A Local Solution?
It would appear that our Government has no solution to answer or arrest the ever increasing Home Repossessions in the UK.
There were 40,000 home repossessions in the UK in 2008, from a housing stock, probably totalling 2million. This equates - in its simplest form - to 4 home repossessions here in Burton Joyce
Is there a solution within our own local community for looking after our own ?
Here is one resolution which we should all seriously consider .. ...
In today‘s society we are constantly solicited for weekly/monthly donations to a wide range of charities, animals, cancer, overseas tragedies, T V appeals etc., etc. Let us look closer to home?
In B J we have approximately 2000 households - If these B J families donate just 50p per household, each a week to a BJ Village Repossession Fund we can all do our bit in preventing 4 families within our own community, (possibly our personal friends), from loosing their most valuable and treasured possession. With just 50p a week form each household we can ensure BJ families are kept together, prevent children from becoming homeless, with the automatic disruption to their education, stability and childhood, - with possible subsequent lapses from the “straight and narrow”
The whole scheme can be administered/operated anonymously by 2 or more local discrete persons of repute. 50p donations can be freely given by cash donations into a collection bin possibly located securely with in the Post Office.
If you want to submit you own views of support or otherwise use our Poll or our Forum for debate
Well ! about it, - Lets create our own Home Repossession Prevention Fund