Friday 3 December 2010

"Strategic Plan" BJPC suggestions


.........................."IS THAT REALLY A PIE IN THE SKY ?...........

Sept2010 –Burton Joyce Strategic Plans .The BJPC begins its 3 year strategic planning for the village early November.

After feedback from the village plan and other sources the BJPC wants to set targets for areas of improvements within the village: Suggestions so far have been:

1. Village Centre facelift including new surface , furniture an lighting to the area around the Post office.

2. Christmas tree lighting up ceremony in the village as community event

3. BJPC to take over verge cutting from NCC in an attempt to have neater more frequently cut grass areas

4. New pathway and verges to wasteland next to Nelson Car park and access to Trent

5. Additional Parking pull-ins to service estate agent shopping area and village hall.

6. Additional revenue stream for the Poplars to get closer to self sufficiency of income—with an all weather pitch.

7. Closer consultation with NCC and GBC department to ensure Burton Joyce and its residents are cared for and its environment and if it can deliver any additional services such as verge cutting or local repairs more cost effectively than the larger agencies.

8. Community Power scheme development. Using either Photovoltaic panels( large scale) or Low Head Turbines on the Trent.

These are just some of the ideas being considered and prioritised by the BJPC and then adopted into a formal strategic policy for the next few years

WOW!- "Grass verge cutting" "Community Power scheme", "Christmas Tree ceremony", "All weather Pitch" "addirional parking for Estate Agentss" " new pathway toside of Lord Nelson etc" Where are specific considerations for improving and assisting the lot of the 50% within the community who are Over 50years

The Villge centre facelift appears to be the ONLY GENUINE STRATEGIC suggestion all the rest appear to be classic examples of "politic-ing"

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