Sunday 18 December 2011

BJVP Review

Burton Joyce Village Plan REVIEW

We are justly proud and priviledged to be residents and members of the village community (since 1971) and instrumental in re-establishing the “BJ community NHW “ in mid 2010.

In late 2008 we created and developed “Burton Joyce Online” our Community website - ( .

Over the period we have attracted a great number of BJ friends .. .. plus several “not so friendly” acquaintances who have not appreciated several of our comments and opinions ( sometimes the truth hurts and/or may be misunderstood )

We are seeking to provide the community information

a)“Online” via our web site,

b) by our e mail circulation list (descrete and private)

c) by offering our “burtonjoycenews” letter, freely available via e mail (discrete/private) and at several locations within the village centre -

The content of our “burtonjoycenews” is and will always be wide and variable including topics associated with the NHW, Local Authorities , Parish Council activities and subjects of interest ( serious, amusing and contentious ) to all in our community – young, mature & seniors


NOW We did intend to begin the first of our reviews and comments on the progress or otherwise on the concerns and suggestions schemes listed within the recent

BJ VILLAGE PLAN published 2011 - particularly the following topics









After deciding to review the “Burton Joyce Village Plan- 2011” publication We drafted out copy for the eventual posting online. After a couple of days allowing it to develop, We have now decided NOT to post the notes. Instead we have decided to archive them, within our ongoing study and research paper into the “BJ Community 2009 < ? “ - So here is our alternative and brief conclusion to the current publication

We are of the opinion that the BJVP conclusions reached after 2 years of investigation, culminating in the BJ Village Plan - 2011 publication, is that the initiative lacks the overall, authoritative, technical, content which is necessary for implementing such lifestyle changes needed for our community undertaking.

We suggest that the majority of our community - 74%- who did NOT complete/respond to the BJ Village Plan Questionnairre anticipated the same conclusion !

A final comment - was the creation of the BJ Village Plan and its working committee the direct result of the complete lack of empathy, understanding and communication of the community’s needs/opinions by our Parish Council over the last 5+ years?

Understanding of the need of the BJ community could have, and still can be, obtained with a greater degree of accuracy, less financial expenditure and certainly over a much shorter time period. This can be achieved by all Parish Councillors having REGULAR personal “face to face” contact with each and every interest group, society, organisation’s membership and residents in our community instead of the PLANNED QUARTERLY COMMITTEE MEETINGS –

BJPC ‘s newly created “Community Engagement Committee” please note !!


Obviously the individually schemes listed, will all progress at different rates/speed. However we do suggest, even at this early stage, that full provision is quickly established and put in place to keep all the community, promptly and FULLY INFORMED with PRO-ACTIVE “Open and Transparent” COMMUNICATION


Monday 8 August 2011



WHAT A DISGRACE for the village and such an eye sore - located within the premier and the most significant heritage location in our village - is one of the few remaining Heritage buildings within BJ. It is the Old BJ School - now “not so grandly leased” and certainly not grandly kept and serviced by of all people – the BCTV ( British Conservation Trust Volunteers ) .

Some two years ago BJO independently approached the Trust to seek their co-operation in tidying up the site and allowing the community access to the grounds for the passing of some of their leisure time, during the frequents visits to the village centre. This was amicably discussed and improvements were made including tidying up the site - opening the access gate for our resident to gain access etc..


Now once again it has all been allowed to deteriorate way beyond imagination.

WHY is it that the BJPC, BJ Village Plan, St Helens Church ( owners of the site) and possibly the BJ Preservation Society cannot /do not, get together and resolve the matter with the BCTV once and for all . After all we understand the present BCTV lease does not expire until 2021- do we have to tolerate another 10 years of this eyesore – tumble down Asbestos building – and the constant deterioration of the grand Old School’s building fabric ?

If so Why?

If NOT - PLEASE can an agreement be reached quickly - This unnecessary eyesore has been in existence far too long

Tuesday 2 August 2011



With great admiration, thanks, appreciation and a pride expressed by our village community, we are pleased and humble to announce our first "Burton Joyce Community Champion ".

