Tuesday 17 July 2012

G4S's Olympic "Humiliating Shambles" Performance

------------- On 03/07/2012 Mr Buckles the SUPREMO at G4S Security -

 the holders of the contract to supply 10,000 security personnel for the Olympic games said t be a valued in the order of £250Million was informed that his organistation cannot be relied upon to meet their obligations for providing sifficient personnel to meet their contractual commitments. --- It also had become evident that their immediate arrangements to provide security personnel at certain team centres in Manchester, earlier this week and today's cycling event actually did not materialise in full - falling well short of the numbers promised and planned, to such an extent that alternative arrangements with the Police force etc were immediately needed to cover the emergency. -

Why? Why? we will all ask is it that, we have so many unemployed in this country, presently looking for a job or work - is it that for such a huge occasion as the once in a lifetime Olympics games in our country they have failed so miserably as to have their organisation referred to by a Parliamentary Select Committee  as a "Humiliating Shambles" to which the G4S Chairman mr Buckles response was "I cannot dissagree"

Can the answer be if you treat enthusiastic individuals with disrepect and treat and expect them to undergo training in their own time and at their own expense and then pay with them with peanuts and expect them to jump thro hoops - then what alse would you expect ? Particularly when the Chairman says direct to the Committe  that "profit for this contract was never going to be huge" - This says everything..  ..  including a 15% fall in their Stock Market Share valuation

The Governement should bear this "Humiliating Shambles"as an absolute failure and bear it in mind when  this company attemptots to bid for future Governments sponsored Contratcs

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