News, views, faces, places, serious, amusing sometime contentious Everday life in a Nottingham trent side village
Sunday, 23 November 2008
New Address
Saturday, 22 November 2008
Burton Joyce Village TimeLine Blog & Diary
“News, Views, Faces and Places - serious, amusing, contentious”
As part of my publicity campaign and in an effort to gain greater public awareness I decided to circulate a Press Release publicising the fact tha B J now had an ONLINE community debating, discussion, suggestion, opinion forum ( This Burton Joyce Blog ) .-
I sent out Press Releases to each tier of local government from the Parish Council upwards, to the top level of our local MP in Parliament and sat back waiting for acknowledgements of receipts-
Why you may ask such extreme action? - Well in my mind, and that of many many others, I am of the opinon that there can be all to many instances of the use of the frustrating and general excuse of lack/absence of awareness of the existance of a condition, situation, incident, knowledge of bad practice etc - These excuses which relieve many of a responsibilty and accountabilty ( the "Need to Know" practice is so frequently offerred in reponse to critism in interviews - as argumental denial of their awareness)
To-date I am pleased to note that I have received these reponses to the Releases.. .. from "Vern" our MP in Parliament and "James" our C C Councillor - Thanks to you both ( even though "Vern's" was from his assistant - it is still appreciated) plus .. J @ bjra
This Burton Joyce Blog is aimed at bringing to the attention of all those with interests in our village, the daily news, views, faces and places - serious, amusing and sometime contentious . It constantly seeks constructive comments, replies, discussion and suggestions via the online interactive comments facility
It is also intended as a chronicle of to-day's daily life within the village, hopefully ensuring access to the information by future generations, for it will be part of B J's history by tomorrow
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Thursday, 20 November 2008
Burton Joyce Village TimeLine Blog & Diary
News, Views, Faces and Places - serious, amusing, contentious
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What a Mess2
Burton Joyce Village TimeLine Blog & Diary
News, Views, Faces and Places - serious, amusing, contentious
Click for "BJ TimeLine" -- Click “Interactive B J Village Tour”

Who has the responsibility for this
When will those responsible for the upkeep of this patch take the “bull by the horns” and get this unsightly mess in the centre of the village tidied up and “in keeping” with the preferred appearance of our village -
Shame on you who have responsibility for this “oversight“. Shame on those who have accountability for ensuring and maintaining a tidy and attractive village .Once again is this the attitude which contributes to why we did not win an Attractive Village Award this year?-
Why must we accept that this particular area in our village centre be allowed to remain in this untidy, overgrown, eye sore condition for such an extended period ?.
Why should this situation be allowed to exist? Particularly as the BCTV is located in the Village Old School alongside.
PERHAPS IT NEEDS SOMEONE WITH INITIATIVE ? Oh dear me! Initiative appears to be in short supply of late .. .. ..
I will continue reporting on progress, until this situation is resolved .. .. ..
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Burton Joyce Village TimeLine Blog & Diary
“News, Views, Faces and Places - serious, amusing, contentious”
Click for "BJ TimeLine" -- Click “Interactive B J Village Tour”
The saga continues, my mole suggests that the absent sub Post Master situation in the village, could well be resolved in January 2009 - I wonder ( hopefully)
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Wednesday, 19 November 2008
Burton Joyce Village TimeLine Blog & Diary
News, Views, Faces and Places - serious, amusing, contentious
Click for "BJ TimeLine" -- Click “Interactive B J Village Tour”
Improving Community involvement
Here is a question and an obvious suggestion for the PARISH COUNCIL.
Why does the PC continue to ignore the creation of an ONLINE contact facility for the village community?
A simply e mail address enabling contact with the many village residents is already ONLINE, and is certainly better for direct communication (
Better still now, how about adding a Parish Council website ?
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Burton Joyce Village TimeLine Blog & Diary
News, Views, Faces and Places - serious, amusing, contentious
Click for "BJ TimeLine" -- Click “Interactive B J Village Tour”

My Index Subject Heading of POP ( Parking On Pavements) is almost true in this instance ( One wheel on pavement)
How long will this type of vehicle be allowed access thro the village Main Street and be allowed to indiscriminate park in such an obstructive and restrictive manner when there is an off-road facility within the Co-op car park for off-loading, not 2 M away and with complete and clear access into the Stores designated off loading area
This commercial delivery vehicle parked in the narrow Chestnut Grove, obstructing village incoming traffic completely, restricting safe views for those entering and leaving the Coop car park from the Chestnut Grove entrance/exit. and creating further obstructions into the Vicarage, BCTV and two private dwellings, plus the free passage of traffic leaving the village by this narrow road.
