News, views, faces, places, serious, amusing sometime contentious Everday life in a Nottingham trent side village
Thursday, 31 December 2009
Dont forget to visit our mothersite at there are most things you will want to know about BJ today-
Tuesday, 22 December 2009
"Outstanding Individual Achievement"
Keep a look out for burtonjoyceonline's tribute to the BJ resident deserving of the unique
To be announced and posted in the New Year on
Yes this really is our mother site .. ..
Wednesday, 9 December 2009
Free computer instruction for beginners
Burton Joyce Online intend to provide FREE instruction for those interested in learning about the simplest side to USING computers ( this means that probably all those who read this message will not need our help) and e mail and the Internet. However the readers may know of someone who may need some help - Just put them in touch via E MAIL
We have still to finalise the details of this such as - how ,where and when,( we anticipate this will be in the New Year )however to begin with we need to know just who and how we can help
We should stress that this is for absolute beginners and we want to provide one-to-ONE intruction within easy access within BJ the village - keep watching this space for further information, but please do not hesitate in sending in your suggestions - simply email;
mother site -
Tuesday, 1 December 2009
A Travesty
Therefore throughout the coming month I will be posting here in the Blog many of the astounding revelations, discovered by "BEE - JAY", re- some of the BJPC's "discreet" activities, which have come to light during his 12 month investigations into the BJ Parish Council's affairs and the unofficial activities and use of their facilities. .
It follows that Bee Jay has always been prepared to discuss and resolve these matters directly with the administration, however their recent decision to add his name to their H V & C policy is a gross travesty of justice of their own creation.
ALL THE B J COMMUNITY REALLY SHOULD BECOME AWARE of the village happenings thro 2009 - this group of words may be used by some to provide meaning to unexplainable actions
Connivance, concealment, complicity, concern, contradiction, concoct, concede, conceit, concession conclave, concoct, concur, condemn, condescend, condone, conduct, confabulation, confederate, confer, confess, confidant, confidential, confine, confirm, conflict, conform, confound, confront, confuse, confute, congenial, congested, conjecture, conjuncture, connect, connive, conscience, conscious, consensus, consent, consequence, consider, consistency, consolidate, conspicuous, conspire, constant, constituent, constitute, constrain, constrict , consistency, consult, consume, contain, contaminate, contemplate, contempt, contention, continue, contact, contradict, contrary, contrast, contravene, contribute, control, contrive, convenient, converge, convert, convince, convoke, co-opt,
Saturday, 21 November 2009
A case against Wind Turbines
Although we at BJO can and do understand/appreciate our community's concern, particularly with the noise element of a possible installation, it is most important that we all see the Proposed Wind Turbines at Stoke Bardolph against the larger backdrop of the Governements financial incentives for carbon reduction and the renewable energy projects available to the major companies which may just overide their interest in the community's welfare
The main crux of this proposal, most of us will have always assumed, is to reduce our planets dependence on fossil fuels and assist in restricting the deterioration in the planets ozone layer .
There are many more alternatives other than Wind Turbine installations available to a strong Government - there are more significant impacts much nearer home in their own establishments , ie good housekeeping - switching off unnecessary lighting , limiting central heating levels , more use of video conferencing, curtailing all unnecessary travel, expenses and allowances - particularly within the European Parliamentary Administration and Structure. The savings can achieve staggering levels to every member nation, individually and collectively
We should also be aware of the "Hand-outs" available ( via the Government ) to the major companies who "justify" the installation of Wind Turbines and renewable energy installations onshore and offshore here within the UK and the penalties we locals are expected to accept/tolerate in the process -
We should ensure our voices are heard strong and loud at every level of administration, for there are more sensible alternative ways of achieving their goals, other than throwing finance raised thro our taxes at them
see our mother site
Friday, 13 November 2009
A Case FOR Wind Turbines
The main crux of this subject is to reduce our planets dependence on fossil fuels and assist in restricting/elimination of the deterioration in the planets ozone layer with the excess emission of carbon into the atmosphere. Unfortunately the major affect of these excess emissions is the unfortunate and regrettable acceleration in climate change.
We here in the 3 villages should be acutely aware of the result of climate change and the resulting increased vulnerabilityto excessive rainfall/surface water, particularly here within our location on the River Trent flood plain
We should all remember the not too distant flooding disasters and tragedies of families in Boscastle , Sheffield, Rotherham, Doncaster, Hull, Gloucester, Worcester and River Severn areas, with the emotional displacement of hundreds of families into temporary homes, which in some cases has lasted years . We should also remember our own recent experiences here in this village, Stoke Bardolph, Lowdham, Gunthorpe, Lambley and others locally
We should all be aware of the consequence of refusing to individually and collectively take on the responsibility by NOT opposing the proposed, renewable and zero carbon energy installation which can assist our national energy generation problem. We in BJ/B/SB can set an example to all , by accepting change rather than resisting the proposal to install inshore Wind Turbines in our area. Let us in these 3 villages “grasp the nettle” setting an example to everyone, everywhere, that we the local community can and do care for the welfare of future generations and our planet
Our mother site is at you should visit
Monday, 2 November 2009
BJ Flood Defences
We see that BJRA has been working on serious issues for the village, working on ensuring that new funds would be allocated for the flood embankment and keeping everyone informed everyone informed while the parish council is fiddling around ie..
"We are very pleased to be able to report that the Regional Flood Defence Committee has now allocated £490,000 for the Burton Joyce Flood Embankment and the Environment Agency aims to commence construction in Spring 2010.- "
The Community at large will no doubt be pleased and appreciative of the BJRA working on serious issues for the village, working on ensuring that new funds would be allocated for the flood embankment and keeping everyone informed everyone informed, while the BJ Parish Council appear to be fiddling around.
Fiddling around and revisiting issues already investigated , reported on, discussed and approved by the full BJ Parish Council some 12 monthst ago - i e the Grove remodelling.
