Thursday, 13 November 2008


Burton Joyce Village TimeLine Blog & Diary
“News, Views, Faces and Places - serious, amusing, contentious”

Click for "BJ TimeLine" -- Click “Interactive B J Village Tour
"HAVE YOUR SAY" - You mature B J residents !

A few relevant estimated figures for Burton Joyce Bulcote and Stoke Bardolph ( albeit for year 2004)
Population - 3555 with 41% classed as mature and 32% being over 60 years old
Life expectancy - Female 83.2 years/ Male 82.2 years
Number of Pensioner households - 289
This Burton Joyce Blog is designed to attract and interest the mature Internet Surfers (Silver Surfers) resident in our village, and to stimulate the contribution of their views and opinions relevant to their own community.
A Blog (a contraction of the term "Web log") is a web site usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video. Entries are commonly displayed in reverse-chronological order. Many Blogs provide commentary or news on a particular subject; others function as more personal online diaries. A typical Blog combines text, images, and links to other Blogs, web pages, and other media related to its topic.
The ability for readers to submit and reply to comments via the “online interactive facility” is an important and interesting feature of this BJ Blog.
So once again all you BJ residents get involved, online, with the news, views, faces and places connected with your own community
****To post your views and comment click on "Comments" below****


Unknown said...

Dear BJ Diarist,
Many thanks for your comments en blog - but I'm not special, just very impressed with your obvious interest and enthusiasm in your subject. I'm also a big believer in giving credit where it's due. Sure I'll be in touch again, meantime in BJ terms. Good on ya mi duck - keep it goin.
See Ya,

Burton Joyce Blogger said...

Hi "Special Lady"

To me its your progressive attitude, which reveals you to be "individual and special".
I would be "over-the-moon" if some of your remises could be featured in the BJ Blog, for I am convinced you must have many "stories" of interest to all Online generations

Take care always