"Words will never be sufficient to express the great thanks our community owes to this slight in stature ( yet colossus in application) )talented, unselfish, friend and colleague. A lady full of integrity, who unselfishly gave of her time and talents to friends and the community in many diverse ways - mineral extraction , flood defences, Parish Council, country/riverside walks and paths, rare-flora registering etc -The BJ Residents Association.

How many of us were aware of her personal achievement with her creation of a Literacy Charity.

She packed much into her later years, keeping the gravity of her illness to herself. She is a worthy first - Burton Joyce Community Champion"

Saturday 23 July 2011

BJ Online Current Endorsement

A most welcome acknowledgement

Just can't resist posting the email reponse below - (received 21/07/2011) following this email circular

Hi Everyone

Our new style ONLINE presentation and content at is now well and truly on course, yet still has to be totally completed. We do now have several updates within our - Home Page Editorial , Squawk Box, BJ Diary/Blog, and Forum .

Regards ..... ......


Response from our Notts CC Councillor

Hi ..... ......

Thanks for the email. I have once again been entertained and informed by an excellent community information tool. Well done and I commend your hard work and commitment to keeping BJ informed.

Kind regards

Cllr Allen Clarke

Friday 8 July 2011

A day to Savor

Attended reunion of MSTS 1952<1955 students - in S Yorkshire. No decrepit oldies there, just the same dynamic charactures of old, living today as it is meant to be - FULLY

We all were some of the fortunate few given a second chance and I should say none were wasted

The quality of friendship typical of those born and bred of the time, in the midst of Coal and Steel and in Gods County
Yes yet another day to remember and savor

Tuesday 28 June 2011

Nottingham on the map

The media is taking notice
Some of the less well known cave networks beneath Nottingham are explored by TV presenter Dan Snow in The One Show on BBC 1 at 7pm tonight.
Wollaton Hall & grounds are being used for the HOLLYWOOD FILMING of BATMAN - celeb watches keep an eye out at the local Admiral Rodney

Sunday 19 June 2011

Yes It is a Fact

"Like us or Not".

"BJOnline" has put our village of Burton Joyce well and truly on the world map" !!

LATEST GOOGLE STATS (12/06/2011) advise BJO have followers based in 21 countries worldwide including 141 ciities/towns/villages within the British Isles

These follower visits usually average 3.17 minutes with 70.92% being new followers -

Q - How many of our BJPCouncillors actually/routinely visit BJO? A -They know, we know, but WE cannot possibly comment!

Visit our mother site at

Thanks again everyone

Monday 13 June 2011

An indifferent BJ community - NO!

The BJ Community

Why is it that our community apparently has little or no interest in the choosing and running of our Parish Council ?

One reasoned answer may be that BJ has a community consisting of White Collar workers, Upper Management and Professionals , Self employed, Business executives , and Upper End Earners etc. This coupled with the fact that 50% of the BJ population are Over 50 yr old ( actually more than half of these are also Over 60), plus.. 35% aged between 35 and 50 yr old. The majority of BJ within these sectors being high value home owners with only a few Local Authority Households .
The recent local elections resulted in - 46% voting Conservatives. 27% voting Liberal and only approx 20% voting Labour, - a significant statement made by the community

These facts infer that the vast majority of the adult BJ population have experienced and come through difficult times before, Food rationing “Yes really”, with miners strikes, industrial redundancies/closures, devaluations , economic crisis situations, foot and mouth epidemics, spend and bust, inflated house prices etc., etc .

