Tuesday, 1 December 2009

A Travesty

The BJPC now refuses to communicate with the owners of www.burtonjoyceonline.co.uk

Therefore throughout the coming month I will be posting here in the Blog many of the astounding revelations, discovered by "BEE - JAY", re- some of the BJPC's "discreet" activities, which have come to light during his 12 month investigations into the BJ Parish Council's affairs and the unofficial activities and use of their facilities. .

It follows that Bee Jay has always been prepared to discuss and resolve these matters directly with the administration, however their recent decision to add his name to their H V & C policy is a gross travesty of justice of their own creation.

ALL THE B J COMMUNITY REALLY SHOULD BECOME AWARE of the village happenings thro 2009 - this group of words may be used by some to provide meaning to unexplainable actions

Connivance, concealment, complicity, concern, contradiction, concoct, concede, conceit, concession conclave, concoct, concur, condemn, condescend, condone, conduct, confabulation, confederate, confer, confess, confidant, confidential, confine, confirm, conflict, conform, confound, confront, confuse, confute, congenial, congested, conjecture, conjuncture, connect, connive, conscience, conscious, consensus, consent, consequence, consider, consistency, consolidate, conspicuous, conspire, constant, constituent, constitute, constrain, constrict , consistency, consult, consume, contain, contaminate, contemplate, contempt, contention, continue, contact, contradict, contrary, contrast, contravene, contribute, control, contrive, convenient, converge, convert, convince, convoke, co-opt,


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