Wednesday 28 November 2012

Angry River Trent 2012


      View of river towards Stoke Bardolph
    Swollen river @ BJ "Nelson" Old Fording Point

    To the Left of the field gate is the original "Old Grimsby Road"         

  Original R Trent/Nelson Landing Point                                                                           

The River Trent and Burton Joyce has shared much of their history. From the travellers to and from Grimsby and Lincolnshire, using the river and its many fording points for the old road, together with the numerous marauding hordes of Norsemen, Romans etc. BJ alway played a significant role. An entire familiy of BJ menfolk (Royalists) will have used this point, to cross over the river to join ( and be slaughtered ) in the horrendous battle lost and won by their opponents at nearby Shelford


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