Sunday 9 November 2008


Burton Joyce Village TimeLine Blog & Diary
“News, Views, Faces and Places - serious, amusing, contentious”

Click for "BJ TimeLine" -- Click “Interactive B J Village Tour

Those gathered at the Cenotaph just before the 11th hour and the lone physical sign of remembering
The B J villagers and UK citizens everywhere annually recall and REMEMBER on the 11th day of the 11th month those who fell and died in our Nations’s conflicts.
These visual signs of respect and thanks by the Nation are always physically shown and seen on -
Remembrance Sunday every year at hundreds of Cenotaphs sited in villages, towns and cities
Will We?, Do We? .. .. Evidently not necessarily so..
For only 10 of the 4000 or so Burton Joyce residents were at the Cenotaph this year - to remember, pay their respects and show their gratitude for those who made the ultimate sacrifice
WHY ? Why? Why? On this “Sunday of National Remembrance”
Why -No official village representative at the cenotaph at the 11th hour?
Why -No British Legion representation?
Why -No Clergy representative from any of the 3 village churches?
Why - No single sign of Remembrance - public or private place at the cenotaph
"Only one simple small poignant cross brought and laid there by one of the ladies present"
Are these the reasons why I feel so low and dissappointed on this


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