Friday 24 August 2012

EYES, EARS, & GRAPEVINE within communities

 Burton Joyce Blogger


Probably the most effective economical means of Crime Prevention, Crime Solving and value for money

“How come?” you may say –

Well that is easy answered and simply illustrated as follow

“burtonjoycenews” is a regular community newsletter circulated via e,mail direct to our village residents. Our mailing list is fully confidential and all emails are sent out as “bcc’s” ( blind carbon copies)

Our village has a population in the order of 3500 with some 50% being over 50 with 85% being adults/matures/seniors

We regularly send out some 150 copies of Alerts, News, and informative pieces via email.

Now let us assume that most individuals adopt the EYES, EARS and GRAVINE initiative, which will mean that the 150 recipients of the original email will probably speak to at least 3 of their family , friends and neighbours- this will instantly increase the pool of knowledge by a further 450

Now let us assume that these 450 also speak and pass on the message to their friends, family and neighbours also – this can increase the pool of knowledge by a further 1350.. .. get the message the next pool couldreach 4050 plus the originals ( 150+450+1350 +4050.. ..)) which means that the original pool of 150 can with each person simply informing 3 others in this simple chain more than adequately covers most individuals within our village in a matter of hours or possibly3 days or so

Such a fantastic crime prevention/solving tool and it costs ??????????????.... can you guess Yes – Nothing , zero, it simply involves goodwill, friends,family and neighbours


It will assist in reducing, prevent and solving crime and reduce the load on ALL levels of Policing

REMEMBER we only need to adopt the EYES, EARS & GRAPVINE initiative


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