One result of these experiences probably is why the majority of our community can and do fend for themselves - they have the confidence and capability to manage their own affairs and use their social time without the intrusion of a – A Parish Council - which contributes little to their individual lifestyle –

It is also worth noting that situations such as opposing the “Mineral Extraction “ , the Bus Plug and the initiative for Flood Defences were actually community/resident lead

See our latest "burtonjoycenews and social media hub" within

Sunday 29 May 2011

We are now on TWITTER

We have now introduced current postings on TWITTER for keeping the BJ community informed of daily/current activities and information relative to the community and village at Twitter at "burtonjoycenews"

Sunday 8 May 2011

BJ Parish Council - Code of Conduct

NEW BJPC members - please take note

We ask all old and new members of the new BJPC to ensure they are familiar with and abide by

CODE of Conduct expected of PARISH COUNCILORS

2. A member must -
(a) promote equality by not discriminating unlawfully against any person;
(b) treat others with respect; and
(c) not do anything which compromises or which is likely to compromise the impartiality of those who work for, or on behalf of, the authority.

3. A member must not -
(a) disclose information given to him in confidence by anyone, or information acquired which he believes is of a confidential nature, without the consent of a person authorised to give it, or unless he is required by law to do so; nor
(b) prevent another person from gaining access to information to which that person is entitled by law.

4. A member must not in his official capacity, or any other circumstance, conduct himself in a manner which could reasonably be regarded as bringing his office or authority into disrepute.

5. A member -
(a) must not in his official capacity, or any other circumstance, use his position as a member improperly to confer on or secure for himself or any other person, an advantage or disadvantage; and
(b) must, when using or authorising the use by others of the resources of the authority -
(i) act in accordance with the authority's requirements; and
(ii) ensure that such resources are not used for political purposes unless that use could reasonably be regarded as likely to facilitate, or be conductive to, the discharge of the functions of the authority or of the office to which the member has been elected or appointed.

6. A member must, if he becomes aware of any conduct by another member which he reasonably believes involves a failure to comply with the authority's code of conduct, make a written allegation to that effect to the Standards Board for England as soon as it is practicable for him to do so.

Most within the community will truly hope all members of the latest BJPC abide by this statutory code -

We will be watching, observing and monitoring


Sunday 10 April 2011

2011 BJ Parish Council Elections

Apathy? or contentment!.

The nominated individuals for the 2011 Local Government Elections for BJ Parish Council reveal, a puzzling situation

The situation is that 2 of the sitting 11 PC councillors have chosen NOT to continue in office and seek re-election, the other 9 have had themselves proposed and seconded for re-election once again - well that is not really the case for the majority of them were "co-opted"(accepted by existing PC's in office).

However ONLY two new nominees have been put forward as prospective PC's -
(which in the circumstances means all the nominations will automatically become the new/replacement un-opposed Parish Councillors) .

One of the new nominees is a well established local gentleman, familiar with and in local affairs and probably well suited to the new role. However the other is the gentleman spouse of one of the established existing Parish Councillor -(nuff said!)

My question is :

Is it that the voting residents of village are well satisfied with the performances of the individual Parish Councillors and their collective efforts over the last period and seek no change ?
Is it that the vast majority have a measure of complacency for and with local affairs ?
Is it that as individuals they realise that they even together with others they cannot hope to change the attitude and mindset of the existing PC Councillor grouping ?
Is it that our residents consider the Govenment's idea of a Big Society - as being flawed - by/with the intransigence of a few who are already entrenched in positions of influence within our local administrations ?
Just a thought! .

Monday 28 March 2011

May 2011 local elections

On May 5th we are asked to vote a “YES or NO” on the proposed AV system ( Alternative Vote). The AV system is intended to provide a much fairer system for the selection of a political representative and a replacement to the existing "First Pass The Post"

At the same time we will also be asked to vote for
BJ Parish Councillors and Gedling Borough Councillors

Those who are eventually elected need to be aware that we the community do need an “Open and Transparency” society, for we are mostly - adult with reasonable understanding and an acceptance for change when it is required. Change which is FREE from manipulation and any oblique mis-informing of OUR SOCIETY SITUATION/OWNED FACTS

We should and need to insist on OPEN and TRANSPARENT governance, which provides sensible and prompt decision making. We need decision-making free from procrastination - which absorbs so much valuable time, and public finance in materialising
PS - justice OR INJUSTICE ?

