Sunday 18 December 2011

BJVP Review

Burton Joyce Village Plan REVIEW

We are justly proud and priviledged to be residents and members of the village community (since 1971) and instrumental in re-establishing the “BJ community NHW “ in mid 2010.

In late 2008 we created and developed “Burton Joyce Online” our Community website - ( .

Over the period we have attracted a great number of BJ friends .. .. plus several “not so friendly” acquaintances who have not appreciated several of our comments and opinions ( sometimes the truth hurts and/or may be misunderstood )

We are seeking to provide the community information

a)“Online” via our web site,

b) by our e mail circulation list (descrete and private)

c) by offering our “burtonjoycenews” letter, freely available via e mail (discrete/private) and at several locations within the village centre -

The content of our “burtonjoycenews” is and will always be wide and variable including topics associated with the NHW, Local Authorities , Parish Council activities and subjects of interest ( serious, amusing and contentious ) to all in our community – young, mature & seniors


NOW We did intend to begin the first of our reviews and comments on the progress or otherwise on the concerns and suggestions schemes listed within the recent

BJ VILLAGE PLAN published 2011 - particularly the following topics









After deciding to review the “Burton Joyce Village Plan- 2011” publication We drafted out copy for the eventual posting online. After a couple of days allowing it to develop, We have now decided NOT to post the notes. Instead we have decided to archive them, within our ongoing study and research paper into the “BJ Community 2009 < ? “ - So here is our alternative and brief conclusion to the current publication

We are of the opinion that the BJVP conclusions reached after 2 years of investigation, culminating in the BJ Village Plan - 2011 publication, is that the initiative lacks the overall, authoritative, technical, content which is necessary for implementing such lifestyle changes needed for our community undertaking.

We suggest that the majority of our community - 74%- who did NOT complete/respond to the BJ Village Plan Questionnairre anticipated the same conclusion !

A final comment - was the creation of the BJ Village Plan and its working committee the direct result of the complete lack of empathy, understanding and communication of the community’s needs/opinions by our Parish Council over the last 5+ years?

Understanding of the need of the BJ community could have, and still can be, obtained with a greater degree of accuracy, less financial expenditure and certainly over a much shorter time period. This can be achieved by all Parish Councillors having REGULAR personal “face to face” contact with each and every interest group, society, organisation’s membership and residents in our community instead of the PLANNED QUARTERLY COMMITTEE MEETINGS –

BJPC ‘s newly created “Community Engagement Committee” please note !!


Obviously the individually schemes listed, will all progress at different rates/speed. However we do suggest, even at this early stage, that full provision is quickly established and put in place to keep all the community, promptly and FULLY INFORMED with PRO-ACTIVE “Open and Transparent” COMMUNICATION


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