Thursday, 30 August 2012

Anyone can do it !

                                                            OutoftheBox” Blog 30/08/2012

Yes!  - Anyone can do it

Mary "going solo"

I watched the Paraplegic Games opening ceremony on TV and was overflowing with admiration for and the many individuals from all over the world, who had travelled to the UK to illustrate at first hand their personal endeavours and achievements in overcoming their individual physical disadvantageous and hardships. Their personal courage and overwhelming expectation to achieve something most extra-ordinary in front of thousands of spectators in sporting venues thro-out our country with even more millions who will watch them via TV was humbling

I was also most impressed and totally full of admiration for the courage by gthe participating and fronting of world renowned  Professor Hawkins. This extra-ordinary individual who has resisted and overcome the most unimaginable disability and difficult lifestyle, to continue his personal desire to investigate the components which actually produced our world and life (simply by being  CURIOUS)  put himself out on display, in front of the world - To me this is the result and ultimate example of human desire and achievement.

Anyone of any age can overcome their own personal Online curiosity  for in just ONE HOUR we at NOTTSWATCH will enable them to understand and begin to use of a computer, email and the internet . 

We want to and can help in overcoming this particular personal disability. We simply need to share  just ONE HOUR together  in one of our county Libraries and adopt our Mantra –

“Tell me & I’ll Forget - Show me & I’ll Remember - Involve me & I’ll Understand”    

Friday, 24 August 2012

EYES, EARS, & GRAPEVINE within communities

 Burton Joyce Blogger


Probably the most effective economical means of Crime Prevention, Crime Solving and value for money

“How come?” you may say –

Well that is easy answered and simply illustrated as follow

“burtonjoycenews” is a regular community newsletter circulated via e,mail direct to our village residents. Our mailing list is fully confidential and all emails are sent out as “bcc’s” ( blind carbon copies)

Our village has a population in the order of 3500 with some 50% being over 50 with 85% being adults/matures/seniors

We regularly send out some 150 copies of Alerts, News, and informative pieces via email.

Now let us assume that most individuals adopt the EYES, EARS and GRAVINE initiative, which will mean that the 150 recipients of the original email will probably speak to at least 3 of their family , friends and neighbours- this will instantly increase the pool of knowledge by a further 450

Now let us assume that these 450 also speak and pass on the message to their friends, family and neighbours also – this can increase the pool of knowledge by a further 1350.. .. get the message the next pool couldreach 4050 plus the originals ( 150+450+1350 +4050.. ..)) which means that the original pool of 150 can with each person simply informing 3 others in this simple chain more than adequately covers most individuals within our village in a matter of hours or possibly3 days or so

Such a fantastic crime prevention/solving tool and it costs ??????????????.... can you guess Yes – Nothing , zero, it simply involves goodwill, friends,family and neighbours


It will assist in reducing, prevent and solving crime and reduce the load on ALL levels of Policing

REMEMBER we only need to adopt the EYES, EARS & GRAPVINE initiative


Monday, 20 August 2012

A letter from France

Is France really that attractive /  - Here's a recent letter from an Anglophile?

Hello xxxxxxx,

Many thanks for your response,we have been "blacked out" as far as external communications are concerned for three day's,this is something which is becoming a more regular occurrence with more people (buying houses down here) using the computer system,it just can't cope!

The "Ox Cart" postal system is the name we give the the French Post Office,this appears to operate on a system more akin to bush Africa than to 21 St Century Europe, as with many things we were told about France when we lived in UK,they are not as good as the media would have you believe,this ,in some cases is a relief,we did not move down here to live in a modern World! But we were more than surprised when some of the food was of very marginal aceptance,the Beef,for example,is so tough it takes for ever to chew!! That is due to the way the animal is processed after slaughter,apparently it is not hung for a certain time as it is in UK ,we had some very dear friends visiting just after we moved here 4 years ago,Jacquie cooked a dish with chunks of Beef in it for them to enjoy after their long drive down,it cooked away for 5 hours! Imagine our surprise when instead of tender,almost dissintergrating meat,we had to chew beef like leather,we have tried since,but always with the same result! We now stick to mincing it up! The Wild Boar is a bit tough also,depending how old the beast is.

