Tuesday 13 November 2012


                                         I tell it as I see it - "A SPADE is a SPADE"

There is little doubt that Social Media continues to grow and be accepted at an alarming pace.

Generally it also appears to be used for good /healthy  debate, conversational, together with enabling "instant/notification of significant community conversation/notifications.

My opinion is that "Twitter" as a particular piece of social media is rapidly developing into THE nations preferred ONLINE vehicle for conversational subjects - the majority of which deserves exposure as contributing to genuine COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT

"Twitter"  allows anyone with access to the Internet to give and express their personal statements or opinions in < 140 characters. What a superb example of genuine democracy.

However with such democracy we all need to be aware of and RESPECT the right of the every individual to their own personal space and privacy.

There is a "fine line" which we all should tread and respect when we use "Twitter".  Regretfully, at times, an individual's personal enthusiasm and passion can cross that "fine line" , it will happen for we are not automatons, we do have human frailties and passions. I anyone of us do unintenrionally cross that liner, then we should be "big enough" to apologise and be "man enough "nott being sexist !) and accept the consequences.
However we must all understand and accept the possibility of the "dire" consequences if we do "cross that line" generally accepted as a safeguard for individual personal privacy and maintaing the law in today's democratic society

THINK before you TWEET

CONTENT is more important than "structure"

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