Wednesday 5 November 2008


Burton Joyce Village TimeLine Blog & Diary
News, Views, Faces and Places - serious, amusing, contentious

Click for "BJ TimeLine" -- Click “Interactive B J Village Tour
Vernon Croaker MP - Maiden speech in Parliament - 10 Jun 1997 : Column 1033(Hanzard)

…“There are also two beautiful rural villages. Burton Joyce is the larger. It is popular with commuters to Nottingham and has a most beautiful 13th-century church. Stoke Bardolph is in the valley of the Trent, with lovely views across the river to Shelford and Radcliffe” .. .. I see this every day - a treat!
I went to my B J Dentist the other day - for my routine check-up. As usual my teeth did require some attention - A filling had broken in one and a “hole” had appeared in another , …. ….so I accepted my Dentist's diagnosis and booked in for a later appointment - for remedial treatment - for a problem - I could not see.. !! ?? a trick!
On my way out I stopped to read a grand coloured brochure pinned on the reception notice board - It advertised the forthcoming Bonfire and Fireworks event scheduled for the 1st Nov. - I read it and re-read it . .., several times, until eventually the receptionist came over and asked “Is there a problem?”. “Yes I replied - the Dentist’s examination must have affected my eye sight .. I can‘t see where this Village Bon Fire event is being held” - “Oh! Don’t get concerned, she replied, we have all had the same problem. Obviously, there is a mistake and it has been left off - We guess it will be at held at the Poplars Sports Ground” - .. .. a problem - for I could not see where - a trick!
We received our Quarterly Gas Heating Bill (July/August/September ) the other day - approx £450 - for a summer quarter - for a couple - this was definitely NO treat
Yes approx £450 Gas Heating Bill - for a couple - for a summer quarter -
To Gordon Brown ! Please take note
.. .. And to that guy named FAWKES, .. .. .. "Where are you? "
"You have some unfinished business" .. .. :-) .. .. this COULD be a treat!

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