Tuesday, 4 November 2008


Burton Joyce Village TimeLine Blog & Diary
News, Views, Faces and Places - serious, amusing, contentious

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B J Blacksmithies (1841) - now The Dance Studio

Did you know that this village centre landmark (now the Dance Studio) was, once upon a time, the B J Village Blacksmiths Forge .
Yes ! In the 1841 these premises were occupied by Joseph Alvey and his son Matthew - as the village Blacksmiths. Matthew later took over the business from his father
Another son, Joseph (junior) became the village butcher, then a farmer , marrying the widow Ann Dams . One of their children - Sophia - married Harry Roberts, together they built and lived at “Fernside” in Criftin Road on land purchased from Joseph and Ann.
Harry Roberts and his wife Sophia later gifted to the village the land/area now known as “Roberts Playfield” alongside the “Nelson Public House”
If you did not know .. .. You do now !!

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