Monday, 29 September 2008

Relevance of this Blog

Perhaps now is an opportune time to explain the relevance of myself and the Burton Joyce Blog.

My ancesters have been associated with the village since the mid 1600's in various roles, Farmers, Blacksmiths, Shopkeepers, Church verger, Journalists, Land owners, FWK's, Bagmen etc etc. I have researched their history to some extent ( there is always the need to dig deeper) and have produce the following images, below to illustrate their association.

"THE BOX" and the"Alvey's of Burton Joyce" TimeLine

You will see from the TimeLine Image that my own paternal branch of the family left "The Box" in the late 1700's and I un-knowingly returned back into "The Box" in the late 1900's

I therefore sense and obligation to my ancesters to continue our historical link to the village by adding my own contribution to the village history. I can best accomplish this via the Blog, for, by noting todays news and events, they inevitably be "history come tomorrow"

Thus, this is my reasoning/interest/obligation in producing the "BURTON JOYCE BLOG"

Sunday, 28 September 2008

BJ Co-op answers hooligans?


Note the black and yellow cast iron bollards - protecting the entrance

Most of you have will have seen the ongoing/continual damage to the brick wall buttresses at the Main Street entrance to the Co-op car park. Whether is has been deliberate damage or the result of sheer negligence/carelessness by certain car drivers must be "questionable". Well they have now installed more substantial and brightly coloured bollards to mark more clearly the Entrance/Exit. However, if CCTV cameras had been or were to be installed in the village centre, then the truth behind this or any other deliberate or accidental incident should become clear. - Let us not have the redundant comment about us as individuals loosing our personal liberty. Many villagers loose some personal liberty daily, with legislation and the action of others

Saturday, 27 September 2008

Ploughing Match and Show at BJ&B

Southwell Ploughing Match and Show at BJ&B

Weather to-day, Ah! Look at the images.. ..

Preparation.................................. On the Day

Miles of Car parking

"Shires" used for ploughing.............. Early mechanical ploughing

"Later" Tractor ploughing

Ploughing today.......................... Show Jumping Ring

and "Just Looking" !!

Southwell Ploughing Match and Show
- Bulcote Estate Farm (Severn Trent) hosts the event -

First of all, once again, many thanks to Severn Trent - Bulcote Farm Estate organisation for their ongoing generosity to three villages and in particular for hosting today this great event.

Burton Joyce is a Trentside village, with much of the adjoining land being the responsibility of “Severn Trent and their Bulcote Farm Estate”. This large concern has many huge/vast fields, generally flat, for its arable activities and grazes their Cattle herds within the numerous enclosures with lush green grazing areas alongside the River Trent, spanning Bulcote, Burton Joyce and Stoke Bardolph.

The company maintains a vast number of fields with border margins through-out their estate, providing walkers, ramblers and country life enthusiasts with access to mile upon mile of attractive path-ways, bridal-ways and old road-ways ( ie-the old Grimsby Road, etc.) and numerous water filled gravel pit areas ( great for fishing and the local wildfowl). It is difficult to imagine a more attractive and expansive riverside area anywhere, ( yes! Anywhere ), a riverside which provides so many combinations of walks of various lengths and difficulty, plus innumerable photographic opportunities, fishing and pick-nic areas etc - it is a fabulous amenity available for us locals.. .. . and others of course !

The Ploughing match saw tremendous competitions with numerous classes and techniques…Plus other competitions galour, Best vegetable and fruit contests, baking ( for male and female), heaviest produce, longest produce, flower arranging, best blooms it goes on and on…… it was temendous and the highest compliments must be paid to the organisers,judges and contestant of this historic event ( over 100 years plus) an all those who came along in their thousand to witness this marvellous event.. … … ..

The multiple show ring areas were enormous and impressive and must be compared to many of the Larger County Shows. The numerous events and competitions were excellent and closely competed thro-out, the day and of course there were the usual contingent of Trade exhibitors keen to show their products and services.

