Saturday 22 November 2008


Burton Joyce Village TimeLine Blog & Diary
“News, Views, Faces and Places - serious, amusing, contentious”


As part of my publicity campaign and in an effort to gain greater public awareness I decided to circulate a Press Release publicising the fact tha B J now had an ONLINE community debating, discussion, suggestion, opinion forum ( This Burton Joyce Blog ) .-

I sent out Press Releases to each tier of local government from the Parish Council upwards, to the top level of our local MP in Parliament and sat back waiting for acknowledgements of receipts-

Why you may ask such extreme action? - Well in my mind, and that of many many others, I am of the opinon that there can be all to many instances of the use of the frustrating and general excuse of lack/absence of awareness of the existance of a condition, situation, incident, knowledge of bad practice etc - These excuses which relieve many of a responsibilty and accountabilty ( the "Need to Know" practice is so frequently offerred in reponse to critism in interviews - as argumental denial of their awareness)

To-date I am pleased to note that I have received these reponses to the Releases.. .. from "Vern" our MP in Parliament and "James" our C C Councillor - Thanks to you both ( even though "Vern's" was from his assistant - it is still appreciated) plus .. J @ bjra

This Burton Joyce Blog is aimed at bringing to the attention of all those with interests in our village, the daily news, views, faces and places - serious, amusing and sometime contentious . It constantly seeks constructive comments, replies, discussion and suggestions via the online interactive comments facility

It is also intended as a chronicle of to-day's daily life within the village, hopefully ensuring access to the information by future generations, for it will be part of B J's history by tomorrow

****To post your views and comment click on "Comments" below****


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