermore the financial involvement with contribution by the BJPC is questionable
I await comments!
Wednesday, 28 April 2010
Burton Joyce Neighbourhood Watch
The re-establishment of the community initiative -
Burton Joyce Community Neighbourhood Watch
This initiative, when up and running will introduce the national recognised proactive crime reduction scheme, bringing back the nationally proven proactive crime reduction scheme to the village
You can link direct via http://www.burtonjoyceonline.co.uk/
The Burton Joyce Community Neighbourhood Watch category is now online in its own dedicated category see within BJO's HOT GOSSIP menu section
Sunday, 11 April 2010
BJ Residents Association AGM - April 2010
This was the first BJRA meeting I had attended and I must say it was most pleasing to hear that the last 12 months had been a relatively quiet period re the two major contentious issues - the Gravel Extraction and Flood Issues . However I was personally assured that the BJRA would continue to be vigilant in the future, with a constant "eye-open" for any possible surreptious advances by those wanting to gain by ressurecting this issue once again.
It was also good to learn at first hand - from existing officers of the BJ Preservation Society, also present at the meeting - that they fully backed and appreciated the work of the BJRA - Julie O'Neill in particular - for her expertise and constant endevours to thwart the development of mineral extration and her personal application in gaining further commitment by the Environmental Agency to finace the Bj Flood Protection with a £490,000 investment .
However we will all await with bated breath for the putting to bed and the completion of these two respective issues
This was the first BJRA meeting I had attended and I must say it was most pleasing to hear that the last 12 months had been a relatively quiet period re the two major contentious issues - the Gravel Extraction and Flood Issues . However I was personally assured that the BJRA would continue to be vigilant in the future, with a constant "eye-open" for any possible surreptious advances by those wanting to gain by ressurecting this issue once again.
It was also good to learn at first hand - from existing officers of the BJ Preservation Society, also present at the meeting - that they fully backed and appreciated the work of the BJRA - Julie O'Neill in particular - for her expertise and constant endevours to thwart the development of mineral extration and her personal application in gaining further commitment by the Environmental Agency to finace the Bj Flood Protection with a £490,000 investment .
However we will all await with bated breath for the putting to bed and the completion of these two respective issues
Saturday, 20 March 2010
Suspicious Phone Calls
All Virgin media customers should beware of possible bogus phone calls
See our warning on the Home or Forum beta page of our Mother site at
Friday, 12 March 2010
Does Burton Joyce really need a Parish Council?
No No No!
The result of a 15 month in depth investigation into the activities of our Parish Council is posted in our Mother site. This lays out a serialise case for a Negative response to the question
Click on the link to http://www.burtonjoyceonline.co.uk/hot-gossip2.html
The result of a 15 month in depth investigation into the activities of our Parish Council is posted in our Mother site. This lays out a serialise case for a Negative response to the question
Click on the link to http://www.burtonjoyceonline.co.uk/hot-gossip2.html
Sunday, 28 February 2010
Celebration of Village Life
burtonjoyceonline and Free basic Computer and Internet instruction for the Over 50's

burtonjoyceonline principals have become volunteers with the IT Champions scheme for the Over 50's -
This scheme which is FREE to the Over 50's is supported by Charity- Rural Communities Action Nottinghamshire and provides in conjunction with the Governments MY GUIDE online computer learning programme the basic instruction in the use of computers for e mail and the internet required by many of the elderly
The initial reaction by the community Burton Joyce has been really well received and the project with the cooperation of the local library now offers a FREE Monday morning "Pop in" as a taster of what is on offer to them.
Saturday, 6 February 2010
A Remarkable Story
working for an "all inclusive, all participating" community
Totally Independent - BJ Principals - Established Jan 2009
****STOP PRESS!!!! - Everyone should read this remarkable story of such individual courage, endeavour and a parents love for their child . A love which brought their son back from a vegetable state to a condition which has allowed him a genuine life ( albeit handicapped and speachless ) with love, happines and marriage and with the aid of computers allows him to communicate, study and work.
All our readers MUST click on this link for a truly remarkable story
(http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-1248617/From-age-12-26-Martin-frozen-body-unable-speak-But-just-look-.html )
See our mother site at http://www.burtonjoyceonline.co.uk/
working for an "all inclusive, all participating" community
Totally Independent - BJ Principals - Established Jan 2009
****STOP PRESS!!!! - Everyone should read this remarkable story of such individual courage, endeavour and a parents love for their child . A love which brought their son back from a vegetable state to a condition which has allowed him a genuine life ( albeit handicapped and speachless ) with love, happines and marriage and with the aid of computers allows him to communicate, study and work.
All our readers MUST click on this link for a truly remarkable story
(http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-1248617/From-age-12-26-Martin-frozen-body-unable-speak-But-just-look-.html )
See our mother site at http://www.burtonjoyceonline.co.uk/
Monday, 18 January 2010
After 12 months experiencing at first hand the antics of the Burton Joyce Parish Council and the fact that their stated communication policy is for "Open and Transparent" disclosure , unfortunately just is not happening.
The Parish Council's relative simple proceedure of posting Council and Committee Agenda and Minutes on their own website just is NOT happening
We at burtonjoyceonline have therefore decided to begin a B J Parish Council "WATCH"-
We have started this WATCH to bring to the attention of the B J Silent Majority (which is 50% of the community and who are over 50 years old) that they have little or no benefit from the £115,000 budget administered by the BJ Parish Council - in tax provided for administration of the total community.
Please visit our Mother Site for full detail of this situation within our community
The Parish Council's relative simple proceedure of posting Council and Committee Agenda and Minutes on their own website just is NOT happening
We at burtonjoyceonline have therefore decided to begin a B J Parish Council "WATCH"-
We have started this WATCH to bring to the attention of the B J Silent Majority (which is 50% of the community and who are over 50 years old) that they have little or no benefit from the £115,000 budget administered by the BJ Parish Council - in tax provided for administration of the total community.
Please visit our Mother Site for full detail of this situation within our community
Our Mother site is at www.burtonjoyceonline.co.uk
Tuesday, 12 January 2010
Our Mother site
Changing Service Provider
Our mother site at www.burtonjoyceonline.co.uk is currently being resited with another Service Provider. Should you experience delays in logging onto the site please be patient for a little while.
Bee Jay
Our mother site at www.burtonjoyceonline.co.uk is currently being resited with another Service Provider. Should you experience delays in logging onto the site please be patient for a little while.
Bee Jay
Friday, 1 January 2010
WIND TURBINES ( proposed)
( A comment posted by DEEPTHROAT in our mother site Forum beta) - www.burtonjoyceonline.co.uk
How about a balanced response to the BJPC's action against the POSSIBILITY of STW unspecified windturbines proposals
At the recent meeting in the BJ Village Hall - called by the BJPC ( and at a cost to the Parish Council's budget), it was claimed ( at the most) 150 of the community turned out in attendance .
Now if ALL those in attendance were actually representing different households ( most unlikely as the majority attending appeared to be couples) - then the ANTI Windturbine voters can onlu actually claim the support of less than 10% of the community households
Now that does put the whole issue in perspective
How about a balanced response to the BJPC's action against the POSSIBILITY of STW unspecified windturbines proposals
At the recent meeting in the BJ Village Hall - called by the BJPC ( and at a cost to the Parish Council's budget), it was claimed ( at the most) 150 of the community turned out in attendance .
Now if ALL those in attendance were actually representing different households ( most unlikely as the majority attending appeared to be couples) - then the ANTI Windturbine voters can onlu actually claim the support of less than 10% of the community households
Now that does put the whole issue in perspective
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