Burton Joyce Village TimeLine Blog & Diary
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My Index Subject Heading of POP ( Parking On Pavements) is almost true in this instance ( One wheel on pavement)
How long will this type of vehicle be allowed access thro the village Main Street and be allowed to indiscriminate park in such an obstructive and restrictive manner when there is an off-road facility within the Co-op car park for off-loading, not 2 M away and with complete and clear access into the Stores designated off loading area
This commercial delivery vehicle parked in the narrow Chestnut Grove, obstructing village incoming traffic completely, restricting safe views for those entering and leaving the Coop car park from the Chestnut Grove entrance/exit. and creating further obstructions into the Vicarage, BCTV and two private dwellings, plus the free passage of traffic leaving the village by this narrow road.
This inconsiderate parking has to be stopped not only for the above reasons but also because of the difficulties it creates for pedestrian parents and their children , for the elderly and infirmed , and for the general safety of all the village residents
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