Sunday 22 February 2009

All right, NO!

All right ? No! Not right! Nor Left!
This is NOT, repeat NOT a POLITICAL posting. NEVER

It is intended as highlighting/underlining many, many points which just do not make sense to us mere mortal
Our Government gives £Billions to the initiators( Banks and speculators) of this recession/depression and virtually nothing to its own citizens. The PM is not to blame, according to him, yet he continues to expose himself as a world financial champion with increasing overseas travels and yet relatively NOTHING to the innocents in this his own nation

Unemployment - the Government announces a level of 1.97 Million at the end of Dec 2008 ( Huuumm!- this figure appears a little suspicious - too precise! Plus it is announced in late Feb 2009). Why does the Legislation take so long to publish at the end of 2008. Is it not possible to have instant publication by using running totals ?

Home Repossessions - 40,000 in 2008 and yet in Dec 2008 the Government announced a Mortgage Protection scheme - which incidentally is still not finalised or available to those already repossessed. SHAME ! SHAME ! SHAME on all you politicians

Promises and delivery- by the Government should be of the real world.
Why does every colour of Government adopt the same line? - allowing the legislator to consume untold time and facilities in establishing precise and exacting legal jargon in drafting laws and benefits - Whilst our Nation continues suffer in the face crisis and emergencies - created by others .. .. Why on earth are we as civilised society (who instantly donate to the appeals of others in need and turmoil), NOT capable of creating a means of rapidly servicing the unplanned critical need of sections of our own society in time of national crisis?

National Benefits legally entitled can take a 5 weeks delay to reach those people and families who have an instant need for cash fortheir everyday existence - Why? Because the Legislation cut back the Job Centre facilities in the “good times” and now cannot service the need of those legitimately requiring immediate help. Emergency payments just do not appear to be available to the those really in need

MP’s Pensions are GOLD PLATED and are said to be the best in the country - and what do our representative do about it? - Consolidate the fact and resist change

P’s expenses, incl home and away - Why is it that these are continually under wraps and NOT completely open and available to public scrutiny , those they represent

Why in the “good times” is it that the Government want and try to persuade the Nation to be judicious Savers. At the same time they and are critical of the borrowing and spend, spend, spend attitude of the majority. Yet currently the “Savers in this nation” are now left ”high and dry” with a dramatic drop in interest rates and presently left with no income whatsoever from their savings - which in the past were contributing to the Nation’s wealth
Shame! Shame! Shame on the legislation

Mortgage availability is now almost dried up and the PM is advocating no more 100% mortgages - however where is the alternative housing availability coming from - what is the state of the present and projected housing stock ? And when will this materialise ?- Huuum!

Business overdrafts are the lifeblood of our economy - without them there is a minimal inducement for new entrepreneurs, little or no contributions to the GNP. Little or No new employment in the small business sector ( less than 10 employees). Yet the Bankers ( possibly the only sourcing for this sector) are withdrawing support daily, because there own, debt to capital ratios are now becoming further aggravated and adversely affected (their own making)

Why is it that each successive Government seek to sanction colossal expenditure on offensive military equipment. When in this day of high technology and inventive initiatives is there not a greater emphasis on a defence initiative , Why do we need expensive, War Ships and Aircraft Carriers?. Why do we adopt the role of World Peace Keepers with materialistic, mega expensive, ultra slow moving, water based vulnerable hardware when today defensive self propelled rockets can reach, with pin point accuracy, anywhere in the world ( we can even reach the moon and beyond ).? eg Why was the invasion and war against Saddam EVEN necessary.

Why is it that we have to accept the present situation of foreign workers being imported into this country temporarily accommodated in specially provided floating Hotels whilst temporarily employed by Contractors on major British contracts ?. This goes on whilst the local Tradesmen are denied access to such positions - the answer supposedly is European Community Legislation - Huuumm! Yet we are denied the promised referendum on the community issue by the present Government

The Governments PFI policy is now coming home to roost . What is PFI ? - Answer Public Finance Initiative. Which means the Government gets companies in the independent sector to accept and develop Major Contracts, to build provide Buildings Services and development projects at their own expense and then lease the results back to the Government and legislation at a commercial profit ( many of these projects are now are seeking increases in their returns , which is resulting in many facilities pricing themselves beyond that which Local authorities can service - this can result in higher local rates/taxes for the community if the facility is to remain open or even closed down, as a result of established long term contract commitment)

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