Wednesday 24 December 2008


-WHY YOU SHOULD "JOIN IN" - Burton Joyce Online
There is little doubt in my mind that generally the community spirit and interactivity of years gone by is no longer around.
Many of you may agree and point to the development of technology, mobile phones, the internet, easy travel etc. as well as individuals and families appearing to live more introvert lifestyles. Others will disagree strongly, I would be pleased to learn the arguments in support of your views.
However, what I consider is most important and is that we improve the distribution of community information and the individual awareness/participation in our village life, striving to embrace, restore and maintain an all inclusive society -

Word of mouth , notice boards and printed publications all have a place in distributing information and should always be present within our community, however they do not, and cannot fully contribute the wider needs of a truly open society in today’s fast moving world.

In today’s society, the Internet is probably more widely used and read than any other single news/information source, certainly for the younger generation, who have grown up and been educated with the medium, are now well familiar and expertised with the use of computers, e mail, the www and mobile phones.
**The generation not fully and I stress not FULLY or at EASE ,with these newer communication techniques are, sections of the Mature and Silver Heads who are understandably hesitant with and when applying themselves to learning the use of these new technologies **

For all those who ARE comfortable with the new technologies, there now is the need to fill the space ONLINE with genuine local news, announcements and current affairs - which is the precise purpose of BURTON JOYCE ONLINE and the renewed reasoning behind developing the awareness of the project.

This project has been geminating for some 2 years now, with purposeful regular postings and really getting into its stride this last August . It has now progressed to a point where regular daily reports are the “norm” with - news, views, faces and places - serious, amusing, sometime contentious. B J Online is now looking to broaden its appeal by encompassing reports (postings) with interests for all age groups and generations, together with the facility for readers to add their personal comments, opinions and suggestions,,. and features guest articles, competitions, even examples of responsible Street Art (displays on legitimate surfaces) and minority group interests .To create develop the genuine all embracing relationship with the total cross section of the local community

The project has already established itself as the genuine/original B J Online source - for local news, announcements and interests. It is independent, non-commercial, and free of colour, class and creed bias,
So to Local Administrators and Interest Group Secretaries - "JOIN IN" and contact with your stories, events and results etc and contribute to the B J Online community
-To all Parents - get your children to "JOIN IN"
-To Teenagers - get yourselves, friends, parents, grandparents "JOIN IN" involved
-To everyone - spread the word, have your say, and "JOIN IN"

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