Quite frankly it is quite difficult to explain the immense pride, which the hosting of such an Event gives to all of us within the 3 villages. It certainly shows and emphasises that rural life is not all scarecrows, floppy hats and the chewing of corn stalks, and walking sticks which fole out to make a seat, but there is also much sophistication and ingenuity which does supplement and enhances the natural beauty of this, our attractive English country side …

Thank-you to the Organisers of the “Southwell Ploughing Match and Show” for choosing to stage their event within the Bulcote Farm Estate and also to the Farm Management for their participatory/progressive hosting

Today must go down in history as a record for the greatest number of visitors and cars etc., to visit our 3 villages in any one single day........ EVER.. .!

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Friday, 26 September 2008

Higher fruit and veg prices ??? !!!

BJ's weather today - Misty to start/forcasts Bright/Sunny later

Burton Joyce Allotments

During my daily walk yesterday - I was privy to a chat between a couple of BJ gardeners
It would appear that the country's economic situation and increase in the weekly food costs, particularly fruit and vegetables, has resulted in certain "low-life individuals" adopting their own illicit PYO remedy ( PYO = Picking Your Own). -
This illicit, unscrupulous, anti-social, practice of PYO takes place mainly during late evenings and hours of darkness, and is the action of trespassing and stealing the results of a number of "BJ Allotment Holders". Results of 100's of hours of individual, dedicated, manual endeavors (throughout all weathers, over many months, during this year and many previous years)


Thursday, 25 September 2008

Notts County FC. Legend


SEPTEMBER 25th -2008 -


It is with great sadness and regret to report that the well respected and admired, long-time Burton Joyce resident JIMMY SIRREL today passed away and left this life - aged 86

"Jimmy was a quiet, respected, gentleman who chose to live in BJ for over 35 years - He and his "Scottish accent" will be greatly missed"


Flooding = Government cash gains ?


The floods of 2007 and 2008 resulted in extensive damage to many local buildings and areas. However, there still appears to be no overall development scheme,
PLUS the remedial work to repair the homes affected across the county is estimated to have generated a staggering additional £1.2 billion for the Government in VAT and the Tax on profit (the Conservative Party states)
Why therefore is it the Government is only willing to give Local Authorities a mere £49 million to rectify the damage ?? ..??

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A612 Road Closure & Bus Plugs

BJ's weather today cloudy with some sunshine

Following their much delayed review the County Council declared they would not re-open the old A612 to local traffic, despite pleas from the opposition and a 90% public desire to have the road opened. Pleas backed by a house to house signatured survey in Burton Joyce, Gedling and Netherfield
The Council and Government purport to create policy that will drive down carbon emissions. This road scheme increases local car travel by an extra 4 million miles ( the Conservative party claim )
Apart from the pollution, this is an inconvenience and cost to locals. it creates a barrier between communities, further congestion in Netherfield and Lambley and puts small shops and businesses at risk of closure

("I wish I had some financial interest in the manufacture and installation of new signs and traffic lights !!! Oh yes! oh yes!")

This type of re- action to local residents needs and views once again creates suspicion and "smacks" of "alternative agendas" behind the closed doors of power !!!!

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Wednesday, 24 September 2008

B J. Parish accounts 2007/2008.

Below is an extract from The BJ Residents Association Blog.
I believe that it is in the interests of all of us who choose to live in this attractive and pleasant village to be aware of the sterling work undertaken by this diligent group - Their full website address is you should visit.. ..

Annual Parish Meeting

Not many people turned up to the Annual Parish Meeting in May. The right for local people to run their own affairs and vote for their representatives was fought for with great passion by our predecessors in the nineteenth century. Why is there such disinterest today?

The Annual Parish Meeting should be one of the most important occasions in the village calendar. It’s an opportunity to support the 11 Councillors on the Parish Council and their 6 employees who work on our behalf. It’s also an opportunity to hear what has been achieved during the year and how the Council has spent your money. And it’s also an opportunity to make proposals for future development and actions. Perhaps you don’t know what the Parish Council does. One way to find out is to attend its monthly meeting held on the first Tuesday in the month at the Village Hall. Look at the notices on the Parish Council notice-board in the centre of the village for times, dates and other information.

What is the parish precept? That is the additional amount Burton Joyce people pay as part of the Council Tax to pay for the extra facilities and services the Parish Council provides for the parish. BJ residents pay the highest parish precept in Gedling.