The original "Grove report" and application proved successful in obtaining the £15,000 granted
Why is there a need to "tinker" ? - "If it aint broke - Dont fix it"
More BJ info at
Sunday, 1 November 2009
Strange going ons
The Agenda for the November meeting reveals an item as follows
Wind Turbine public meeting.
a/ Request for £500 to facilitate public meeting use of publicity material, poster, banners and hire of village hall
b/ Approval for Cllr Cluff to prepare a presentation on the impact of the Turbine Proposal on Burton Joyce and its residents
Why is the BJPC seeking to spend money - £500 ( our taxes), on organising a public meeting ( publicity, posters, banners ) and seeking the approval for Cllr Cluff to prepare a presentation on the impact- Where is the justification for selecting Cllr Cluff - should this responsibility be that of the Planning Committee Chair?
It certain appears that the BJPC has already adopted the Anti Wind Turbine posture as exemplified with the present content of propaganda featured within their website.. ..
Surely our Councillors are elected ( or co-opted as is the case of Cllr Cluff) to represent the majority view of the community and provide a balanced arguments "for and against" .
Is there a suggestion here that the BJPC does not consider the community equipped to consider these matters independently presented?
BJPC matters
Oh Dear Me !
Did the BJ Community notice the failure of the "Poplars Committee" to get a quorum for the September meeting, didn't have a meeting in August either. This has been an ongoing issue in the past - members can't be bothered to turn up unless they have something of benefit to them on the agenda, so business just get put off again and again.
How about hiring the Carnarvon Rooms at £25 for a short Planning Meeting in August - with three Councillors and the Clerk in attendance! when the BJPC has Council offices - (occasionally used for meetings at zero cost) and of course there is also the Poplars which could also have been used - again at zero cost
Readers should also visit for more
Lone Blogger influences change
Firstly did you hear on the news that a lone blogger has caused the resignations of most of the Councillors of Somerton Town Council? You may be interested in Googling for Somerton Town Council - and looking at the Muck and Brass blog
There was also a recent item on this in The Mail.
Keep returning for there is more intrigueing info to come
Dont forget to visit
Thursday, 29 October 2009
Wind Turbine at Stoke Bardolph
Re:WIND TURBINES in Stoke Bardolph - 12 Minutes ago Karma: 4
I find it relevant to bring to everyones notice the stance of the churches of the three villages when they joined together to celebrate " One World Week" -" Climate change means the frequency of disasters will increase"
Also the stance taken by many underdeveloped countries that the" Developed world does not care about how the world is being polluted "The Launch of the Climate Justice Fund - support the poor by counting your carbon says the C of E - "Instead of waiting for Governments to come up with an international agreement we can take the power into our own hands and start making a difference"
This should be more that just a thought
For more interesting comments visit the "Forum beta" at
Saturday, 24 October 2009
Burton Joyce Online
serious, amusing, contentious, "all inclusive - all participating"
BJO has been developed and created for the online recording of the present and ongoing “Social History” of our village. BJO is non-political, non-aligned, nor associated with any administration. BJO’s aim is to continuously publicise all aspects of our daily village life - “the good, the bad and the ugly” and promote the change to include detail/transparency within all public statements and information
Totally Independent - BJ Principals - Established Jan 2009
Friday, 16 October 2009
Forum (beta) posting
"I have followed this site from early this year and I have become an avid reader. I have always been interested and admired everyday folk questioning and seeking justification from legislations local, regional and nationally - this site follows that great tradition. Even so this is my first contribution to this Forum.
There are at three topics on this site ( within this Forum) which have really stimulated the interest of the readers .
“Why do Councillors keep leaving?” “Low usage high Cost of Poplars” and latterly “Parish Council”
They three topics have attracted over 1146, 1439 and 518 visitors respectively - together with 32, 35, and 15 associated posting (includes both the original forum and this improved “beta forum” ).
This surely confirms the significance and importance of these subjects to the Onliners within the community
For many years now I have had more than a passing interest in the activities of our local Parish Council and have become disturbed by the lack of accountability of it as a body and the attitude of several successive, individual Councillors. The PC’s lack of transparency and the “blurred” association of several and successive individual Councillors with additional local activities, creates some concern and suspicion within the community. Over many years there have been questions asked within the PC and justification requested for certain situations - too many remain unanswered, with delayed or deflective replies However it is most concerning when the integrity and accuracy of the PC and one Committees official minutes (relating to the posting content of this site ) are legitimately questioned, without the courtesy of a direct and adequate justification for the inclusion of the specific statements contained within Council & Committee minutes.