This inconsiderate parking has to be stopped not only for the above reasons but also because of the difficulties it creates for pedestrian parents and their children , for the elderly and infirmed , and for the general safety of all the village residents
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Tuesday, 18 November 2008
Burton Joyce Village TimeLine Blog & Diary
“News, Views, Faces and Places - serious, amusing, contentious”

For anyone seeking to have an enjoyable few days away you should visit Thoresby Hall (just north of Ollerton Round About)
WOW ! - This Grade1 listed Hall, now a Hotel and Retreat, quite honestly packs an experience which should not be missed . In addition to its 3 Special Restaurants (The Blue Room, Le Bistro, Pierre Pont ) , the historic Great Hall and Library, within architecture which is awe inspiring and is a tangible illustration of true craftmanship .
To repeat myself . .. Well worth a visit and No! I do not get a Commission
And I forgot to say - It is for couples only and the “Silver Heads” have the definite majority ;-)
Thursday, 13 November 2008
Burton Joyce Village TimeLine Blog & Diary
“News, Views, Faces and Places - serious, amusing, contentious”
Click for "BJ TimeLine" -- Click “Interactive B J Village Tour”
WOW! I received an email today, just minutes after I uploaded my previous blog and it makes my day !.
I would like other readers to see her comments - Not because they are congratulatory, but because this lady is typical of the particular "cross-section" of our community to whom I am hoping my daily Blogs reach, so here goes.. ..
" Just a few words about your blog - it was lovely to drop on it by chance and I felt is was unfair not to congratulate you on your work. .. .. .. .. I shall be 80 years young in February, and enjoy my weekly Google Alerts about the village - now I've got the Blog too ! Thanks . One thing though, your prefix "wetwo" intrigues me, anything to do with.. .. .. .. .. Well I tried! Thanks again" .. .. .. ..
Norma! It's my pleasure - Its me that needs to thank you ..
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Burton Joyce Village TimeLine Blog & Diary
“News, Views, Faces and Places - serious, amusing, contentious”
Click for "BJ TimeLine" -- Click “Interactive B J Village Tour”
"HAVE YOUR SAY" - You mature B J residents !
A few relevant estimated figures for Burton Joyce Bulcote and Stoke Bardolph ( albeit for year 2004)
A Blog (a contraction of the term "Web log") is a web site usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video. Entries are commonly displayed in reverse-chronological order. Many Blogs provide commentary or news on a particular subject; others function as more personal online diaries. A typical Blog combines text, images, and links to other Blogs, web pages, and other media related to its topic.
So once again all you BJ residents get involved, online, with the news, views, faces and places connected with your own community
Wednesday, 12 November 2008
Burton Joyce Village TimeLine Blog & Diary
"News, Views, Faces and Places - serious, amusing, contentious" -
Sunday, 9 November 2008
“News, Views, Faces and Places - serious, amusing, contentious”
Click for "BJ TimeLine" -- Click “Interactive B J Village Tour”
The B J villagers and UK citizens everywhere annually recall and REMEMBER on the 11th day of the 11th month those who fell and died in our Nations’s conflicts.
These visual signs of respect and thanks by the Nation are always physically shown and seen on -
Why -No British Legion representation?
Why -No Clergy representative from any of the 3 village churches?
Why - No single sign of Remembrance - public or private place at the cenotaph
Are these the reasons why I feel so low and dissappointed on this
Saturday, 8 November 2008
B J Post Office
"Burton Joyce Village TimeLine Blog/ Diary" (Tomorrows History)
News, Views, Faces and Places - serious, amusing, contentious
Click for "BJ TimeLine" -- Click “Interactive B J Village Tour”
Our village Post Office SAGA continues - .. Does it ? .. .. - really ! .
Or is the more important question !! ..!! -
How long will the present situation continue? Orrrrrrr ! .. .. ..
Is the “dreaded closure decision” already in the pipeline ? .. .. .. I wonder !! !!
Friday, 7 November 2008
News, Views, Faces and Places - serious, amusing, contentious
Click for "BJ TimeLine" -- Click “Interactive B J Village Tour”
The activity of two, quite separate and individual, long time resident - Burton Joyce Silver Silvers have created outstanding individual Online works - truly individual, comprehensive, unique, non-commercial, and non-profit making
The two works are featured and permanently linked from within the
BURTON JOYCE BLOG which daily chronicles the news, views , faces and places - within the village, with serious, amusing and sometime contentious content.
