Sunday 28 December 2008

A New Year

Chronicling everyday life in the Nottinghamshire village
News views, faces, places, - serious, amusing, sometime contentious

“Happy New Year” to everyone, everywhere
Some chance many of you will retort ! Especially with the World’s Economic Crisis overshadowing most everyone and everything.

OK ! The coming times will be difficult. So now, even more so , is the time for us all to pull together as a community and look after our own .
Here is my suggestion, hope and endeavour for 2009. -

As you will begin to realise “My glass is always half full - never, never half empty “.
I would therefore be “Chuffed” to see a genuine, cohesive, caring, all embracing community here in our village . A community that is more aware of the plight of others less fortunate than themselves, an awareness with true empathy of all groups and minorities throughout the total age spectrum of B J
We will all have our individual and pet endeavours mine is the improvement of the social lives of the “Silver Heads” amongst us. So much talent and knowledge is “tied up” and lying semi-dormant in this sector of our community, I want to free and release much of this for the benefit and interest of others

What a load of “twaddle” I can hear in the background ..

OK! that’s fine with me, you are entitled to your own views, however, mine are somewhat different and more positive ( my glass is already half full ).

I believe that creating a central -

“ONE STOP SPOT “ a daily meeting place for all to gossip ,
spend some quality time, read daily papers,
take the “weight of ones feet”
receive advise and suggestions relative to grants/benefits etc,
receive help with form “filling-in”
Have a warm tea, coffee or cold drink,
Yes! possibly learn to use the Internet,
hear and discuss daily events , news etc
Will help to develop a cohesion in our community.

I believe all of this can be achieved, relatively easily, relatively quickly and economically,
with the broader use of the CARNARVON ROOMS . .. ..
Whooo ! Hold on! .. .. Many of you will certainly think and say.
Why ?- will be my standard reply?
It is already used for other village affairs and Yes! occasionally for Hot Snacks (the proceeds going to a worth while cause )
Why can we not expand and broaden this facility - is it that there is not a need or is it simply that too many amongst us have “a glass half empty”

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WoW U wil be lucky to get this- Still it is worth a try