After all, I understand that if there are inaccuracies in this particular community website‘s postings, then early and due remedial postings of recants and apologises are always assured and promised as a standard practice
This appears fair to me, evidently not to the PC "
-Mother site -
Tuesday, 6 October 2009

06/10/09 - Weather today is rain and cloud skies
“ Burt! I see Newark and District Council are well into the completion of the new cyclist way/track from Bulcote to Lowdham “ -
“ Yes Joyce! - It looks very good, though I can’t see where the number of cyclist using it will come from. However, I suppose it could double up and be used for Sunday morning individual cyclist speed trials” - “ Humm yes! Burt, it could even be used during weekdays for walking exercise , jogging , pleasure cycling and how about even Infants Buggy races for “bored” parents and over the 60‘s ” - “Good idea Joyce we could even organise inter village contests with Bulcote and Lowdham. It could help in a coming together of the communities"
"Weather today is well overcast today Joyce" Yes Burt, but it should be OK for your run a little later, dont you think " "Humm - I guess so Joyce"
" I see they have arranged the gathering at the cenotaph on Rememberance day at 11:00 this year Joyce" " Thats good news Burt , last year was a real disappointment for us all who turned up at the cenotaph in the rain-n-drizzle - , at the 11 hour, of the 11th day, of the 11 month" " Humm - I guess so Joyce"
" I see that houses appear to be selling once again Burt" " Yes but the sales prices appear to be rediculously low now - I'm glad we've got each other Joyce, and our own house - I would not want to sell it and move into one of those Homes for the Elderly - want to stay in our own home what ever" "Yes I agree Burt - care in the home is what we want - if and when we need it." "Huum - I guess so Joyce "
Sunday, 13 September 2009
UFO's Spotted over Nottingham 12/09/09
REALLY - This is true and substantiated by Cllr Allen Clarke our local County Councillor. -
12/09/09 My wife and I saw 6 x "UFO's" in the sky over Ruddington and south Nottingham late last night at 22.16< 22.18. These sightings were at a height and speed similar to that of aircraft approaching EMA. ( As we live directly opposite the incoming flight path from the South and at our homes height and view point from our huge lounge window we inevitably have a regular evening interest of watching incoming aircraft and diversions into EMA - somwhat an irresistable hobby ;-). However the main difference last night was our sightings of "UFO's" did NOT not have flashing navigation lights at their wing tips etc., NO their singular light was much larger and significant and constantly ( as opposed to intermittant flashing as those on conventional aircraft) they lit, singularly, reddy orange in colour. These "UFO's" appeared to fly in precise unison in 2 pairs ( maybe 0.5 miles apart ) with the second pair estimated 1 mile behind and a further single object a further 1 mile behind these. They all moved in unison at the same apparently leisurely floating speed. The amazing thing, then was after a miute or so the lights in the leading pair gradually dimmed ( almost as if the object turned oppositely away from our view point. The following pair of lights and the singleton bringing up the rear also gradually dimmed at the same place in the sky and eventually disappeared when they reach the same spot. The whole scene was like an aerial ballet. Some 2 minutes later the sixth single UFO. appeared and repeated the sequence. The night was very clear without cloud no chance of a mis sighting - a regular passenger plane passed overhead BJ at the same time and within another minute or so, a further conventional passenger flight came into view from the south on the normally expected flight path into EMA
BJ Blogger
See our mother site at
Monday, 31 August 2009

****This "Spotlight" on Community Accolades is a selection of related topics which combine together to inform all in our community of news, views, faces and places and give all residents the opportunity to become aware of the achievements of self organised groups and interest created by individuals in the community which are and for improving the lot of each and everyone .
Community Accolades Forum, Profiles/Services Groups / Interests
Wednesday, 26 August 2009
To whom it may concern

Just a thought to bear in mind
Particularly with the advent of 3 new co-opted BJ Parish Councillors
It has been suggested that..
"There appears much "lemming" like behaviour at many of the BJPC Council meetings... ..
Councillors should be constantly aware that any actions taken in the name of the Council are the responsibility of them all ( even if individual Councillors are not at the meeting) and they can be sued/surcharged for illegal or irresponsible activities... ..
*This does not include the Clerk because it is understood the Clerk acts under the instruction of the Council"
Tuesday, 18 August 2009
Aah if only
Aah! if only we could be there
Thursday, 30 July 2009
Bus Plug controversy returns

This marks the next phase of the Burton Joyce/Gedling Bus plug controversy - with the mobilising of the public for the next round of community meetings
see our mother site for ongoing details -
Friday, 17 July 2009
Why do our Councillors keep leaving
”Extracts from ex Councillors - Julie O’Neill, Brian O’Neill and Marlene Dixon's resignation letters (full unabridged version Why do our Councillors keep leaving in this Hot Gossip link) brought to you as the result of "The Freedom of Information Act"
Dear Mr Potter
When I stood for the Council in 2207 , I did so because I was aware of the need for change .. .. It has been a difficult struggle .. to get the Council to adopt legall;y required policies and procedures ..
Now we have legally required documents and procedure in place .. .. Is purposeless unless they are adhered to. Recently we have seen standing orders and financial regulations flouted .. .. interests not declared .. Approved policies and procedure ignored or over-ridden .. Minutes interfered with ..
The treatment of Councillors who raise questions or make suggestions at meeting is a disgrace.. .. private vilification campaigns, aggression .. shouting down
Many of the people responsible for such behaviour in the past have now left . ..disappointing to see some of the new personnel have adopted the same practices. ..
Serve the community but to promote their personal and sectional interests ..” .......................
“Dear Chairman
My interest and knowledge about engineering and sporting matters would be welcome
.. Having undertaken an extensive piece of work in the Fire Risk Assessment of the Sports Centre with you and .. .. I find that others are determined to undermine the work for their ow petty reasons I am particularly concerned .. I find all this insulting to me personally and potential dangerous for the Parish Council ..
If this is the way you treat new Councillors .. not an organisation I wish to be associated with “ ...................
“Dear Chairman
I, Mrs Marlene Dixon wish to tender my resignation ..
I joined the Council in the hope that the 15% increase in the 2008/08 Council Tax could be brought down in line with other villages ..
I was publicly humiliated at my first council meeting to such an extent that other members complained of the treatment I received ..
After being on high profile committees as Chairman and Vice Chairman for 40 years .. . also being a retired tribunal judge, I do not want to be held responsible for decisions made without my knowledge.
I hope in future that the Council will not be swayed by outside forces .. .. In future the Council will treat all new Councillors with respect and kindness”
”Extracts from ex Councillors - Julie O’Neill, Brian O’Neill and Marlene Dixon's resignation letters (full unabridged version Why do our Councillors keep leaving in this Hot Gossip link) brought to you as the result of "The Freedom of Information Act"
Friday, 26 June 2009
B J's Silent Majority
Only 15% of BJ's population is under 16 yrs old
Only 11.9% of BJ's population are aged between 16 <30yrs
Which is why, we at BJ Online will continually stress the case for the “all inclusive“, “all participating“, consideration for the
As the direct result of our request under the Freeedom of Information Act - We have now received copies of the 3 ex Councillors resignations. ( Julie O'Neill, Brian O'Neill and Marlene Dixon). Each one, on its own, is astonishingly frank "
Thursday, 4 June 2009
BJPC Latest

(Posted in the "LOCAL ADMINISTRATION" section/"Burton Joyce Parish Council" category)
***Visit "HOT GOSSIP" to see the our observations on the recent BJPC June Meeting !! PLUS***
the particular attitude adopted by others towards the B J Community website ethos
and more in Hot Gossip - the Forum
Do not miss the latest village information ONLINE on YOUR community website
Sunday, 3 May 2009
Annual Parish Council meeting
Tuesday May 19th - 7.30pm - Carnarvon Rooms
This is the opportunity for all in the B J community to
witness and participate in Local Democracy/Government at work
EVERYONE of us should make a special effort to attend this
significant meeting.. .. and we mean EVERYONE
Teenagers, Singles - Married - Parents ( single and partners) - Matures,
Seniors - Shop Owners - Business Owners - Tradesmen etc, etc.
