Thursday 6 December 2012

Re-enforcement of NHW schemes/Police engagement


NG14 Genealogy website

A Re enforcement of my Blog at
Here is a selection of my daily twitterings to bring the subject to the fore and in front of those who may be able to re-enforce my views and create change

Before you read my "Twitterings" Here is a REALLY interesting link and initiative for everyone incl police/PCC and NHWatchers to read and note -

My Twitterings ..  ..  ..  ..  

GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD MOOOOOOOOOORNIIIIIIING to all in NG14 - Tweeting NOTTS COPS (hoping others will join soon) & to NHW members everywhere 

League table for TWEETING by local county police forces - NOTTS COPS hug bottom place with LEICESTER top, LINCS, DERBY, S YORKS all above

 SUGGEST  NOTTSCOPS- Regular DIGITAL engagement between Neighbourhood Beat teams & local NHW schemes to be established as routine ASAP

At local levels we the NHW need to ENGAGE with our "Neighbourhood Beat Teams". Yes! NEIGHBOURHOOD BEAT TEAMS also need to ENGAGE with us

NHW Schemes/coordinators/members have vital role in creating, maintaining community's contribution in crime prevention/solving. 

However NHW in this digital age has same objectives, yet reqs change in engagement with Neighbourhood Beat Teams, NH Alert initiative & YES TWITTER

We should all be proud, stand tall & united as NHW members locally and nationwide. We member/volunteers are owners of our individual schemes

If U R a NHW scheme Coordinator/member PLEASE make yourself known for together we R stronger and more effective than we R as individuals

A PROACTIVE "NHW" plus ENGAGED "Neighbourhood Beat Teams" can BENEFIT society /local COMMUNITIES. However it does REQUIRE real ENGAGEMENT

I know from the NOTTS POLICE website all the BEAT TEAMS in the county. Yet R the BEAT TEAMS aware of all the NHW schemes in the county ?

As a NHW Coordinator I am perturbed/concerned with absence of direct relationships with other NHW's & Beat Teams in NG14 & adjoining areas

Cannot understand the need/expense for Police Crime SURVEYS. Its tantamount to saying DONT know what is happening. Will U let us know ? :-)

ALL NOTTS NHW schemes & their members, show yourself and be heard by everyone in your COMMUNITY and also ENGAGE your NEIGHBOURHOOD BEAT team

There is small number of excellent NHW schemes in the county It cannot fail to be beneficial if ALL county schemes became visible/prominent

POLICE NEIGHBOURHOOD BEAT TEAMS relationships with NHW schemes exists in many areas nationwide. NOTTS PCC should ensure it happens in county

"TELL" me & I will "FORGET" - "SHOW" me & I will "REMEMBER" - "INVOLVE" me & I will "UNDERSTAND" We can all benefit by adopting this mantra

"Wish we could of have more frequent NG14 NEIGHBOURHOOD BEAT UPDATES in ANY FORM/STYLE Pleeeese ! Most communities/residents have same view


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