For 2008/9 the Council Tax payable for Band D homes in BJ is:
Nottinghamshire County Council £1,158.43
Gedling Borough Council £ 139.17
Police Authority £ 145.62
Fire Authority £ 65.44
Burton Joyce Parish £ 41.40
Total £1,549.18

Burton Joyce Parish Council increased its charges by 15.4% this year.
Parts of Gedling without parish Councils pay £1508.66

Why do villages with parish councils have to pay more than the urban parts of the Borough?
Do villages get as good a service as urban areas? "

The expenditure of the Parish Council is also a subject that each resident of the village should be aware of

The Parish Council Accounts for 2007-8 are now available for public inspection. Anyone on the BJ electoral roll can inspect the accounts between 9.30 am and 12.30 until 27 June at the parish office. Make an appointment with the Parish Clerk on 931 4084. See Parish Council notice-board in the village centre for full details

For the benefit of those who can’t get to the parish office, a simplified summary of the accounts is given below:


Parish precept £52,600
Revenue Grant £29,700
Capital aid £2,500
Agency services £900
Cemetery fees £2,800
Allotment rent £1,500
Sports ground fees £10,600
Playscheme grant/fees £500
Gala £5,200
Other income "2,200


Salaries £47,000
Administration £12,200
Equipment and Maintn £4,400
Gala £5,400
Cemetery and other areas £2,300
Allotments £1,700
Sports ground £31,800
Christmas lights £5,500
Playscheme £1,000
Donations £700


*****My own initial observation is that the

Sports Field is costing the BJ residents: £31,800 minus its income of £10,600.

This means the residents are subsidising this particular facility to the tune of £21,200 per year ????

Am I missing something .. .. ?

B J,s Bye-pass congestion

BJ's weather today - overcast

Map illustrating how Bye-Pass cuts thro the BJ Village

- Burton Joyce is quite a pleasant village, amid some really pleasant and adjoining countryside. The social cross section of the population ( in excess of 2000 ) is wide and variable with very little or no extremes at the edges, This makes for a comfortable situation for everyone........

So here is a grumble. -
Some 40 years or so ago, a "Bye-pass" to the village was built, which in fact, actually split the village in half. Today, after the relevant Local Authorities decided to develop Industrial Trading and Shopping Estates, "Bus Plugs" etc., plus... resulted in the e road thro the village becoming the second major access to and from Nottingham City (from the east). Yes! I will accept progress is necessary, however, to overlook the impact on the population "down-stream" is sheer negligence. Now the local retail park - sporting a Morrisons, B&Q, Next Halfords is now having a new Tesco Store fitted out.
At least, it is not unreasonable to assume that the technocrats would have anticipated the affect with difficult hazards and a huge increase in the numbers of heavy multi-wheeled transporter vehicles serving the Outlets
The hazard created is for the pedestrian and local traffic alike wanting to cross the traffic flow coming from the City ( the right) into the opposite lane to travel from the village, school and amenities. It is now necessary to wait and bide time to realise a suitable space from traffic traveling in both directions in order to allow safe access onto the carriageway, with the Juggernauts, Articulated trucks and Multi-Tiered Delivery Trucks transporting new/used vehicles to the Car Auction site and Logistic/storage facility for Fuel and New Car in addition to the normal commuter, business and leisure traffic.
The answer is quite simple - Two sets of Traffic Lights on the Bye- Pass/Station Road/ Main St. junction at the west (entrance) to the village and again at the east end of the Bypass, where it cuts Shaftsbury Avenue into two quite separate areas. There are also regular occasions, almost daily, when huge trucks use the Old Main Street into and thro the village to deliver produce direct to the Local Co-operative Store - quite ridiculous - these vehicles should be restrictions.. .. PLUS who on earth allowed the local bus service to ply their trade via the residential housing on Padley Lane and Foxhill Road ( roads never designed for commercial bus services)

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B J Co-op Disabled Parking

B J's weather today - Overcast

Why is it that a few individual car drivers in BJ, find they are unable to accept the fact that a limited number of spaces are allocated for the SOLE USE of officially registered less mobile villagers
The vast majority of this annoying abuse comes from individuals with the sole intention of extracting their cash from the wall dispenser as quickly as possible - even if it greatly inconveniences others
Hopefully some day in the future these particular individuals will not have to comment themselves on the lack of consideration and abuse by others
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Tuesday, 23 September 2008


"B.J. SILVER SURFERS - come in from the cold . " Although it is fine ( so far) today !!

