Saturday 11 August 2012

ONLINE - A way to enable Elderly Engagement in BJ

Burton Joyce has FOUR residential homes for the elderly -
"Online emailing and chat" is a great opportunity to promote and establish "community engagement" with those  less able in our society  - our elderly community - and it is simplicity itself and need NOT simply start and finish in BJ . Think of all the residential Homes in and around our area - the potential for online emailing and chat amongst the elderly age group is fantastic, and best of all it does NOT entail each resident owning a computer and broadband supply.
Most, if not all Elderly Residential Homes  have an "in-house" computer  with an internet supply ( many with Broad Band) . Simply designating a certain number of hours each day for the residents to engage in "Online Chat" surely a possiblilty, individually stimulating and therapeutic.
There is one "downside"  to this suggestion

The majority of residents will NOT be "Computer/Internet Savvy".

This however is NOT A PROBLEM  for the majority of those who can use a "Mobile Phone or a TV Remote" should be capable of using a computer , email and surfing the internet in no time at all, with our FREE "ONE to ONE" - "ABC Basic Computer Tuition".
This technique was developed by ourselves in BJ over the last couple of years with successful results for dozens of elderly in the community  utilising Library computers. We successfully taught many with just a couple of hours or so by adopting the "Mantra"

"TELL ME" and I will FORGET

 "Burton Joyce BLOGGER" can and will teach those in local Residential Homes 

The next question which may be asked isonce a resident is computer aware , who can they actually "Chat Online" with - this is easily answered.-

Other "Online Chatters" in Residential Homes, friends, relatives ( anywhere in the world - for unlike telephones the Internet is free) etc.,Willing members of volunteer organisations - Mothers Unions, "Silver Surfers", Senior Citizens,  W.I.s etc., etc.

with this iniative there really are no difficulties which cannot be overcome - so let us all, who are "like minded"  and digitally aware, attempt to eliminate or at less ease, one of the of the downsides of our elderly living in residential homes - remoteness

All or anyone who can contribute by becoming a Residential Home Online Chatter 
 please email ;

Thanks - please excuse any typo's


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