2009 BJ Parish Council handed down their own style of punishment (injustice) to two residents in our community. The decisions were taken by the BJPC behind closed doors without the opportunity of genuine appeal ( Councillor Blandamer was part of that decision)

2011 We see from the media that the present mayor of Gedling and Conservative Councillor for Burton Joyce ( Councillor Blandamer) has been "de- selected" as a candidiate for the coming May 2011 elections

Cllr Blandamer has said she had not been given the chance to appeal and had not received a valid reason why she was de-selected. "I do not believe that the constitutional rules have been followed throughout the process," she said.

Could this be an example of "you reap what you sow" ?

Wednesday 9 March 2011

****Dr Julia Anne O'Neill****

Notice of the death of : Dr. Julia Anne O’Neill

It is with regret that we record the death of the wife and mother, Julie O’Neill, aged 67, who passed away in the early hours of Wednesday 2nd March after losing her battle against cancer.

The funeral which will be held on:
Monday 14th March 2011 at 12:20pm
West Chapel
Southern Cemetery and Crematorium
Wilford Hill
Loughborough Road
West Bridgford
Nottingham NG2 7FE

The service will conclude at 1pm,

Tributes -We kindly request that you do not send flowers. If you would like to make a contribution, we will be taking a collection during the service for the charity which Julie established in 1996:
Literacy Volunteers in Nottinghamshire Schools (

You can also send a contribution by post, for a cheque addressed to:
M.A. Mills Funeral Services, 38 Main Road, Radcliffe On Trent, Nottingham, NG12 2AA


"Julie" as we have always known her, was inspirational, a one off, a true friend, an unselfish tireless worker for all within the BJ community .

She probably was more widely known as the person who was instrumental in the creatiion of the "Burton Joyce Residents Association" using it as an official vehicle for fighting against the proposed "Mineral Extraction Application" . She also spearheaded the action to improve the Village Flood Defences.

Latterly Julie was the person who was instrumental in raising the issue of, and in securing the financial grant required to re-instate the condition of "The Grove" to a conclusive and satisfactory environment for the public to enjoy

This "small in stature" lady was a giant amongst men, with a spirit for questioning and a persistence in opposing what she determined an injustice. This side to her character, resulted in her decision to resign from serving as a Parish Councillor in 2009 - In our opinion a great irreplaceable yet understandable loss to our community.

Her loyalty to her husband Brian, family and friends was always unquestionable, her quiet spoken demeaner, analytical talent and kindness will surely leave a huge void within our community, which may never be repaired

Julie will be surely missed, but never forgotten


Wednesday 16 February 2011

BJ Library CUTS

WOW! - A FULL HOUSE at the community meeting on "NOTTS CC LIBRARY CUTS" held at the Library was well attended by so many residents that additional chairs had to be brought in to cater for the numbers (approx 100+ ) .


Surprise! surprise! The two representatives present from NOTTS CC could not provide an answer or suggestion to the question as to why library numbers generally had decreased and were continuously falling - Unbelieveable !

How on earth can the establishment hope to run a successful library service if they are unaware of cause and affect? - We suggest the remidy will invariably be based simply upon financial retraints

We are told almost everyday now that libraries throughout the country are being closed by Council Authorities because they have to make cuts in their budgets. Which is why communities such as those in Devon , Worcester, Richmond, etc and over 100 others throughout the country are taking action with the formation of local "FRIENDS of LIBRARIES" - We need consider a similar initiative here in BJ., however as was suggested from within the meeting this possible initiative -( Friends of Burton Joyce Library) - should be divorced and detached from NOTTS CC control ( which incidentally is acceptable to Notts CC)

THE SOLUTION is surely that we the BJ community must develop a permanent strong solution to safeguard the long term existence our own library. A solution which will stand the test of time, preventing all possibility of the futher adverse revisions within the revisits to the annual Notts CC budget reviews

We need to take the “bull by the horns” and create an independent Community initiative such as the “Friends of Libraries” and develop a permanent solution based upon meeting the requirements of all ages of those within our community with due and vital consideration given to the issues suggested and necessary for the development of the British Library service 2010<2020 in the recent Governmental Report

Parent website

Monday 31 January 2011

Question! Question! Question!