The weather!!! If you can imagine sitting inside an oven,with the air circulation turned on,that is what we have had for the past week! Nothing is flying,no birds,no bugs,no butterflies,it has been 45 Degs C,at that temperature,it is too hot to do very much,and as we have been replacing the windows in the house,and have the old windows out,it is over 45 Degs in the house as well,there is also a 25 MPH wind blowing,which dries everything to a crisp,which does mean I do not have to cut the grass.yesterday I had a Wasp hit me on the head,it had died on the wing,and dropped onto me! But we plod along,getting things ready for the winter,last winter the temperature dropped to minus 18 C!! Our water froze up for a week! Luckily we has a spring which emerges from the rock face (that was at 18 Degs C)so we were able to get water from there .In all it is paradise if you are of an independent nature, as we are, we have friends visit from UK ,which gives us a break,as well as them,and when the Internet is working,that gives us a window on the world.

The best time to visit France depends on what you are looking for,if it is warm sunshine and long lazy days,July is normally the time,this year the weather was not very stable!But now,in August it is too hot for most people,and France is on holiday, that is only a problem if you are trying to work on your house as most supplies are limited,but on holiday it is not a problem.The traffic is very light,we drove into Cahors(the county prefecture)and saw only three cars in the 20 miles,unlike my drive to Bromley,Kent,which took 1 hour to cover 8 miles!!

Kind Regards   xxxxx   Uhmm very interesting !

"Messing about" on the River

Stoke Lock providing a down river access to the boaters

Burton Joyce, Stoke Lock and Gunthorpe are real popular places to spend some valuable personal/leisure  time
This stretch of the River Trent has some faulous scenery and facilities, necessary to simply get away from the "up & go" and frustrations of work days and city life

The numerous anglers from Ashfield are also aware of the beauty and facilities of the area within this stretch of the River from Stoke Lock  (pictured above) thro BJ and Shelford to Gunthorpe, which has superb facilities for the River boaters, water skiers  and walkers etc.

This stretch of the river has always had great historical significance with the Romans, Anglo Saxon Raiders and later Traders all blessing the existing of this stretch of water

Thursday, 16 August 2012

Become Computer SAVVY in ONE Hour


EMBRACING/Stimulating ABC Basic Computer “Teach-ins” .

County Cllr A Clarke drops in on an ABC Tutorial in BJ Library

“You can take a horse to water but you cannot make it drink”–

How many times have we heard this saying.

Yet it has more than a ring of truth to it and can also be applicable to those around the fringe of our ABC Basic Computer training initiative!

So how do we attract those in our communities, those who are hesitant to TRY to understand or attempt to use computers, emails and the Internet ?

First of all we have to understand that as individuals we do not BUY a products or service – In reality we BUY INTO the BENEFITS provided by them

So, if there is a personal inbuilt apprehension within any individual, a fear of embarrassment, a fear of breaking the computer – How can we attract them the novice -, the fearful - the apprehensive, to even “taste” the possible benefits, the enjoyment, the self satisfaction, and realisation of their inevitable feeling of “self worth”. A feeling which will inevitably realised when they become capable of using/embracing a computers and the internet.

We and everyone else who are fortunate in being able to understand the benefits and personal empowering available with and by using a computer and the internet MUST SURELY attract and persuade those less progressive and hesitant to sample the many possible personal benefits and advantages available FREE to each and everyone thro the use of a compute. Regretfully, those of the 50+generation within our communities were simply unfortunate to be of an age when the transition from “analogue to digital” technology became a reality. We therefore are obligated to help and convince everyone who cannot use a computer “TO RECOGNISE & ACCEPT THE FACT THAT THEY PERSONALLY DO HAVE THE CAPABILITY, and within ONE HOUR will understand and begin to embrace and enjoy the change

Here are several actual examples of those who have made the painless transition into computer/internet age

Christine -  now checks out her “Ernie” saving draw numbers on the library computer

Mary –  can now keep in contact with her son in Leicestershire ( via a laptop gift) eliminating some of the periodic drives to and fro

Jean -  now uses a laptop to help with her updating of her Latin studies

Phyllis - s can now email to and fro with her daughter in the USA for FREE saving on the costly longwinded and time consuming Airmails

Keith now ”Skypes” with his daughter in France

Eric -  routinely checks out his stocks and shares on the Library computers

Frank - had purchased a laptop but could not use

Raymond –has computer which wife could use but could not teach him

Sylvia –had previous lessons but needed re-assurance and re-enforcement -

Colin –  had computer but needed re- assurance and re-enforcement

Tina – Has computer but daughter cannot teach her

Joyce –  complete novice but wants to extends her interests

Terry –  has computer but want further understanding

ALWAYS bear in mind  our MANTRA


Finally each and everyone of the “Over 50” who has experienced our ABC Basic Computer “Teach-ins” willingly and with subsequent satisfaction do actually embraces the regular use and enjoyment derived from the fact that they have realised that they personally join the millions who can and do use a computer and the Internet at home or in their local library

