Friday, 14 September 2012

A New Look for a New Era

Today is the first day in a new era for our Burton Joyce Blog.

We have now decided that the time is ripe to broaden our subject material and develop a wider appeal by Blogging on matters directly related to "Community Engagement" and the county and spearheaded with the digital and social media technologies.

We will continue to add a good share of local news and interest and as usual supplement with local digital images . Today we begin where we left off with the image we used in the old and previous style of layout

Burton Joyce is located in quite a unique location - some 6 miles east of the Nottingham City on the North side of the meandering River Trent, and partially situated on/within the south side of a geographic fault line stretching eastward from the renowned and historic Nottingham Castle into the beginnings of the flat lands of Lincolnshire.

This partially sheltered and unique location creates some most exquisite and beautiful sunrise and sunset scenes, with Belvior Castle to the south/eastern horizon and other undulating horizons  southwards into Leicestershire

Hopefully the following images will help in my explanation and description of a village and area which share the roots of my family's ancestors traced back to the mid 1500's (and highly probably much earlier). A village in which my wife and I came to live some 40+ years ago - by pure coincidence and  not aware of the family connections thro-out the area



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