Blogs everyday life in the Nottinghamshire village
News views, faces, places, - serious, amusing, sometime contentious

The ETHOS of BURTON JOYCE ONLINE is to provide the opportunity of regular unlimited free online space to publicise any relevant information direct to the village community via the www/Internet.
The B J O Blog is completely INDEPENDANT, non-aligned, politically or commercially and free from any bias for colour, class or creed, is none profit making and published by a long standing village resident
The B.J.O Blog is NOT intended as A REPLACEMENT or SUPPLEMENT to any existing/ established publication serving the village community.
The B.J.O Blog is NOT intended as A REPLACEMENT or SUPPLEMENT to any existing/ established publication serving the village community.
The OBJECTIVE of the B.J.O. BLOG is to bring direct to the village a single/unique ONLINE reference and contact point for the community to refer to for village announcements and information. PLUS .. .. ..
The OBJECTIVE of the B.J.O. BLOG is to bring direct to the village a single/unique ONLINE reference and contact point for the community to refer to for village announcements and information. PLUS .. .. ..
The FACILITY for everyone resident to add comment, debate, opinion and suggestions on news, views, faces and places relevant to the everyday life in our Trent side village
The FACILITY for everyone resident to add comment, debate, opinion and suggestions on news, views, faces and places relevant to the everyday life in our Trent side village
Oh and before I forget
Oh and before I forget
The project has already established itself as the genuine/original B J Online source - for local news, announcements and interests. It is independent, non-commercial, and free of colour, class and creed bias,
So to Local Administrators and Interest Group Secretaries - get in contact with your stories, events and results etc and contribute to the B J Online community
So to Local Administrators and Interest Group Secretaries - get in contact with your stories, events and results etc and contribute to the B J Online community
To all Parents - get your children involved
To Teenagers - get yourselves, friends, parents, grandparents involved
To everyone - spread the word, have your say, and establish an influence
To all Parents - get your children involved
To Teenagers - get yourselves, friends, parents, grandparents involved
To everyone - spread the word, have your say, and establish an influence
“Click” the relevant link for access to
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to add to the “Comment” box which appears below ****
-****Click a title in the Archive list alongside
to add to the “Comment” box which appears below ****
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