Saturday, 11 August 2012

ONLINE - A way to enable Elderly Engagement in BJ

Burton Joyce has FOUR residential homes for the elderly -
"Online emailing and chat" is a great opportunity to promote and establish "community engagement" with those  less able in our society  - our elderly community - and it is simplicity itself and need NOT simply start and finish in BJ . Think of all the residential Homes in and around our area - the potential for online emailing and chat amongst the elderly age group is fantastic, and best of all it does NOT entail each resident owning a computer and broadband supply.
Most, if not all Elderly Residential Homes  have an "in-house" computer  with an internet supply ( many with Broad Band) . Simply designating a certain number of hours each day for the residents to engage in "Online Chat" surely a possiblilty, individually stimulating and therapeutic.
There is one "downside"  to this suggestion

The majority of residents will NOT be "Computer/Internet Savvy".

This however is NOT A PROBLEM  for the majority of those who can use a "Mobile Phone or a TV Remote" should be capable of using a computer , email and surfing the internet in no time at all, with our FREE "ONE to ONE" - "ABC Basic Computer Tuition".
This technique was developed by ourselves in BJ over the last couple of years with successful results for dozens of elderly in the community  utilising Library computers. We successfully taught many with just a couple of hours or so by adopting the "Mantra"

"TELL ME" and I will FORGET

 "Burton Joyce BLOGGER" can and will teach those in local Residential Homes 

The next question which may be asked isonce a resident is computer aware , who can they actually "Chat Online" with - this is easily answered.-

Other "Online Chatters" in Residential Homes, friends, relatives ( anywhere in the world - for unlike telephones the Internet is free) etc.,Willing members of volunteer organisations - Mothers Unions, "Silver Surfers", Senior Citizens,  W.I.s etc., etc.

with this iniative there really are no difficulties which cannot be overcome - so let us all, who are "like minded"  and digitally aware, attempt to eliminate or at less ease, one of the of the downsides of our elderly living in residential homes - remoteness

All or anyone who can contribute by becoming a Residential Home Online Chatter 
 please email ;

Thanks - please excuse any typo's


Friday, 10 August 2012

Unsolicited Telephone Calls


 Todays e mail message from a BJ resident
"I had another scam call about "your computer has a problem" today. As soon as I asked for "John" s phone number, the line went dead!"

Cold, intrusive telephone calls are NOW a social problem - for all age groups ( but the elderly and vulnerable in particular)  Theses unsolicuted intrusive calls are on a steep upward climb
Not only is the "cold telephone call " most inconvenient, coming at all times within the day and evenings - they are also most worrying for more and an increasing underlying possibility - the means of checking  whether aparticular home may possibly unattended - which could be the signal for a crime (burglary/metal & lead thefts etc)
 However the greatest possiblity is that they are an opener into a multitude of SCAMS !
REMEDIAL ACTION in overcoming these unwelcome calls and consequences is urgently required  - We suggest the Service Suppliers CAN & SHOULD provide an effective solution for "barring" this type of call which is now increasing and impinging upon the lives, of every status of individual 
However we all should all remember,  that one way to fight back is to adopt the proactive, personal and neighbourly attitude of our friend who contacted us today and adopt the EYES, EARS & GRAPEVINE attitude as a means of keeping others aware

We thank this particular and all BJ residents who constantly and actively "look out" for others 


Tuesday, 7 August 2012

30x full 360 degree panoramas from/ within Burton Joyce


This is a truly fantastic and unique example of the skill developed by a BJ resident. His website contribution to the record of our own village and those nearby is exceptional and needs to have copies stored and available for future generations.

Here is our contribution, by publicising the website for his work, thereby hopefully enabling even more individuals, families, relatives, friends and historians to ensure this digital record persists thro time.

Here is the website which everyone really should visit and enjoy


Thanks John for the association and personal kindness


Monday, 6 August 2012

Reduce 30mph speed limit to 20mph


BJ's "Willow Wong" also an access/bottleneck :-)

There is talk nowadays about Burton Joyce residents taking up the challenge and exerting pressure to exercise the Government's dictum for reducing some 30 mph speed restrictions to 20 mph in selected built-up 30 mph areas.

Burton Joyce's Church Road ( with a present 30 mph restriction) is a candidate for it is a stretch of road which now needs this consideration and a speed reduction down to 20mph max.