We should question where is goes

What is it that persuades the normal well meaning and average community minded individual change upon achieving a stature of Office or Administration within local/county/national government? Why is there a change with the invariable and immediately adoption and need to protect the “establishment line and status-quo” ?
Is it misplaced ambition, misunderstanding, fear of not being accepted by new work colleagues, greed, the instant elevation of themselves above their own roots, the need to be accepted by and to impress new colleagues? Or is it simply to satisfy their own inflatable ego within a perceived status ?

Why is it that genuine change and due consideration to events and circumstances takes for-ever and absorbs so much public time, and public finance, to materialise?

Why is it that particular representatives and guardians of our community interests easily loose the personal values and the obligation to serve with integrity and due consideration?

Why is it so difficult to realise and accept that the finances of governing actual belong to the population and individuals they serve.

We the community, simply ask for an “Open and Transparency” society. We are for the most - adult, with a reasonable understanding for, and a realisation when the need for change is required . We do understand that our personal, local, regional and national circumstances may need an adjustment to meet the changing times, financing etc, WITHOUT the need for the manipulation and oblique mis-informing of OUR SOCIETY SITUATION/OWNED FACTS .

Those within the local Establishment should be aware that many “watchers of public affairs and actions” can and do understand the ramifications of financial balance sheets, together with the means and mechanics used for recording, allocating and attributing specific items between the lines .

As the recent MPs Expenses scandal and the MOD financial allocations clearly illustrates

Saturday 29 January 2011

Councillors donations

Huum! very interesting

We see that in October last year Cllr John Clarke kindly donated £300 to the Parish Council for a replacement cooker at the Poplars Sports Ground.( owned by the PC )

Is this a case of being well connected?

A County Councillor donating finance to a Parish Council

Saturday 22 January 2011

Burton Joyce Library proposed cuts

The proposed Notts library cuts by Notts CC, appear to be causing less concern to some in our community, than the suggested decision of the GBC to remove completely the public toilets adjacent to Roberts Playground.

Evidently the BJPC has been offered the facility at a peppercorn rent, providing they finance the ongoing upkeep accessed to be around £10,000 per year, which they doubt whether they can justify

Very interesting what ?

For more visit

Friday 14 January 2011

Local Genealogy

A message to all local genealogist –

After several years of researching our family name and coming to the realisation that so much of our family’s history is wrapped up in Burton Joyce and the surrounding villages we have posted the majority of our research within a TimeLine on our website (

The Timeline within our website at illustrates this and contains comprehensive data bases covering baptisms, marriages and deaths in BJ . through-out the period. It is very clear and evident that there has been and is significant relationships within Gedling, BJ, Stoke, Bulcote, Gunthorpe, Lowdham, Lambley and Woodborough etc .

As Burton Joyce is our ancestral home we are hoping that a general co-operation between local community websites and a closer contact with those individual interested in the area's genealogy will contribute to wider genealogy project which will enhance the knowledge and stimulate a broader interest for producing an interesting and useful record of the social history of the area thro-out the TimeLine period.
Our parent website is at

Saturday 8 January 2011

Development of BJO Community website

Our Parent site -

Over the two years this website has existed online it has established a regular and constantly high number of repeat, new and unique visitors ( many 1000’s). These visitors to our site are not only local to the Burton Joyce, but also we have many based in the USA, Canada, throughout Europe, Russia through to the Mid and Far East, Hong Kong, Japan, South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand etc.

As a direct result of this popularity, we have successfully fulfilled many requests for information and location searches for parted relatives and friends. Recently it was suggested that we extend the area of interest of BJO to include local adjoining villages also – this we are pleased to develop and are now offering the opportunity to and for all those interested ( Home and Away) in making regular contributions/posting to our website.

These contributions/postings are not only invited for our Forums but also for most other sections and will certainly create additional varied content and interest for ALL our visitors. We hope that all our visitors and readers will join us in developing further this community ( not for profit) website as an effective , up-to-date means of communicationfor everyone with local interests