Burton Joyce today

Here are a few relevant facts for Burton Joyce and Stoke Bardolph estimated for in the year 2004

Population - 3555 with 32% being over 60 years old ( this approximates to 1200)
Life expectancy - Female 83.2 years/ Male 82.2 years
Number of Pensioner households - 289

This Burton Joyce Blog project is my personal crusade - to attract and interest the many mature internet surfers in our villages, to unite and create our own “social” and in certain circumstance “pressure group“, by participating and exchanging thoughts, views and queries thro online chatting. This “Burton Joyce Blog” website is the place, where we can all meet without even leaving our own home.

Your invited participation is free - hopefully the detail will be informative, amusing, helpful, constructive, sometimes even contentious , but above all,
This is the easiest and speediest means of (distance) personal contact with other like individuals in Burton Joyce village especially for those who unfortunately may be housebound

So come on you mature, undervalued citizens, join together with others of similar values, attitude and concerns for maintaining your preferred lifestyle and developing further village amenities

Add this site to your computer Favourites BURTON JOYCE BLOG is )

Burton Joyce - 1609

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Monday, 22 September 2008

Who lives in a house like this?

One of my “eagle-eyes” has e-mailed a challenge

.Evidently there are two quite separate houses located in BJ within 50M/60M of each other, and they appear to intentionally “mirror” each other - (both reflect several significant and similar personal design features). However, whilst stargazing the other night, one of my “eagle-eyes” spotted a new highlight on the skyline - One of the mirrors had highlighted - (pun?) - and was displaying a “Flood-lit” Flag Pole, flying the England’s Patron Saint Standard.
However, it was noted that the other one of the pair of “mirrors” is apparently not yet in total reflecting mode, for although it does “mirror” with an identical Flag Pole, and has been flying our Patron Saint's Standard in daylight, as of yet it is not taken to highlighting in full Flood-lit mode - after dark !!

Who lives in a house(s) like this ……?

Disabled Car Parking


Why is it that a few individual car drivers in BJ, find they are unable to accept the fact that a limited number of spaces are allocated for the SOLE USE of officially registered less mobile villagers
The vast majority of this annoying abuse comes from individuals with the sole intention of extracting their cash from the wall dispenser as quickly as possible - even if it greatly inconveniences others
Hopefully some day in the future these particular individuals will not have to comment themselves on the lack of consideration and abuse by others



Hide & Seek

Hide & Seek

The other day I spotted the following - Can the "eagle-eyed" amongst you name the location ?

In this age of Greens, Conservation, Re-newables, Re-cycling etc. and with locals striving to maintain an "Attractive Village" - Can you spot my clues ?

SEEK this HIDDEN eyesore (with ongoing growth) stored (on view) within the village centre?.. It is there, Trust me!

Is this one of the reasons the village failed in this years competition ? ...I wonder!!

I Dislike Cats !


As a a child I suffered from asthma and on our GP's advise my parents gave away our family pets - dog and budgie, and began isolating me from anything "FURRY" ( which included animals of all kinds) thus I developed a phobia and aversion to them. I guess this is the underlying reason for my dislike. However, as we lived in a rural area I became interested in birds and wild fowl ( remotely I should add) - which undoubtedly is my particular stand on this occasion
WHY is it that cat owners generally allow their pets unfettered freedom - to roam around their immediate area exercising their natural wild instincts - doing their Number Twos and adopting their predatory skills, which invariably means STALKING, ATTACKING & PLAYFULLY KILLING !!, inferior sized animals, and other peoples non-predatory pets .WHY is it, if and when, the cat or kitten does not return "home", that.... PHASE 1 - a Search Party - is organised, for the local vicinity. This is invariably accompanied by the standard and repetitive "Cooeee !" call and calling out of the pets name. If this search and the "Cooee-ing" fails, then.. PHASE 2 immediately swings into operation - COMPUTER PRINT OUTS - (together with cat/kitten image),- are now attached ( frequently with water-poof coverings). to trees, lamp posts, notice boards in Post Offices and the local Retail Stores , etc , requesting, nay pleading, for any information, sightings or the return of their treasured, home- loving family pet cat or kitten.
My question. is..... If the pet is happy and content at home, WHY do they choose NOT to return? Unless they in turn have been stalked, attacked and playfully killed by a larger, more aggressive and accomplished predator than themselves.. ???..!!!!!.
This image shows our recent birthday present, our PEACEFUL, FRIENDLY, CURIOUS. NON-PREDATORY, WHITE DOVES, Eventually a local pet cat began cunningly stalking these beautiful creatures - during its morning circuit.. It should be added that the doves are housed within an outdoor/elevated Dovecote, within a 10M circuit netting (totally secure in their own space and completely safe ..??? !!! (or so we ..... - naively, stupidly,... thought ) -
. FOR! after 6 weeks of intimidation and obviously conniving, the local "domesticated" family cat, (allowed to roam and predicate freely) breached our security by chewing a hole in the netting and gaining access through the hole before injuring and laming one of our Doves and KILLING and removing another -
- How do we know? - security video footage.. ..

