Monday 29 September 2008

Relevance of this Blog

Perhaps now is an opportune time to explain the relevance of myself and the Burton Joyce Blog.

My ancesters have been associated with the village since the mid 1600's in various roles, Farmers, Blacksmiths, Shopkeepers, Church verger, Journalists, Land owners, FWK's, Bagmen etc etc. I have researched their history to some extent ( there is always the need to dig deeper) and have produce the following images, below to illustrate their association.

"THE BOX" and the"Alvey's of Burton Joyce" TimeLine

You will see from the TimeLine Image that my own paternal branch of the family left "The Box" in the late 1700's and I un-knowingly returned back into "The Box" in the late 1900's

I therefore sense and obligation to my ancesters to continue our historical link to the village by adding my own contribution to the village history. I can best accomplish this via the Blog, for, by noting todays news and events, they inevitably be "history come tomorrow"

Thus, this is my reasoning/interest/obligation in producing the "BURTON JOYCE BLOG"

1 comment:

Zealot Ape said...

what's a bug man?