Monday 22 September 2008

I Dislike Cats !


As a a child I suffered from asthma and on our GP's advise my parents gave away our family pets - dog and budgie, and began isolating me from anything "FURRY" ( which included animals of all kinds) thus I developed a phobia and aversion to them. I guess this is the underlying reason for my dislike. However, as we lived in a rural area I became interested in birds and wild fowl ( remotely I should add) - which undoubtedly is my particular stand on this occasion
WHY is it that cat owners generally allow their pets unfettered freedom - to roam around their immediate area exercising their natural wild instincts - doing their Number Twos and adopting their predatory skills, which invariably means STALKING, ATTACKING & PLAYFULLY KILLING !!, inferior sized animals, and other peoples non-predatory pets .WHY is it, if and when, the cat or kitten does not return "home", that.... PHASE 1 - a Search Party - is organised, for the local vicinity. This is invariably accompanied by the standard and repetitive "Cooeee !" call and calling out of the pets name. If this search and the "Cooee-ing" fails, then.. PHASE 2 immediately swings into operation - COMPUTER PRINT OUTS - (together with cat/kitten image),- are now attached ( frequently with water-poof coverings). to trees, lamp posts, notice boards in Post Offices and the local Retail Stores , etc , requesting, nay pleading, for any information, sightings or the return of their treasured, home- loving family pet cat or kitten.
My question. is..... If the pet is happy and content at home, WHY do they choose NOT to return? Unless they in turn have been stalked, attacked and playfully killed by a larger, more aggressive and accomplished predator than themselves.. ???..!!!!!.
This image shows our recent birthday present, our PEACEFUL, FRIENDLY, CURIOUS. NON-PREDATORY, WHITE DOVES, Eventually a local pet cat began cunningly stalking these beautiful creatures - during its morning circuit.. It should be added that the doves are housed within an outdoor/elevated Dovecote, within a 10M circuit netting (totally secure in their own space and completely safe ..??? !!! (or so we ..... - naively, stupidly,... thought ) -
. FOR! after 6 weeks of intimidation and obviously conniving, the local "domesticated" family cat, (allowed to roam and predicate freely) breached our security by chewing a hole in the netting and gaining access through the hole before injuring and laming one of our Doves and KILLING and removing another -
- How do we know? - security video footage.. ..

Beautiful, peaceful, curious, non-predatory Doves

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