Sunday 15 February 2009

B J Flood Defences


Flood Defences

On the 6/7th Sept and 3rd November I previously reported that the BJ Flood defence pumping station had still to be completed. - after the commencement of the work in February of this year
-In the October issue of the Parish Magazine, Steve Wright’s contribution comments upon the report by the Environment Agency Flood Risk Management and their statement that at the time of going to print (which could be interpreted as the 16th Sept 2008) “the work was nearing completion of the pumping station” and that “When all work is completed screening of the site will be carried out by planting suitable shrubbery”

--Well let me once again advise all in B J and the Agency itself, that work appears to have had only a little move towards completion,
Shame on the Authority!

With all the rain and now the huge snowfalls, we have had of late it makes me contiue to wonder if all the expense in the new , non-completed B J Pumping Station was really necessary. After all we have all seen "down pour, upon down pour" and "wide spread flooding" thro-out many areas in the country, but not here in B J this year .

Once again a remnder for is it, that all the embarrassing and frenetic, renewed cleaning and clearing of the county's natural drainage ditches, dykes, becks etc (which have been in existence for years ) has been really effective and re-established the results for which they were initially created for ? ..
or have I just missed or overlooked something else?

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