Monday 6 August 2012

Reduce 30mph speed limit to 20mph


BJ's "Willow Wong" also an access/bottleneck :-)

There is talk nowadays about Burton Joyce residents taking up the challenge and exerting pressure to exercise the Government's dictum for reducing some 30 mph speed restrictions to 20 mph in selected built-up 30 mph areas.

Burton Joyce's Church Road ( with a present 30 mph restriction) is a candidate for it is a stretch of road which now needs this consideration and a speed reduction down to 20mph max.

The completion of the the Colwick bye-pass and the development of Victoria Retail Park has resulted in Burton Joyce becoming the main daily EASTERN ENTRANCE/EXIT to areas of Nottingham City. 

 BJ's Church Road is a road or two narrow single carriageways one in each direction, with traffic lights, speed indicators and numerous small pedestrian central refuges/reservations ( most frightening for the community to use-  particularly at peak times). Church Road isalso the MAIN thro' road which is used daily and constantly for COMMERCIAL DELIVERING, BUSINESS & PLEASURE journeys

The numerous, ever increasing number and variety of COMMERCIAL DELIVERY VEHICLES come in all sizes with an ever increase in high sided 12 Wheeler Artics, plus Car Transporters" (with up to 10 stacked vehicles on board), all  trucking thro BJ  generally at 30 + mph creating HUGE sideway SUCTIONS on the public and pedestrians, which is NOT only dangerous but scaring and frightening for ALL pedestrians - particularly our elderly/infirmed /mature/young/buggy carts users who constanly use and cross from and to the pavements on either side

 Over 50% of theBJ  population is over 50+ with 30% of the residents having young children who either  attend the village primary school or the comprehensive Carlton le Willows a mileor so further on in the direction of the city  

Our village is split in  two by this Byepass - a "leisure side"  with  St Helen's Church
 "Roberts" childrens playground, the Railway Station, a good many residential properties, access to the Gardening Allotments, Poplars Sports/leisure Ground and riverside embankment on the SOUTH side and the largerNORTH side of the residential, village, shopping centre and Primary school etc 
The road is used also CONSTANTLY & DAILY used as the "access of choice", in both directions, for the many Emergency and Police vehicles (with lights flashing and sirens howling)

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