Minority Groups - Stroke Club - BJ Runners - Calligraphy Group,
Sugar Craft Guild - 1 to One - Senior Citizens Club - BJU3A,
St Helens Baby & Toddler Group - BJ Duplicate Bridge Group
Trent Valley Art Group - BJ Players - Scouts - Guides -Teachers,
Bowles Club - Cricket Teams - Football Team - BJ Archers,
The W I - Mothers Union - BJ Preservation Society - etc etc .
do not have to speak or express their own opinion, although there
may be many who want to ask significant questions .
So come on down and engage with our Parish Council
Sunday, 19 April 2009
First Parish Council Meeting
The April 7th Meeting was the first Council meeting I have ever attended. It was to be quite and event. .. Let me explain .. ..
Council Meetings allow Public and Press attendances, however very few Public or Press usually attend - I was under the opinion that this was the result of apathy or a lack of awareness of their arrangements - now after attending an actual meeting I do not believe that previous opinion of mine is anywhere near the truth.
At this particular meeting the “Public” attending comprised of “a family of five”, a mature lady village member, the “Chairperson” of the newly created “Village Plan Committee”, our village policeman, a representative of Severn Trent Water and myself.
Initially there was some procedural matters for the Council Members to agree upon -however, I did note that a reference to the absence of both Councillors O’Neill was noted, yet I had read an entry in the local Parish Magazine that they had already decided to step down at the end of the month ( not surprising then that they were not in attendance). I do wonder why there are so many resignations from the Council At this particular meeting there was only 7 members present, including the Chairman and this actually included recent secondments. Uum!.
I will not bore you with a minute by minute record of what went on prior to my presentation, other than to say it was quite disappointing for me to see the Severn Trent representative, the family of 5 and the Chair person of the Village Plan all leave prior to my own presentation - Shame on them! - for they may well have witnessed a taste of actual democracy in action, by that I mean unconstrained free and straight speaking by the public - me!.The April 7th Meeting was the first Council meeting I have ever attended. It was to be quite and event. .. Let me explain .. ..
Council Meetings allow Public and Press attendances, however very few Public or Press usually attend - I was under the opinion that this was the result of apathy or a lack of awareness of their arrangements - now after attending an actual meeting I do not believe that previous opinion of mine is anywhere near the truth.
At this particular meeting the “Public” attending comprised of “a family of five”, a mature lady village member, the “Chairperson” of the newly created “Village Plan Committee”, our village policeman, a representative of Severn Trent Water and myself.
Initially there was some procedural matters for the Council Members to agree upon -however, I did note that a reference to the absence of both Councillors O’Neill was noted, yet I had read an entry in the local Parish Magazine that they had already decided to step down at the end of the month ( not surprising then that they were not in attendance). I do wonder why there are so many resignations from the Council At this particular meeting there was only 7 members present, including the Chairman and this actually included recent secondments. Uum!.
I will not bore you with a minute by minute record of what went on prior to my presentation, other than to say it was quite disappointing for me to see the Severn Trent representative, the family of 5 and the Chair person of the Village Plan all leave prior to my own presentation - Shame on them! - for they may well have witnessed a taste of actual democracy in action, by that I mean unconstrained free and straight speaking by the public - me!.
For continuation of the original report within " Hot Gossip" at
I will continue.. ..
BJO's main platform is and always has been that we should foster the “all participating, all inclusive “ open community.. .. .for this is the essence of Democracy working for all.
BJO was created and developed for the ENGAGEMENT and PARTICIPATION of our community . It is already beginning to achieve those aims. The initial success will continue with even greater results, particularly if our independent, investigative, non aligned project, has the cooperation and endorsement of the BJPC and other establishment bodies, however irrespective of specific relationships, we will continue publishing our independent views and opinions to ensure our community is all participating , all inclusive and open.
We want a better place to live , we want less anti social behaviour, we want a caring sharing society, we do NOT want an untidy, unhygienic environment, we want a pleasant, peaceful, attractive environment, we want to help and give assistance to those in need, we want an equal sharing and allocation of facilities for ALL age groups. Yes, and the inclusion of the elderly and the infirmed within our community
All this brings me to the realisation, which came to the surface a couple of weeks ago ( the 4th of April actually) That the aims and aspirations of BJO are significantly and naturally closely aligned with those of the Burton Joyce Village Plan.. Uum! Very interesting.. .. ..
Don’t get me wrong, I am full of admiration for those who commit themselves to community service, however the B J Parish Councill seems to be presently following a path which is somewhat "overgrown and less defined than one would expect"
That’s my personal opinion .. for what it is worth !!
Bee Jay
Saturday, 11 April 2009
BJO Stats
You should really visit Burton Joyce Online - WHY?
Weh Hey! Burton Joyce Online is creating the interest which we wanted when we first began developing this community project some 8 months ago. BJO has now been online for just 4 weeks - and it is only the last 2 weeks when we began to approach our original vision .
