Thursday 29 October 2009

Wind Turbine at Stoke Bardolph

Burton Joyce Online Forum beta

Re:WIND TURBINES in Stoke Bardolph - 12 Minutes ago Karma: 4

I find it relevant to bring to everyones notice the stance of the churches of the three villages when they joined together to celebrate " One World Week" -" Climate change means the frequency of disasters will increase"

Also the stance taken by many underdeveloped countries that the" Developed world does not care about how the world is being polluted "The Launch of the Climate Justice Fund - support the poor by counting your carbon says the C of E - "Instead of waiting for Governments to come up with an international agreement we can take the power into our own hands and start making a difference"

This should be more that just a thought

For more interesting comments visit the "Forum beta" at

Saturday 24 October 2009

Burton Joyce Online

Our Mother Site !!!!

serious, amusing, contentious, "all inclusive - all participating"

BJO has been developed and created for the online recording of the present and ongoing “Social History” of our village. BJO is non-political, non-aligned, nor associated with any administration. BJO’s aim is to continuously publicise all aspects of our daily village life - “the good, the bad and the ugly” and promote the change to include detail/transparency within all public statements and information

Totally Independent - BJ Principals - Established Jan 2009

Friday 16 October 2009

Forum (beta) posting

Parish Council Thread (Forum beta) -Comment re our mother site posting by "Deepthroat"

"I have followed this site from early this year and I have become an avid reader. I have always been interested and admired everyday folk questioning and seeking justification from legislations local, regional and nationally - this site follows that great tradition. Even so this is my first contribution to this Forum.

There are at three topics on this site ( within this Forum) which have really stimulated the interest of the readers .

“Why do Councillors keep leaving?” “Low usage high Cost of Poplars” and latterly “Parish Council”

They three topics have attracted over 1146, 1439 and 518 visitors respectively - together with 32, 35, and 15 associated posting (includes both the original forum and this improved “beta forum” ).

This surely confirms the significance and importance of these subjects to the Onliners within the community

For many years now I have had more than a passing interest in the activities of our local Parish Council and have become disturbed by the lack of accountability of it as a body and the attitude of several successive, individual Councillors. The PC’s lack of transparency and the “blurred” association of several and successive individual Councillors with additional local activities, creates some concern and suspicion within the community. Over many years there have been questions asked within the PC and justification requested for certain situations - too many remain unanswered, with delayed or deflective replies However it is most concerning when the integrity and accuracy of the PC and one Committees official minutes (relating to the posting content of this site ) are legitimately questioned, without the courtesy of a direct and adequate justification for the inclusion of the specific statements contained within Council & Committee minutes.

After all, I understand that if there are inaccuracies in this particular community website‘s postings, then early and due remedial postings of recants and apologises are always assured and promised as a standard practice

This appears fair to me, evidently not to the PC "
-Mother site -

Tuesday 6 October 2009

"Burt -n- Joyce" Twitter Column

06/10/09 - Weather today is rain and cloud skies

“ Burt! I see Newark and District Council are well into the completion of the new cyclist way/track from Bulcote to Lowdham “ -
“ Yes Joyce! - It looks very good, though I can’t see where the number of cyclist using it will come from. However, I suppose it could double up and be used for Sunday morning individual cyclist speed trials” - “ Humm yes! Burt, it could even be used during weekdays for walking exercise , jogging , pleasure cycling and how about even Infants Buggy races for “bored” parents and over the 60‘s ” - “Good idea Joyce we could even organise inter village contests with Bulcote and Lowdham. It could help in a coming together of the communities"

"Weather today is well overcast today Joyce" Yes Burt, but it should be OK for your run a little later, dont you think " "Humm - I guess so Joyce"
" I see they have arranged the gathering at the cenotaph on Rememberance day at 11:00 this year Joyce" " Thats good news Burt , last year was a real disappointment for us all who turned up at the cenotaph in the rain-n-drizzle - , at the 11 hour, of the 11th day, of the 11 month" " Humm - I guess so Joyce"
" I see that houses appear to be selling once again Burt" " Yes but the sales prices appear to be rediculously low now - I'm glad we've got each other Joyce, and our own house - I would not want to sell it and move into one of those Homes for the Elderly - want to stay in our own home what ever" "Yes I agree Burt - care in the home is what we want - if and when we need it." "Huum - I guess so Joyce "
