Wednesday 18 July 2012

Community Engagement 1

Why is it that "community engagement" is so difficult to achievev for and with existing administrations ?

Why does "community engagement" prove to be so difficult to organise and/or except ?.

After spending several years introducing  community initiatives, it is quite obvious to me that the reasons are fundemental and nothing or little to do with finance, simply apprehension in various guises.

Generally communities and individuals themselves, are suspicious of newfaces and ventures, particularly those which appear only involve a time element. Administrations/Administrators are hesitant, because in my view they or their position may be considered as threatened or challenged.

Another consideration is that communities are generally geographically and locally based  - village, street etc, rather than Borough or District Council.  PLUS the simply action of accessing and approaching contacts etc from administrations or individuals steeped in proceedure, thro' to committees which only meet monthly, is well nigh impossible and at best hugely time consuming  and always frustrating.

What is your experience ?

More to follow...  .. 



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