Even so we have achieved some staggering statistics
1000 visits - (600 returning visits - 400 unique visits ) -
approx 40 visits per day 8200 + page views
Top pages -
Home page 2174 views: Gossip 411 views: Forum 371 + views: Whats on 326
Local services 286 : Weblinks 276 : Business Directory 272 : News Feeds 223
Guest Contributions 220 : Get E Mail 169 etc
Currently 644 registered users. ( allowing full participation within our site)
The “Polls” suggest that the “Major village concern” is Anti Social Behaviour
Local Interest Groups, organisers and Advertisers alike, take note - BJO is already well on the way to becoming the ideal local media for spreading your message
Saturday, 4 April 2009
Hot Gossip
Future topics at Burton Joyce Online
Allotments Invaders continued, Vacant Halls, Facilities for elderly, Peacocks, vandalism ( broken gates at rain track), Flood defences, Fly posting, village centre stop/meet, Youth facilities, Visible Pollution, Scouts/cubs /brownies, The Grove, The Village Plan - others for original B J Blogs - jokes , A gentlman is, PO car parking danger, more village activities, Poplars Sports ground cost, Help your neighbour day, summer activities. More WI activities, UFO‘s, ASB, “ Church Steepless, Car phoning, In- ar smoking, Car seat belts, Eye-see bargain, BJ Donkeys, Consensus politics in local government,
Sunday, 22 March 2009
Is this acceptable graffiti

This morning the 21st I went into the village centre as is my want, and I was shocked by the number of FLY POSTERS which had appeared, apparently over night. The village centre had suddenly become bedecked with 9 Fly Posters within 100 yards of each other - pinned to trees, telegraph poles and walls on both sides of Main Street and the Coop car park. Now if this was not the work responsible adults, but that of our un-thoughtful, un-caring, irresponsible teenagers displaying examples of their Street Art ( termed and accepted as graffiti) most villagers would be up in arms. But not so with their fellow adults for this is apparantly acceptable --
SHAME or is this really the acceptable face of graffitti ?
Why is it that these examples of posters publicising “one-off” events, sometimes even ongoing events, are very rarely ever taken down after the event publicised ?- Because those who put them up in the first instance cannot be bothered, or have little consideration for the appearance of our village environment. they are more concerned about their publicity - that’s why
Well now we can offer a solution to all this unregulated VISUAL POLLUTION addicts . What’s more the solution will be more effective for them as publicists , and much more convenient informative, more easily read and observed at leisure, by the individuals to whom the messages are intended and targeted .. .. and what is more it is FREE.
Our mother site offers completely free of charge and without obligation publicity for any Bone Fide Event or meetings of Minority Interest Groups in and around our surrounding villages including
Burton Jovce, Bulcote, Stoke Bardolph, Gedling Village , Lambley. Wood borough , Lowdham, Gunthorpe, Caythorpe, Hoveringham, East Bridgford and Shelford.
Simply "click" on our mother site below and complete the information within our Events and Venue category on the HOME page or contact us direct with your information if you are having difficulties ( it is not everyone who understands the procedures of the Internet Anoraks - ;-)
Our Mother site is at
Wednesday, 18 March 2009
BJ Minority Groups
We are inviting everyone, of every age, colour, class and creed to join us constantly 24/7, 52 weeks of the year. The content of our Village community web portal is biased towards the residents. Burton Joyce Online will always be “ all participating, all inclusive”.
Our published aim is to constantly and immediately communicate with village residents on the latest news and announcements .(no waiting for a scheduled print date sometime in the future - possibly one month away)We publish News, Views, Places and Faces - serious amusing and sometime contentious relative to our immediate area.
We offer to include FREE publicity and coverage of related events for ALL groups, societies and clubs including the minorities,
All you Secretaries , Managers, Organisers, Supervisors get in contact with us immediately, for we guarantee that the wider community will soon become aware of your own particular activities when your announcements appears within Burton Joyce Online.
Anyone and everyone with a special interest really should get in touch immediate - don’t miss out, even if we have already added you to the What’s On /Village Groups category - take a look see.
To take advantage of our offer of FREE publicity simply “Click” on the CONTACT at the bottom of our HOME Page on our mother site.
You can even provide your group with its own dedicated and FREE e mail address ( G mail by Google) and use our FORUM for improving the everyday contact and chat amongst all your members
We have been developing Burton Joyce Online in various guises now for over 8 months and genuinely believe we have now produced a Community site “second to none“, as an example, this Web Portal’s content is wide and all embracing
Our Mother Site is at -
Monday, 16 March 2009
Free Publicity for BJ Tradesmen
In line with of our stated "community" policy we are offering FREE publicity to our Local Businesses and Self Employed Tradesmen. This offer is available in the form of a FREE "Banner 1 Ad" in our "Business Directory" this is and will be, ongoing
In addition to the Banner 1 Ads, we are (until the 1st of September) also offering FREE a limited number of "Banner 2 Ads" and "Banner 3 Ads". These larger size displays can include Advertiser's own artwork and be presented in either mono or full colour.
After the 1st of September 2009 there will be an modest annual production cost of £35pa and £50pa repectively for "Banner 2 & 3 Ads " - "Banner 1 Ads" will always remain FREE
Whilst, we appreciate, in these times of economic crisis many local Businesses will want to take advantage of our offers, we hope to balance fairly the various displays, to reflect the requirements of all the surrounding villages. This means in some instances, regrettably, we may have to adopt a first come, first served policy
See the full article at our mother site at
Tuesday, 10 March 2009
Gmail makes email easy and efficient. And maybe even fun.
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Watch a video to see how to combat spam.
2. Search your mail instantly
Use Google search within Gmail to find the exact message you want, no matter when it was sent or received. You don't have to spend time sorting your email, just search for a message when you need it and it will be found for you.
3. Organize replies into conversations
With Gmail, each message you send is grouped with all the responses you receive. This conversation view continues to grow as new replies arrive, so you can always see your messages in context.
4. Built-in chat: text, voice, or video
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Wednesday, 4 March 2009
Our Mother Site
Tuesday, 24 February 2009
Home Repossessions
It would appear that our Government has no solution to answer or arrest the ever increasing Home Repossessions in the UK.
