Friday 30 November 2012

A Note on TEXTING for MUMS/DADS & Grandparents

 BurtonJoyceBlogger                      TWITTER   
NG14 Genealogy website

Came across this information the other day Thought it could be of use. I am certainly not the originator of this, but I guess it will be of use to many of us novice "texters" 

no1 = No one
r = Are
spk = Speak
thx = Thanks
u = You
ur = Your
w8 = Wait
wkend = Weekend
2 = to, too
2day = Today
2morrow = Tomorrow
2nite = Tonight
b4 = Before
cul or cul8r = See you later
4 = For
gr8 = Great
pls = Please
l8 = Late
l8r = Later
lol = Laughing out Loud
lyl = love you loads
m8 = Mate

ru gonna b l8 2nite? = Are you going to be late tonight?
i will w8 up 4 u = I will wait up for you.
pls txt me ur friends address = Please text me your friend's address.

wot time will u b back? = What time will you be back?
txt me the reg no & company 4 ur taxi = Text me the registration number
and company for your taxi.



Wednesday 28 November 2012

Angry River Trent 2012


      View of river towards Stoke Bardolph
    Swollen river @ BJ "Nelson" Old Fording Point

    To the Left of the field gate is the original "Old Grimsby Road"         

  Original R Trent/Nelson Landing Point                                                                           

The River Trent and Burton Joyce has shared much of their history. From the travellers to and from Grimsby and Lincolnshire, using the river and its many fording points for the old road, together with the numerous marauding hordes of Norsemen, Romans etc. BJ alway played a significant role. An entire familiy of BJ menfolk (Royalists) will have used this point, to cross over the river to join ( and be slaughtered ) in the horrendous battle lost and won by their opponents at nearby Shelford


Monday 26 November 2012

NHW Schemes and their associations


In today's social media, websites particularly NHW origin are beginning to feel the "pinch" in the number of visitors they expect,  receive., together with those who choose to continue to return repeatedly

Once attracted to the site ( and ACTUALLY attracting visitors to a website is a totally different issue ) the answer is all down to the INSTANT interest stimulated within the visitor via the initial content of the page, immediately in front of them. this will invariably be the site 's HOME page

It follows that this HOME Page must visually attract and appeal. Attractive images are vital on any website page, particularly the '"landing' page" as the HOME PAGE is often referred to. It is both necessary to ATTRACT. INTEREST & INFORM from the FIRST MOMENT on the landing page, in order to create "stick ability" and stimulate the visitor into journeying further into the website and most importantly RETURNING in the future

This situation mirrors the fact that NHW schemes an Co-ordinators hesitate, "nay" resist the coming together as Associations at national, regional & county levels. The individual NHW schemes and their Co ordinators appear to be quite sceptical of any possibility from benefits in joining in with other schemes and are sceptical of  the "would be" benefits of promised by larger group/asociation dynamics.

I must add, that after my brief first hand experience of the situation, I have also reached the same conclusion - Why ? and what is the better alternative.

There appears to be a mistaken conclusion that larger associations are better equipped to obtain financial donations and thus provide some aid and financial support to the local NHW schemes. Yes ! These associations do have various degrees of success in achieve varying degrees of financial support - some quite gross in their size. However very little of this really ever actually benefits and percolates down to the majority of NHW scheme members or their Co-ordinators

In fact, many individual NHW schemes and their Co ordinators are definitely and distinctly opposed/sceptical of any "suggested" benefit available via "upper" NHW administrations, which is probably why the vast majority of NHW schemes and their Co ordinators choose to remain "below the vision line", keep their head down and get on with their own individual "community contribution"

The only genuine association needed is that which results from the real/meaningful permanent bonding/association/support between each and every individual NHW scheme/Co ordinator and their "local Police Neighbourhood Beat Team".  
The engagement between these two community components (in both direction) has always been seen as vital by many, on both sides, for with a ongoing will from both sides it can, produce and established the development of  permanent cost effective Neighbourhood Community Crime Prevention and Solving
 However it does need, a renewed ongoing and genuine effort by BOTH parties


Sunday 18 November 2012



Genealogy/Timeline website  - www,

                                                  TWO minutes prior to sunset in S Notts 16/11/2012

 Are the days of NHW as we have known it  - OVER?

The advent of the digital revolution several years ago have had life changing consequences for us as a nation an individuals

I will go out on a limb and suggest that the many NHW Co-ordinators and schemes members thro-out the UK are also experiencing the results of the changes

Consider their role in improving the welfare/safety of their immediate neighbours and community. In the past, adopting the initiative of EYES  EARS & GRAPEVINE was probably the most viable, important and significant aspect of their local crime prevention/solving role.

 In todays environment, I would suggest that a greater emphasis by the NHW Schemes &; membership, will very probably be the "social" well being of their community and individual.

 Why do I say this ?