Beautiful, peaceful, curious, non-predatory Doves

"Safer roads ?? " No not at all

Do the Planning and Redevelopment Designers who plan/design/re-route our roads,( providing efficient access to commercial/industrial areas/ Retail parks etc,)- for multi-wheeled and heavy goods traffic-, really understand how their re-routing and traffic densities bear on the safety of local inhabitants - adults, teenagers, mothers and toddlers, walkers with pets, the elderly or infirmed, and the non commercial cars being driven to and from work.
These two images wewre taken within minutes of each other on Monday afternoon - the 15th - during the afternoon School leaving on Monday 15/09 . It illustrate precisely the problem - Heavy goods vehicles and Emergency Services continually use this road at most time. This was a rare "quiet" interlude, during the

daylight summer period not the dark winter day hours !!!!

"What is the problem ?" I can already hear their comment.. .. I suggest THEY stand on the pavements and central reservations whilst these and other vehicles thunder by - for even with vehicles travelling at or around 30 mph create a "SUCTION on PEDESTRIANS" which is concerning, threatening and dangerous.

WILL IT TAKE A FATALITY to DRIVE the message home?


Sunday, 21 September 2008

Intruders in our airspace

Hi. Everyone.

Back in the "ether" again - this time as your scribe to everything Burton Joyce & Bulcote. Spent some time these last few months establishing a blog content format and now after a couple on months trialling have created some content with an ongoing theme so here it is ...if you are comfortable lets begin

This is one of my pet grumbles - Some 2 years ago now I complained to the County Council and East Midlands Airport Authority about the intrusions into airspace not designated for commercial/passenger air traffic ( over BJ). The result of my complaint was.... complete silence from the E M Airport and some minor and ongoing noises (after a appointed meeting in the BJ Library with County Hall councillors).....
"What is your problem you may say.?" My problem is the possibility of a potential significant Air incident over our area which is not officially designated or accepted as official air corridors for "Low Flying" passenger flights. Looking into the sky from Burton Joyce it appears that many Passenger Jets now frequently take a landing circuit line over and down ( N to S) Shearing Hill, onto a course over the Trent in the vicinity of the Ferry Boat Pub, then over Radcliffe and into air space over Stanton/Keyworth and onto Donnington. The potential problem appears to peak at evening/holiday returns into EMA . Often simultaneous flights appear to be coming into the area from the South and into the airspace/junction which frequently has multiple and simultaneous returns from opposing directions, so much so that many deviations to a normal incoming flight paths are deviated in the final stages of their standard landing approach ...........We have actually had large Passenger Jets pass really low over our home ( usually in the late Autumn and around 10.00pm <12.00.)

Oh!. To cap it all I should also add, that, just over a year ago, whilst up on our roof at night star gazing, we saw the brightly lit SPACE CENTRE and the equally lit bright USA SPACE SHUTTLE chasing it - it was appeared over BJ, travelling from NW. to SE. at approx 10.40pm. It is no joke I assure you. However, I will say that a possible sighting had been publicised earlier in the day on the Local TV News programme >

BJ/Shelford Trent Valley airspace seen from BJ