The BLOG online address is
These two, quite individual, works cover
1)The Social history of Burton Joyce via a 1600<1900> which describes the village relationship with the hosiery industry and families thro the period.. This “TimeLine” method of describing the history and village characters during 1600<1900>The work is enhanced with over 220 illustrations and images .. and
2)The Burton Joyce, Virtual Reality, Interactive, Village Tour with truly unique impressive panoramic views thro-out.. The work is genuinely innovative and produced with an individual expertise rarely seen. It utilising over 50 individual (interlinked) camera panoramic locations, each taking at least a full minute for each un-interrupted panoramic viewing
Simply "Click" on either of the two links within the heading for direct online transfers
Thursday, 6 November 2008
Burton Joyce Village TimeLine Blog & Diary
News, Views, Faces and Places - serious, amusing, contentious
Click for "BJ TimeLine" -- Click “Interactive B J Village Tour”-
St Helen's original church spire is dated as from the 1300’s Unfortunately it now permanently located at ground level within the churchyard with a Grade 2 listing
The top of the spire was replaced in 1895, gas lighting was installed, then replaced with electricity in 1935. Central heating was installed with a boiler under the central aisle, to be replaced by a gas boiler outside the building about 1940.
It comprised of three sitting rooms, a kitchen scullery and pantries, five bedrooms, a bathroom, two box-rooms and, externally, a coach house, stable, cowshed, cow stall and coal house.
Wednesday, 5 November 2008
Burton Joyce Village TimeLine Blog & Diary
News, Views, Faces and Places - serious, amusing, contentious
Click for "BJ TimeLine" -- Click “Interactive B J Village Tour”
Vernon Croaker MP - Maiden speech in Parliament - 10 Jun 1997 : Column 1033(Hanzard)
…“There are also two beautiful rural villages. Burton Joyce is the larger. It is popular with commuters to Nottingham and has a most beautiful 13th-century church. Stoke Bardolph is in the valley of the Trent, with lovely views across the river to Shelford and Radcliffe” .. .. I see this every day - a treat!
I went to my B J Dentist the other day - for my routine check-up. As usual my teeth did require some attention - A filling had broken in one and a “hole” had appeared in another , …. ….so I accepted my Dentist's diagnosis and booked in for a later appointment - for remedial treatment - for a problem - I could not see.. !! ?? a trick!
On my way out I stopped to read a grand coloured brochure pinned on the reception notice board - It advertised the forthcoming Bonfire and Fireworks event scheduled for the 1st Nov. - I read it and re-read it . .., several times, until eventually the receptionist came over and asked “Is there a problem?”. “Yes I replied - the Dentist’s examination must have affected my eye sight .. I can‘t see where this Village Bon Fire event is being held” - “Oh! Don’t get concerned, she replied, we have all had the same problem. Obviously, there is a mistake and it has been left off - We guess it will be at held at the Poplars Sports Ground” - .. .. a problem - for I could not see where - a trick!
We received our Quarterly Gas Heating Bill (July/August/September ) the other day - approx £450 - for a summer quarter - for a couple - this was definitely NO treat
Yes approx £450 Gas Heating Bill - for a couple - for a summer quarter -
To Gordon Brown ! Please take note
.. .. And to that guy named FAWKES, .. .. .. "Where are you? "-
Burton Joyce Village TimeLine Blog & Diary
News, Views, Faces and Places - serious, amusing, contentious
Click for "BJ TimeLine" -- Click “Interactive B J Village Tour”
Last nights BBC TV programme on “East Midlands Today” ( reporting on the subject of “Car Seat Belt wearing” .
The Old Bulcote Petrol Station (now only selling cars) was clearly recognisable with its plethora of vehicles on display alongside the road
Tuesday, 4 November 2008
Burton Joyce Village TimeLine Blog & Diary
News, Views, Faces and Places - serious, amusing, contentious
Click for "BJ TimeLine" -- Click “Interactive B J Village Tour”
Did you know that this village centre landmark (now the Dance Studio) was, once upon a time, the B J Village Blacksmiths Forge .
Yes ! In the 1841 these premises were occupied by Joseph Alvey and his son Matthew - as the village Blacksmiths. Matthew later took over the business from his father
Another son, Joseph (junior) became the village butcher, then a farmer , marrying the widow Ann Dams . One of their children - Sophia - married Harry Roberts, together they built and lived at “Fernside” in Criftin Road on land purchased from Joseph and Ann.
Harry Roberts and his wife Sophia later gifted to the village the land/area now known as “Roberts Playfield” alongside the “Nelson Public House”
If you did not know .. .. You do now !!
Clubs and Meets 2
Burton Joyce Village TimeLine Blog & Diary
News, Views, Faces and Places - serious, amusing, contentious
Click for "BJ TimeLine" -- Click “Interactive B J Village Tour”
St Helen’s Church Fair
CHRISTMAS FAIR is on Saturday December 6th at the CARNARVON ROOMS from10.00am
B J METHODIST CHURCH HALL -Saturday November 15th <>
Monday, 3 November 2008
Flood Defences

Progress as at 07/09/08
B J Flood Defences
On the 6/7th Sept I reported that the BJ Flood defence pumping station had still to be completed. - after the commencement of the work in February of this year
In the October issue of the Parish Magazine, Steve Wright’s contribution comments upon the report by the Environment Agency Flood Risk Management and their statement that at the time of going to print (which could be interpreted as the 16th Sept) “the work was nearing the completion of the pumping station” and that “When all work is completed screening of the site will be carried out by planting suitable shrubbery”
Well let me advise all in B J and the Agency itself, that work appears to be NO nearer completion, with little or no apparent progress subsequent to the September statement - as my images show.
