Tuesday 30 December 2008

Parish Council

Chronicling everyday life in the Nottinghamshire village
News views, faces, places, - serious, amusing, sometime contentious.
For those of you who have been following my Blogs both here and at BURTON JOYCE ONLINE you will be aware that for the last 4 to 5 months I have been “blogging” on about numerous subjects which have influence on our community and individual lives. .Over the next months I am reasonably sure that I will be blogging and visiting them again. However, my current subject is fresh and stimulated by my thoughts on the possible future use of “The GROVE.”.
Whilst considering the subject, I did recall that a couple of months ago one of our Parish Councillors was delegated with investigating the matter and seeking possible funding. At that time, it was decided that the opinion and suggestions of the community would be sought for consideration.. Some time later I believe the PC provisionally concluded that the GROVE area should be developed and used for the relaxation and reflections of the B J residents ( I am not too sure of the precise wording, however it is something along these lines) .

I would like to learn HOW and WHAT influenced and persuaded the PC to proceed in this particular direction.. .. .. . Now don’t get me wrong - I do not necessarily disagree with PC decision , however, I do question the mechanism used to arrive at this decision. I personally do not recall - EVER - being consulted by the PC or any individual Councillor on subjects or decision taken by the PC..- where is the “Open” administration promised at election time. I am also particularly interested in the huge negative effect the “Poplars Playing Field “ has on the PC budget.
The PC minutes promised a review of the subject - uumh !!!!.
Once again let me say that I admire and respect tremendously all those giving their time for the administration and betterment of their community. However, I do question the apparent, ineffectual mechanisms, they use to provide and present the OPEN administration promised
Let me say that .. NO! I have never got up off my backside and attended a PC meeting, nor have I telephoned a Councillor to express my views.
However, YES ! I have e mailed Councillors, incl. one of our Councillors at County Hall and YES, he has answered my mail on several occasions AND as a result has spoken with me on several occasions. - Thanks Councillor O’Riordan.
Councillors and representative should realise the majority of our community hesitates to contact verbally, for like myself they hesitate and dislike confrontation. Confrontation, particularly with officialdom usually involves some inevitable intimidation, for the majority of officialdom have the experience and expertise to intimidate us, the less informed - More frequently than not they usually avoid direct and relevant responses even to the most simplest of direct questions - ( ie Parliament Question Time and TV interviews) very frequently and all too often with an unjustified arrogance.

Communication via e-mail is much more acceptable and convenient.
Unfortunately our Parish Councillors, do not have, or choose not to publicise, an e-mail address.. .. Surely even if they want to ensure privacy for their personal e-mail address, they can quite easily offer direct/personal e-mail contact via a Parish Council list of official yet individual Councillor e-mail addresses
“Click” the relevant link for access to
****Click a title in the Archive list alongside
to add to the “Comment” box which then appears below ****


Anonymous said...

Just seen it - Dead on - I will register for a Google Alert

Anonymous said...

I am with you buddy