Thursday 19 July 2012

Just a few relevant thoughts

Community Patrols are not the answer to community crime - stiffer punishment and some community recompense is
My parents had to wait 15 years for a council house, electric lighting, a bathroom and inside toilet. They did not get any hand-outs either
We need to reward the Police NOT saddle them with endless report writing - Whats wrong with personal " dictation m/cs" together with voice recognition typing by computers ?
Do I hear that Parliament is reducing MP's pensions?
Why is it that many in the Civil Service are allowed to get away with tax avoidance schemes?
All Councils from the bottom to the top should be more aware of their responsibility to their community
Everyone who is unfortunate to be unemployed and receive benefits SHOULD contribute in some way to society for the payment received
Reducing speed limits in built-up areas really does make sense
Drunks who turn-up at "hospital out-patients" for attention SHOULD pay ( also those whosuffer a sports injury
The unemplyed youth should be provided with Indetured Apprenticeships - paid for via their benefits
We need to provide Centres of Digital Excellence for all those interested in progressing and seeking FREE Digital knowledge - Councils at every level take note
We ARE a nation of innovators, we need to press home that advantage - Parliament /Government take note
Governmental commissions and investigations take too much TIME..  ..   AND MONEY
Introduce business and communications directly into schools at 13+ (restrict Art and Fringe studies)
Enable the Retired to keep some respect by utilising their time and skill to greater effect
Is there really a need for compulsive retirement ?
BAN "No fee/No win" offers -  they ineveitable increase costs and reduce payouts
Well these points will give some opportunity for thought and comment - I hope !


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