The completion of the the Colwick bye-pass and the development of Victoria Retail Park has resulted in Burton Joyce becoming the main daily EASTERN ENTRANCE/EXIT to areas of Nottingham City. 

 BJ's Church Road is a road or two narrow single carriageways one in each direction, with traffic lights, speed indicators and numerous small pedestrian central refuges/reservations ( most frightening for the community to use-  particularly at peak times). Church Road isalso the MAIN thro' road which is used daily and constantly for COMMERCIAL DELIVERING, BUSINESS & PLEASURE journeys

The numerous, ever increasing number and variety of COMMERCIAL DELIVERY VEHICLES come in all sizes with an ever increase in high sided 12 Wheeler Artics, plus Car Transporters" (with up to 10 stacked vehicles on board), all  trucking thro BJ  generally at 30 + mph creating HUGE sideway SUCTIONS on the public and pedestrians, which is NOT only dangerous but scaring and frightening for ALL pedestrians - particularly our elderly/infirmed /mature/young/buggy carts users who constanly use and cross from and to the pavements on either side

 Over 50% of theBJ  population is over 50+ with 30% of the residents having young children who either  attend the village primary school or the comprehensive Carlton le Willows a mileor so further on in the direction of the city  

Our village is split in  two by this Byepass - a "leisure side"  with  St Helen's Church
 "Roberts" childrens playground, the Railway Station, a good many residential properties, access to the Gardening Allotments, Poplars Sports/leisure Ground and riverside embankment on the SOUTH side and the largerNORTH side of the residential, village, shopping centre and Primary school etc 
The road is used also CONSTANTLY & DAILY used as the "access of choice", in both directions, for the many Emergency and Police vehicles (with lights flashing and sirens howling)

BJ is at the end of the Rainbow


BurtonJoyce - the end of the Rainbow  

We locals always knew we lived in a special location thisimage shows clearly that our location is much to be  envied, this view is looking SE at the river from the BJ Ridge, where years ago the Romans and Vikings sited their "Look-Out" encampments ( later the location of the underground "Cold War" Security Bunker was also descretely sited in this area )

The River Trent meanders from "up-river"Nottingham and down river into Lincolnshire.

Just around the bend of the river to the R is Stoke Lock/woods and the weir - a regular "stop-off" for all those using the river for leisure boating  ( narrow boats, canoes, motor launchess and the occasional Dredger.

Now the Flood defenses are in place wthe river is controlled, however the "beck" which meanders down from the BJ Ridge into the village does occasionally create havoc in Main Street/Lambly Lane - sand bags then become the order of the day

We will be keeping everyone updated with frequent and regular images and muchmore  information -some serious, amusing AND other times downright contentious - so keep returning for more about this wonderful Trent side, Nottinghamshire  village


Sunday, 5 August 2012


NottsWatch ‏@NottsWatch

GOLDEN Jessica Ennis - guts and endeavor typical of a TYKE. A superb example of her personal endeavor, generation, family and support team .

We are all proud and in awe of her !


Friday, 3 August 2012

Unwelcome telephone calls

A day or so ago we circulated via our Village newsletter an "Alert" from one of our residents -


"I have just now received a telephone call, on my landline, from a man with an Indian accent asking for me by name and as "the man of the household," claiming to be from"windows." The display on my phone only showed "external call" and when I dialed 1471 afterwards there was a record only of the call being received, not of the number it was from. The caller said they had a record of a problem on my computer, and that it was "blocked, without your being aware of it." It was clear to me by then that this was a scam, and I cut them off at once. I spoke to the local police who confirm this sort of operation is prevalent at present, including locally, and sometimes goes with computer messages to the same effect. Since I had parted with neither computer details nor money, the police are not taking any further action. Perhaps a bit of warning to your public about this would be in order though. The details of the words used, as in my experience, and lack of calling number may be useful clues to others."

One amusing reponse from within our community was

"We too had a similiar call recently, asking if my husband was man of the house and was he able to make decisions regarding the household.

Luckily he's not able to make decisions as he knows better lol or god knows what he would have signed up for or divulged to them as he believes everything they say.

The caller display said international call so I suggest unless you are expecting a call from abroad dont bother answering it." 

 We "English" really do have a sense of humour ! 

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

A Really Great Comment re Tweeting

- Long term tweeting #iplod @SgtGaryWatts on why he tweets (#WIT10)

@SgtGaryWatts, one of the first police officers to tweet for work, writes about his approach to Tweeting.

