Monday 22 October 2012

Autocracy !


Autocracy !!
Over the past few years I have personally experienced the results of localised autocracy in the volunteer and government sectors .

Is this attitude, historical, ongoing and on the increase?

Well ! what-ever the situation I personally choose to "opt-out" of any environment which tolerates this practice.

I am an avid Tweeter ( I consider this particular example of social media to be an excellent vehicle for improving the development of "community engagement" in particular. Recently I "re-tweeted" a particular posting, which illustrated the tremendous savings - which one individual had achieved - by using the information available through an On-line  "Comparison" site. It was a saving of several £100's on a current  heating bill of approx £800. My personal opinion was this was a topic which could illustrate and also benefit  many individuals in the our communities - by simply investing some took the time and little effort it could make a dramatic difference which will help with their current finances in these difficult times.

My personal and individual decision to "re-tweet" this particular posting was criticised by another, who had NOT taken the time to ascertain that these postings were actually my personal views.

RESULT 1 - pressure to have me deleted the re-tweet from the Twitter site - I resisted.

RESULT 2 - another site which ran duplicates of my postings was "persuaded" and removed ALL my existing and future Twitter postings  

RESULT 3 -  I am NOT a happy bunny and will now need to re-assess the channels available to me for my ongoing community contribution


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