Friday 7 November 2008


Burton Joyce Village TimeLine Blog & Diary
News, Views, Faces and Places - serious, amusing, contentious

Click for "BJ TimeLine" -- Click “Interactive B J Village Tour

The activity of two, quite separate and individual, long time resident - Burton Joyce Silver Silvers have created outstanding individual Online works - truly individual, comprehensive, unique, non-commercial, and non-profit making

The two works are featured and permanently linked from within the

BURTON JOYCE BLOG which daily chronicles the news, views , faces and places - within the village, with serious, amusing and sometime contentious content.
The BLOG online address is
These two, quite individual, works cover
1)The Social history of Burton Joyce via a 1600<1900> which describes the village relationship with the hosiery industry and families thro the period.. This “TimeLine” method of describing the history and village characters during 1600<1900>The work is enhanced with over 220 illustrations and images .. and

2)The Burton Joyce, Virtual Reality, Interactive, Village Tour with truly unique impressive panoramic views thro-out.. The work is genuinely innovative and produced with an individual expertise rarely seen. It utilising over 50 individual (interlinked) camera panoramic locations, each taking at least a full minute for each un-interrupted panoramic viewing
Simply "Click" on either of the two links within the heading for direct online transfers

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