The advent of instant digital communication, several years ago, was instrumental in the creation and introduction of the "local" (Nottingham)  NEIGHBOURHOOD ALERT initiative.

 In its basic form, this initiative was introduced to the Police & NHW, as a proposal and ground breaking pro-active scheme for assisting crime prevention/solving.

 This scheme proposed/designed/suggested by a local NHW Co-ordinator "Mike Douglas" was the introduction of digital technology for assisting the well being of the individual and community by notifying them promptly and directly with matters of concern,  assessed and considered as relevant by the local Police and there relevant Administrations

"Mike Douglas" the Co-ordinator was particularly perturbed with the fact that issues of immediate concern and the "well being" of members and the community  were NOT ( at that time ) being relayed promptly to the individual and communities, which were probably likely to be affected or could indirectly assist/ be involved in improving/resolving a situation.

In OCTOBER 2012 it was announced that the "Neighbourhood Alert" scheme ( nationally) had attained a membership of 144.000 with 1,500,000 messages sent out, direct in that month alone.

 The important figure is 144,000

" Neighbourhood Alerts" were out sent out direct to over 144,000 individuals in the UK during October  of this year and numbered in excess of 1,500,000. 

 YES thats 1.5 million "Alerts" despatched via and as a result of social media

However I now understand that it is suggested there is approx just under 5 Million NHW members now in the UK

There is an obvious shortfall in the numbers of NHW members who have signed-up to  or receive the Neighbourhood Alerts  -

 SHAME. What does this appear to tell us - 

One of three things

1)There is a need for more NHW members to become digital minded or connected

2) There is a large potential available within the NHW who should be recruited into the NHA system

3)There is an enormous number of potential households in the UK not in the NHW who could be recruited to the NHA /  NHW scheme

HOWEVER to achieve this requires  - Community & Establishment  PRO -ACTIVITY!

Here is a suggestion a new initiative


The initiative is to mobilise the single most effective means of improving, developing, safer, greater community engagement in all areas of our county  towns villages,urban ,sub-urban  & rural areas

There is a obvious need by those with influence to actually "get out" into the communities and develop " face to face " engagement with the man /woman on the streets

There is a need to show those in positions of influence there is a   "want-to", "need-to", establish "face to face" contact and dialogue with the communities

What is the most effective/economical way of achieving this.?   Taking a leaf out of the "Politicians Electioneering handbook " and physically getting out into the county, shaking hands /spreading the message and therby "enrolling" recruits for the cause,  be it the NHA/NHW/Police/ CVS/Community Life

Will this be Costly?  -  absolutely NOT !

All it needs is the commitment by those who really care about the interests and safety of all those in our communities, within our county, to join together with combining their joint resources  - and  make it happen

Yes, it will require a little finance and personal commitment and it cannot/will not happen "over night".  However, I am sure there will be sufficient vested interest within

NOTTSWATCH,  CNNHWC, our POLICE, COUNCILS,  COMMERCE etc  to make itg happen

By investng a little  time and effort to organise a"battle bus", "road shows", "meet and greets" - and by utilising existing resources of materials, membership, volunteers etc to arrange a programme (in the better weather of spring , summer & autumn) and physically /proactively bring those individuals committed to their communities it can happen and achieve 

 A "FACE to FACE" with those in our society .

A "FACE to FACE"  on their ground, in their "patch", at a time, which provides access with little or no inconvenience to the communities and the resident  with little disruption to their normal routines

All it needs is the desire, a little initiative and the involvemen/ "coming together" of those ORGANISATIONS with a vested interest in seeking to develop a better society in which we all live and enjoy


"Its worth a try surely ?"


Tuesday 13 November 2012


                                         I tell it as I see it - "A SPADE is a SPADE"

There is little doubt that Social Media continues to grow and be accepted at an alarming pace.

Generally it also appears to be used for good /healthy  debate, conversational, together with enabling "instant/notification of significant community conversation/notifications.

My opinion is that "Twitter" as a particular piece of social media is rapidly developing into THE nations preferred ONLINE vehicle for conversational subjects - the majority of which deserves exposure as contributing to genuine COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT

"Twitter"  allows anyone with access to the Internet to give and express their personal statements or opinions in < 140 characters. What a superb example of genuine democracy.

However with such democracy we all need to be aware of and RESPECT the right of the every individual to their own personal space and privacy.

There is a "fine line" which we all should tread and respect when we use "Twitter".  Regretfully, at times, an individual's personal enthusiasm and passion can cross that "fine line" , it will happen for we are not automatons, we do have human frailties and passions. I anyone of us do unintenrionally cross that liner, then we should be "big enough" to apologise and be "man enough "nott being sexist !) and accept the consequences.
However we must all understand and accept the possibility of the "dire" consequences if we do "cross that line" generally accepted as a safeguard for individual personal privacy and maintaing the law in today's democratic society

THINK before you TWEET

CONTENT is more important than "structure"