Thursday 13 November 2008


Burton Joyce Village TimeLine Blog & Diary
“News, Views, Faces and Places - serious, amusing, contentious”

Click for "BJ TimeLine" -- Click “Interactive B J Village Tour



WOW! I received an email today, just minutes after I uploaded my previous blog and it makes my day !.

I would like other readers to see her comments - Not because they are congratulatory, but because this lady is typical of the particular "cross-section" of our community to whom I am hoping my daily Blogs reach, so here goes.. ..

" Just a few words about your blog - it was lovely to drop on it by chance and I felt is was unfair not to congratulate you on your work. .. .. .. .. I shall be 80 years young in February, and enjoy my weekly Google Alerts about the village - now I've got the Blog too ! Thanks . One thing though, your prefix "wetwo" intrigues me, anything to do with.. .. .. .. .. Well I tried! Thanks again" .. .. .. ..

Norma! It's my pleasure - Its me that needs to thank you ..

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