Wednesday 9 January 2013


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NEIGHBOURHOOD UPDATE  provided by our Neighbourhood Beat Team  (Updated 3rd January 2013)  


Over the last month we have had the following crimes committed in the Village.
There have been two metal thefts one on Nottingham Road a quantity of scrap metal from the rear garden and the other on Lambley Lane a theft of a tin bath.
There has been a house burglary on Lambley Lane the offenders smashed a rear patio door to gain entry.
We have had 2 thefts from motor vehicles, one on Langham Drive where the offenders stole the catalytic convertor from underneath a van and the other was the theft of registration plates from a car on Shaftesbury Avenue.
There has also been a garage broken into on Nottingham Road but no property was stolen.
On the Anti Social Behaviour front we have had a couple of calls but no particular pattern has been identified.
We continue to receive calls relating to Scrap Metal Collectors in the area, the main call we get is that the collectors are collecting items that have not yet been disposed of by the householder. Our advice is if you don’t want to lose it put it out of sight, experience has shown that if the collectors can see it they will take it. After all it is your property please secure it accordingly.

Parking around the village continues to raise its head and on street parking seems to have increased over the last few months, can I suggest that all residents be considerate with their parking and think about how and where they park, we continue to get vehicles parked on pavements causing people with children and pushchairs to walk in the road. Most upsetting is that when this behaviour is challenged some drivers have the nerve to be abusive to the challenger. If you suffer this type of behaviour please report it and we will take action against the perpetrator.
Parking is also our new priority within the village and we will look at taking action with regard to parking.


Over the last month we have had no reported crime in Lambley Village.
We should put this down to good Policing but I believe that the wet weather and flooding may have played a part in this. 
There have been no reports of anti social behaviour within the village over the last month, but we will continue to patrol the village on a regular basis.
Please remember that if you wish to make contact with your local beat team at one of our engagements within the village and these are on the web site. There is one engagement at Floralands and the other in the Lambley car park. 


Over the last month there have been no crimes reported at Stoke Bardolph the main concern has been the flooding of the River Trent, happily the Trent flooding has now subsided and as far as we are aware very little damage was caused to properties within the area, in fact the Ferry Boat Public House remained open throughout most of the flooding which is in itself commendable.
Speeding in the area continues to be a problem that we are addressing. 
There have been no reports of anti social behaviour within the village over the last month. 
Please come along to our beat surgeries and patch walks and watch out for more of our updates for what’s happening in your area. 


With the onslaught of the bad weather please drive carefully paying particular attention to the dangerous conditions. If it is not necessary please leave your vehicle at home and walk or use alternative public transport. Please also watch out for the elderly and infirm during the cold spells. Be a good neighbour and pay that visit it may well help safe a life.

Hopefully all residents had a good Christmas and we wish you all a Happy New Year

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