Monday, 2 November 2009

BJ Flood Defences

Thanks are due to the Residents Association

We see that BJRA has been working on serious issues for the village, working on ensuring that new funds would be allocated for the flood embankment and keeping everyone informed everyone informed while the parish council is fiddling around ie..

"We are very pleased to be able to report that the Regional Flood Defence Committee has now allocated £490,000 for the Burton Joyce Flood Embankment and the Environment Agency aims to commence construction in Spring 2010.- "

The Community at large will no doubt be pleased and appreciative of the BJRA working on serious issues for the village, working on ensuring that new funds would be allocated for the flood embankment and keeping everyone informed everyone informed, while the BJ Parish Council appear to be fiddling around.

Fiddling around and revisiting issues already investigated , reported on, discussed and approved by the full BJ Parish Council some 12 monthst ago - i e the Grove remodelling.

The original "Grove report" and application proved successful in obtaining the £15,000 granted

Why is there a need to "tinker" ? - "If it aint broke - Dont fix it"

More BJ info at

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