With all the rain we have had this last year it makes me wonder if all the expense in the new , non-completed B J Pumping Station was really necessary. After all we have all seen "down pour upon down pour" and "wide spread flooding" thro-out the country, but not here in B J this year.
Is it that the maintenance ( renewed) in clearing local Dykes, ditches and beck/dumbles etc was the only remedial action necessary? Instead of the instigating the reputed £350,000 contract
B J Graffiti
News, Views, Faces and Places - serious, amusing, contentious
Click for "BJ TimeLine" -- Click “Interactive B J Village Tour”
B J Graffiti
This example of graffiti art work can be seen in Burton Joyce
As a community, why do we not provide acceptable areas locally, where these free-lance artists can develop their skills and artistic interpretations in a responsible manner. So as a community should we try to provide a local, none offending yet acceptable location - Yes most certainly
The above image is and example of artwork which does not look "out of place" in its present location, nor does it offend me personally. It can also be legitimately considered as improving the “bland” appearance of the storage tank on which it is displayed
Sunday, 2 November 2008
Bus Stop Block
Burton Joyce Village TimeLine Blog & Diary
News, Views, Faces and Places - serious, amusing, contentious
Click for "BJ TimeLine" -- Click “Interactive B J Village Tour”
The other day I was in the village centre , minding my own business meandering in front of the village P Office and Chemist, when I saw a lady pull up and park her small two door car in the middle of the marked Bus stop area in front of the Charity Shop. She left her parked car to take a parcel into the Charity Shop. In the mean time the local bus service on its way to Southwell arrived and stopped at the designated Bus Stop ( with its newly erected brand new Bus stop Post) to disgorge its passengers. In stopping the bus driver found it necessary (or convenient) to block in the errant car parker.- by parking tight up alongside the car’s divers door. Before the bus had time to continue on its way the lady reappeared form the shop and stood on the pavement alongside her car looking quite bemused ( not perturbed, annoyed ,or even amused) she simply stood there legs akimbo with her hand on her hips .. .. Looking .. .
In the meantime the driver simply sat on his seat in the bus .. Looking. ..
Now this “stand-off” continued for a good 15 minutes ( I lie! .. It appeared that long, but in reality it would have only been 5 minutes) . After this time the “stand-off” continued - with not a word passing between the two drivers, plus ongoing and increasing difficulties being experienced by other road using drivers - Horns sounding and irate fists being shaken, as they manoeuvred to pass around the bus parked more than mid way across the Main Street.
By now, I was running (no walking) a little late and a little annoyed that I did not have my camera with me , so I went on my way into the Co-op. Some 5 minutes or so later I passed the “errant parking lady” in one of the food aisle in the Store and wondered what had been the result of the amusing incident ( not so amusing for the many other road users AND pedestrians, who had not been amused, just inconvenienced and put at risk by the incident ).
The final result was the bus driver having to leave before he became too entrenched in delaying his schedule, and the lady quickly moving her car across the Main Street and parking in front and alongside the Old School.
Burton Joyce Village TimeLine Blog & Diary
News, Views, Faces and Places -serious, amusing, contentious
Click for "BJ TimeLine" -- Click “Interactive B J Village Tour”
B J Primary School
We should congratulate the school as it continues to progress in the 2008 SAT ‘s
Key Stage One Level 2+
Maths - 100%; Reading - 97.5%; Writing - 95%
Key Stage Two Level 4+
Maths - 100%: English - 94.6%; Science - 100%
The school now has its own Mini Bus for outside events and provides a large number of “after school” clubs - Chess, Netball, Football, Art and Music.
The school also offers parents Breakfast and After school Clubs with care from 7.30am to 6.00pm
A fine achievement long may it continue
Light a Heart
Burton Joyce Village TimeLine Blog & Diary
Village Hall - Light a Heart
Come on all you caring villagers and sponsor a “ Light a Heart” this Christmas and dedicate it to whoever is in yours. These will be hung in B J Village Hall thro-out November and December
Saturday, 1 November 2008
Clubs and Meets
Burton Joyce Village TimeLine Diary - the serious and amusing
- News, Views, Faces and Places”
e.mail Comments on Blogs -- Click “Interactive B J Village Tour”
Click for "BJ TimeLine"
B J Groups
Stroke Club - Tel 931 3288; BJ Runners 931 2978; Calligraphy 955 4222
Sugar Craft - Tel 987 5605; Senior Citizens’ Club 961 8254
Local History - Carnarvon Rooms meets Tues 10.00<12.00…;