I covered the journey that brought me to twitter a while ago here so this post is an update on why - two years and 12,000 tweets later - I’m still here. My foray into twitter began with a personal account after years of Facebook use. At first it scared me and seemed like another language and for a person who rambles on a bit, limiting myself to 140 characters was joke.

I had been in a fortunate position previously encouraging Police teams to use Facebook but it wasn’t until I found myself back on the frontline I decided to give Twitter a go. My account started out in the same style I had advised others to go with Facebook, as a team, Falmouth Police.

I soon realised that with the speed of exchanges people soon knew it was just me and others had begun to ask who was tweeting. The change to @SgtGaryWatts felt natural and in my circumstances and opinion was the right way to go.

I stumbled on, tweeting away not really having any direction or aim, just making sure I didn’t embarrass myself or the organisation. I soon realised that I had access to a huge amount of people who:

1.Didn’t normally have anything to do with the police

2.Would retweet what I said to thousands others

3.Were possibly news types that would print what I tweeted and come back for more

4.Wanted questions answered but didn’t know where to ask

5.Had information to give about issues that concerned them

This was access and information that I had never had before and it was in my pocket, literally! I decided quite early that I needed to have aims, my very own personal strategy. I kept it simple:

1.To show the human side of policing

2.To show colleagues the benefit of social media

I started to use my personal account less and less and including tweets about my life in my work account. This has been criticised a couple of times but praised more often. I never tweet anything that would endanger my family or pass on personal details but I like to show that I’m just like you.

The benefit of this is that I am approachable. Not just online but out on the street as well. Quite often people will wander around (sometimes drunk) asking for Sergeant Gary and then we meet. Embarrassingly I get recognised on occasion off duty - but that’s part of it too, I suppose.

Colleagues have occasionally had a jibe at my appearances on the radio and paper. They mistakenly think it’s because I put huge amounts of effort into it. They couldn’t be farther from the truth...only 140 characters of effort in fact.

However, I have become a regularly used and reliable source. I often get asked for stories or quotes and will always try to help (if it’s within my role and the situation allows). More and more of my colleagues have seen this now and the penny has dropped. We have a duty to engage and provide information. Social Media and networks allow us to do this is an effective and efficient way that fits with our day (and night) job. There are now over 30 officers in Cornwall using Twitter and dozens of Facebook pages all giving the public what they want. Gone are the days of my getting asked ‘is there a copper on twitter in my area?’ and me saying ‘no’!

It helps that I enjoy the interaction and have made 1000’s of friends. ‘Friends?’ you ask. How can an avatar over an online link be a friend? A year or so ago I would have said the same. Over the past year I have met more and more followers and the bizarre thing is that it is like meeting an old friend. You have a good idea what interests the person, what gets them riled and what their life is about. I wouldn’t say that all 3000 are my friends but it’s surprising how many are!

That is the one amazing gift I hadn’t expected from Twitter

It hasn’t all been plain sailing. There is a difference between being on Twitter as an authority and being on Twitter as me. I know people follow me because it is a police officer's account and not for Gary Watts. My personal account has less than 300 followers and my work one over 3000. Easy to see why really. Whilst the account attracts mainly positive people from around the world it can attract negativity too. Mainly some of those that hide behind anonymity and throw abuse and those pesky BOTS!

I have quite a few anonymous followers and mainly they are fine. One or two however regularly hurl the odd Daily Mail look at what the police did here story or odd piece of legislation or urban myth. I started by ignoring them but then challenged some of the views. It actually turned things around a bit and one account (you know who you are) actually started trying to get followers for me!

Another problem is accessibility. I chose to use a mobile device (of my own not the force's) to tweet with. I wanted to be able to tweet and reply as soon as possible and do. This can often be whilst off duty, with my family or even in bed! It can be a pain sometimes but it is a conscious decision I made and will continue to make.

When colleagues see this it can often be what puts them off. ‘I’m not doing it in my own time!’ ‘I’m not using my own phone!’ There are a number of successful police accounts that only run in work time. That’s the great thing about Social Media, there is no right way of doing it, just a few ways to get it wrong. At the end of it all no one dies, nothing gets broken and it is designed to be Social after all!!!


Hows that for an endorsement by one of our valued Neighbpourhood Police


RE-ASSURANCE after 4Years

4 years on since we first started our blogging and we are still around , providing interesting and informative information to the peoples of Burton Joyce/Gedling Boroughs surrounding villages and the greater area of Nottinghamshire
- We now regularly tweet at NOTTSWATCH & BURTONJOYCENEWS so dont hesitate join us there also for interesting uptodate news, information and comments