There were 40,000 home repossessions in the UK in 2008, from a housing stock, probably totalling 2million. This equates - in its simplest form - to 4 home repossessions here in Burton Joyce
Is there a solution within our own local community for looking after our own ?
Here is one resolution which we should all seriously consider .. ...
In today‘s society we are constantly solicited for weekly/monthly donations to a wide range of charities, animals, cancer, overseas tragedies, T V appeals etc., etc. Let us look closer to home?
In B J we have approximately 2000 households - If these B J families donate just 50p per household, each a week to a BJ Village Repossession Fund we can all do our bit in preventing 4 families within our own community, (possibly our personal friends), from loosing their most valuable and treasured possession. With just 50p a week form each household we can ensure BJ families are kept together, prevent children from becoming homeless, with the automatic disruption to their education, stability and childhood, - with possible subsequent lapses from the “straight and narrow”
The whole scheme can be administered/operated anonymously by 2 or more local discrete persons of repute. 50p donations can be freely given by cash donations into a collection bin possibly located securely with in the Post Office.
If you want to submit you own views of support or otherwise use our Poll or our Forum for debate
Well ! about it, - Lets create our own Home Repossession Prevention Fund
Sunday, 22 February 2009
All right, NO!
All right ? No! Not right! Nor Left!
This is NOT, repeat NOT a POLITICAL posting. NEVER
It is intended as highlighting/underlining many, many points which just do not make sense to us mere mortal
Our Government gives £Billions to the initiators( Banks and speculators) of this recession/depression and virtually nothing to its own citizens. The PM is not to blame, according to him, yet he continues to expose himself as a world financial champion with increasing overseas travels and yet relatively NOTHING to the innocents in this his own nation
Unemployment - the Government announces a level of 1.97 Million at the end of Dec 2008 ( Huuumm!- this figure appears a little suspicious - too precise! Plus it is announced in late Feb 2009). Why does the Legislation take so long to publish at the end of 2008. Is it not possible to have instant publication by using running totals ?
Home Repossessions - 40,000 in 2008 and yet in Dec 2008 the Government announced a Mortgage Protection scheme - which incidentally is still not finalised or available to those already repossessed. SHAME ! SHAME ! SHAME on all you politicians
Promises and delivery- by the Government should be of the real world.
Why does every colour of Government adopt the same line? - allowing the legislator to consume untold time and facilities in establishing precise and exacting legal jargon in drafting laws and benefits - Whilst our Nation continues suffer in the face crisis and emergencies - created by others .. .. Why on earth are we as civilised society (who instantly donate to the appeals of others in need and turmoil), NOT capable of creating a means of rapidly servicing the unplanned critical need of sections of our own society in time of national crisis?
National Benefits legally entitled can take a 5 weeks delay to reach those people and families who have an instant need for cash fortheir everyday existence - Why? Because the Legislation cut back the Job Centre facilities in the “good times” and now cannot service the need of those legitimately requiring immediate help. Emergency payments just do not appear to be available to the those really in need
MP’s Pensions are GOLD PLATED and are said to be the best in the country - and what do our representative do about it? - Consolidate the fact and resist change
MP’s expenses, incl home and away - Why is it that these are continually under wraps and NOT completely open and available to public scrutiny , those they represent
Why in the “good times” is it that the Government want and try to persuade the Nation to be judicious Savers. At the same time they and are critical of the borrowing and spend, spend, spend attitude of the majority. Yet currently the “Savers in this nation” are now left ”high and dry” with a dramatic drop in interest rates and presently left with no income whatsoever from their savings - which in the past were contributing to the Nation’s wealth
Shame! Shame! Shame on the legislation
Mortgage availability is now almost dried up and the PM is advocating no more 100% mortgages - however where is the alternative housing availability coming from - what is the state of the present and projected housing stock ? And when will this materialise ?- Huuum!
Business overdrafts are the lifeblood of our economy - without them there is a minimal inducement for new entrepreneurs, little or no contributions to the GNP. Little or No new employment in the small business sector ( less than 10 employees). Yet the Bankers ( possibly the only sourcing for this sector) are withdrawing support daily, because there own, debt to capital ratios are now becoming further aggravated and adversely affected (their own making)
Why is it that each successive Government seek to sanction colossal expenditure on offensive military equipment. When in this day of high technology and inventive initiatives is there not a greater emphasis on a defence initiative , Why do we need expensive, War Ships and Aircraft Carriers?. Why do we adopt the role of World Peace Keepers with materialistic, mega expensive, ultra slow moving, water based vulnerable hardware when today defensive self propelled rockets can reach, with pin point accuracy, anywhere in the world ( we can even reach the moon and beyond ).? eg Why was the invasion and war against Saddam EVEN necessary.
Why is it that we have to accept the present situation of foreign workers being imported into this country temporarily accommodated in specially provided floating Hotels whilst temporarily employed by Contractors on major British contracts ?. This goes on whilst the local Tradesmen are denied access to such positions - the answer supposedly is European Community Legislation - Huuumm! Yet we are denied the promised referendum on the community issue by the present Government
The Governments PFI policy is now coming home to roost . What is PFI ? - Answer Public Finance Initiative. Which means the Government gets companies in the independent sector to accept and develop Major Contracts, to build provide Buildings Services and development projects at their own expense and then lease the results back to the Government and legislation at a commercial profit ( many of these projects are now are seeking increases in their returns , which is resulting in many facilities pricing themselves beyond that which Local authorities can service - this can result in higher local rates/taxes for the community if the facility is to remain open or even closed down, as a result of established long term contract commitment)
-You should now definitely visit our Mother site at
Friday, 20 February 2009
Now its really online!
