Saturday, 21 November 2009

A case against Wind Turbines

A realistic alternative

Although we at BJO can and do understand/appreciate our community's concern, particularly with the noise element of a possible installation, it is most important that we all see the Proposed Wind Turbines at Stoke Bardolph against the larger backdrop of the Governements financial incentives for carbon reduction and the renewable energy projects available to the major companies which may just overide their interest in the community's welfare

The main crux of this proposal, most of us will have always assumed, is to reduce our planets dependence on fossil fuels and assist in restricting the deterioration in the planets ozone layer .

There are many more alternatives other than Wind Turbine installations available to a strong Government - there are more significant impacts much nearer home in their own establishments , ie good housekeeping - switching off unnecessary lighting , limiting central heating levels , more use of video conferencing, curtailing all unnecessary travel, expenses and allowances - particularly within the European Parliamentary Administration and Structure. The savings can achieve staggering levels to every member nation, individually and collectively

We should also be aware of the "Hand-outs" available ( via the Government ) to the major companies who "justify" the installation of Wind Turbines and renewable energy installations onshore and offshore here within the UK and the penalties we locals are expected to accept/tolerate in the process -

We should ensure our voices are heard strong and loud at every level of administration, for there are more sensible alternative ways of achieving their goals, other than throwing finance raised thro our taxes at them

see our mother site

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"there are more significant impacts much nearer home in their own establishments , ie good housekeeping - switching off unnecessary lighting , limiting central heating levels , more use of video conferencing, curtailing all unnecessary travel, expenses and allowances" - Hmmmm how realistic is this when 99% of mum's STILL drive their children to school for a distance of approx. 1 mile. All of this STILL requires electricity. The sooner we start using renewable energy sources, the better - get your head out of the sand!