Hi everyone, its now really online -
Wednesday, 18 February 2009
BJ Changes
Over the past few years there have been considerable changes in the retail businesses available to the village communty - For example
Approaching the village from Gedling the first business on the right was
1) A “Ford Dealership” selling petrol and new cars, plus servicing and repairs - now a residential development
2) At the Station Road X roads was/is the “Old Newspaper Shop“, now modernise and refitted
3) Diagonally across the X Road Is the “Barbers Shop” - once a confectioners
4) Just in to the village via Nottingham Road is the “Pear Tree Dental Surgery” - this was formally an Off Licence/ selling produce etc incl Video rentals.
5) The “Children’s Nursery” at the X Road of Lambley Lane/Main Street was originally a house refitted as a Doctors Surgery/Dispensery
6) Into the village centre we now see the “Charity Shop” which previously was a Hardware Store
7) Above the Post Office used to be a “Solicitors” office open 3 days each week
8) Next door to the Post Office is the “Chemist” previously a Health Food Shop and before t Next door to the Post Office is the “Chemist” previously a Health Food Shop and before hat a Wool Shop- Rainbows.
9) The “Take Away Cantonese” was previously a Chinese Take Away
10) Across Main St into the Coop Car Park (with an access from Chestnut Grove) formerly was a “Car Repair” service garage complete with elevated Ramp
11) Across the Main Street the “Fish & Chip” Shop was originally a Butchers
12) Next door the “Physio“ was the Old Midland Bank
13) Opposite and a little way up Willow Wong is now a "Hairdresser" which previously sited a “Laundrette/Dry Cleaner”
14) Into and left in Main Street again now is “Delights”- previously a Vegeterri, with a Chiropodist business above
15) Further down Main Street is “Tealights” the tea and coffee café -.formally a Bakery
16) Approx 50 yard further along the street , on the LH side and corner, stand a relative new “Detached Cottage” this is a rebuild of “Mill’s-Old Newagents”
17) At the Bulcote end of Church Road is a “Car Sales Operation” - formerly being Petrol Retail
18) Back along Church Road at the Meadow Lane junction is the “Estate Agents” formerly a small “Engineering services/product outlet”
19) The last outlet in this small clutch of businesses is a “Beauty Salon” - previously a Ladies Hair Dressers
Quite a change in the village .. What?
Sunday, 15 February 2009
B J Flood Defences
Flood Defences
On the 6/7th Sept and 3rd November I previously reported that the BJ Flood defence pumping station had still to be completed. - after the commencement of the work in February of this year
-In the October issue of the Parish Magazine, Steve Wright’s contribution comments upon the report by the Environment Agency Flood Risk Management and their statement that at the time of going to print (which could be interpreted as the 16th Sept 2008) “the work was nearing completion of the pumping station” and that “When all work is completed screening of the site will be carried out by planting suitable shrubbery”
--Well let me once again advise all in B J and the Agency itself, that work appears to have had only a little move towards completion,
With all the rain and now the huge snowfalls, we have had of late it makes me contiue to wonder if all the expense in the new , non-completed B J Pumping Station was really necessary. After all we have all seen "down pour, upon down pour" and "wide spread flooding" thro-out many areas in the country, but not here in B J this year .
Once again a remnder for is it, that all the embarrassing and frenetic, renewed cleaning and clearing of the county's natural drainage ditches, dykes, becks etc (which have been in existence for years ) has been really effective and re-established the results for which they were initially created for ? ..
Friday, 13 February 2009
Sunday, 8 February 2009
Ladies Beware
Face Surgery and Body Augmentation
Whilst watching “Richard and Julie” recently, I noticed the obvious - Britt Ekland , one of their guests appeared to have a “TROUT LIPS” ( similar to those unfortunately experienced by Leslie Ash). I am also aware and realise that Lionel Blair has been sporting an example of a “facelift gone wrong“ for some time.
However, J K Rowling ( Harry Potter creator), T V’s Ann Robinson and Sherri Houston ( ex Coronation St, Emmerdale Farm and Loose Women) the latter “allegedly” from B J., although some do contend it is more like Gedling or Cartlton are much better examples of “Surgery/Body Augmentation“, although it must be said, these three ladies in particular, are certainly in the minority.
I then decided to search the internet for examples of “mishaps“ and found all these featured in one blog by someone else .. .. ..
- However.. .. Joan Rivers must win the “world worst” example of a facial “adjustment”-
Friday, 6 February 2009
Mother Site
Burton Joyce Community Web Portal
We are almost there- Where? You may say.
At the launch of our Brand Spanking New Burton Joyce Web Portal the
Thursday, 5 February 2009
Flood defences again
On the 6/7th Sept and 3rd November I reported that the new BJ Flood defence pumping station had still to be completed. - after the commencement of the work in February 2008
-In the October 2008 issue of the Parish Magazine, Steve Wright’s contribution comments upon the report by the Environment Agency Flood Risk Management and their statement that at the time of going to print (which could be interpreted as the 16th Sept 2008) “the work was nearing completion of the pumping station” and that “When all work is completed screening of the site will be carried out by planting suitable shrubbery”
Yes! - I understand that
Well let me once again advise all in B J and the Agency itself, that work appears to have had little and no significant moves towards completion,
With all the rain and now the huge snowfalls, we have had of late it makes me wonder if all the expense in the new , non-completed B J Pumping Station was really necessary. After all we have all seen "down pour, upon down pour" and "wide spread flooding" thro-out many areas in the country, but not here in B J this last year .
Is it, that all the embarrassing and frenetic, renewed cleaning and clearing of the county's natural drainage ditches, dykes, becks etc (which have been in existence for years ), has really been effective and re-established the results for which they were initially created for ?
.. or have I missed something?
Wednesday, 4 February 2009
BurtonJoyceOnline Community Portal
We will be explaining to all our readers over the next few weeks just how comprehensive this new community site is . For instance the “News Feeds” category contains so much information - constantly up-dated by the BBC and a wide range of Daily Newspapers, - (Times, Guardian, Independent, Telegraph, Financial Times, Sunday Express, Daily Mail, Mirror, Sun) - Which quite frankly means, there is little need to buy a newspaper or watch the TV News programmes
Yes! Our “News Feeds” are so comprehensive and interesting that a reader can spend hours immersed in such a convenient facility in their own home and save money.
Sports fans have coverage virtually second to none. Multi national Sport reports and news s are included and an avid soccer fan can even log into a “My Team” selection and used their own opinion to select their own formation of the squad players in their own favourite Football League team. This can be e-mailed direct a friend/relative anywhere in the world as a friendly wager .. .. ..
Wow! . .. .. .. How about that as a facility in your own community Web portal ? -
Pretty Good What?
We will also be covering other interesting categories within this your own community web portal. A web portal brought to you constantly by your own fellow residents, of many, many years standing.
Finally, please do not be mislead with the plethora of other “so called” B J Community sites which are constantly springing up and administered by remote operators, with little or no connection with the community it is claiming to serve. - Our own Community Web Portal is genuinely developed by, and will be operated on a day to day basis, by local Burton Joyce residents - ALWAYS
Watch out for its launch
Bee Jay
Wednesday, 28 January 2009
Hot Gossip
It is “HOT” and at the same time as “cool” as it can get -
Because the BURTON JOYCE ONLINE WEB PORTAL is the best independent, individual, initiative specially created to benefit ALL ages within our communities, without favour or bias for any one particular age group, business interest, leisure activity, special interest group, any level of social sector, the “haves and have-nots”, - in fact for anyone and everyone Trentside.
And .. .. WHY because it enables everyone to participate, suggest, complain, join in with everyone of like or different mind and interest - and YES everyone will need access to the internet, yet even though those without, can readily gain access and quite freely via the service provided by the local library
The aim of this ONLINE WEB PORTAL is to create a wider awareness and participation in the community activities and services which are currently available and create even more in the future when the need arises. It is also just as important for each and everyone of us to become familiar with the efforts of our local administrators at the - Parish Council, Gedling Council, Nottinghamshire County Council, Westminster M P and Euro MP, yet show no hesitation in providing constructive criticism when it is considered justified. Or at least enter into debate with others within the ONLINE FORUM facility
We are asking all those who visit the new ONLINE WEB PORTAL site to
“log-in” and register a FREE ACCOUNT which will provide a FREE personal e-mail address and enable participation within the FORUM and POLLS, plus the contribution articles, photo images, including adding Business/Service details/adverts plus and Wanted and For Sale items.
When you visit the site there is much more to experience, and have no doubt, you will become hooked and inevitably make routine return visits to update yourself on the Local and National News and Weather etc for the Burton Joyce Online facility is also your online magazine constantly changing, updating and pushing back the boundaries with articles covering most local interest
PLUS a special section for the Ladies amongst us with a LIFESTYLE category which offers VIDEO/AUDIO access to subject such as Food & Drink, Beauty and Style, Health, Parenting etc. This category will be likened to as the “Honey Pot is to Bees”
There is also Online Polls on many and varied topics/interests . With our Open philosophy readers this will enable all residents to directly contribute to possible village changes with an awareness of the Poll opinions as they unfold .. ..
So keep your eyes pealed for the launch which will be around the 10th of February
Friday, 23 January 2009
A totally new dedicated village, non-profit making,community “portal style” website
Burton Joyce Online
-This project is entirely, community based and non-profit making. It is presently being developed and created for launching very shortly at
The project has been created to improve and develop further village communication and assist in establishing an “all-inclusive, all participating” community. The development, maintenance, updating and ongoing administration of the project will be administered by and with the existing experienced (internet/website) owner.
Mission Statement - Project aims, challenges and content
Aims -The Burton Joyce Online community project will have facilities which are freely available to Burton Joyce Village at large, to the Parish Council, Churches, Schools, Charities, Groups, organisations, minor interest groups, services etc ., in fact any to any B J organisation with legitimate and bone-fide interests.The content within Burton Joyce Online will always be free of all political, colour, class or creed bias and will be accessible by all who have the capability and will to access the www/internet. , which today, is the majority of our community ( in the future, this will inevitably increase percentage-wise and in actual numbers)
.Challenge -The immediate and long term challenge is to stimulate and create awareness of the project, persuading the community to become actively involved by participating in, taking advantage of the facilities/services within the project and contributing comments, information, articles on news, views, faces and places, with serious, amusing and sometimes contentious comment
Content - to be pursued -
Keep a look out for the launch date ..
This Blog will continue in its present format - it will not be replaced or superceeded
Saturday, 17 January 2009
News views, faces, places, - serious, amusing, sometime contentious.
Our new " all inclusive, all paricipating " WEB PORTAL
is now well into development -it will soon be launched online at
The final creation is full of interactive full participating pages
with everything you will want to know about the
News, Views, Faces and Places
of Burton Joyce and our adjacent villages
The new web Portal incorporates
Automatic News updates and feeds direct from the BBC ,
Weather conditions and 3 day plus forecasts
A to Z of local Businesses
Classified Ads - FOR SALE and WANTED - which you can input yourselves
Births, Engagements, Marriages and Obituaries
E mailing and Internal Site Memo facilties
Etc etc
The finished WEB PORTAL will be packed with photos and information from Parish Councils, Schools and Interest Groups .. plus loads of competitions and prizes
We will keep you all informed of the progress, keep looking for those who are there first will be first served
Keep those eyes open and looking .. ..
“Click” the relevant link for access to
****Click a title in the Archive list alongside
to add to the “Comment” box which then appears below ****
Sunday, 4 January 2009
Quiz 2009
“Everyday life in a Nottinghamshire village”
News views, faces, places, - serious, amusing, sometime contentious
Before "Then" and "Now" Quiz
The two images show the same building in Burton Joyce -
"THEN and NOW"
The Quiz question is .. .. What was the building used as
"before THEN" ?
The answer will appear in a later posting .. ..
“Click” the relevant link for access to
B J ONLINE -- B J Virtual Reality Tour
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to add to the “Comment” box which then appears below ****