Thursday 20 November 2008


Burton Joyce Village TimeLine Blog & Diary
News, Views, Faces and Places - serious, amusing, contentious

Courtesy and good manners
Here is an observation of mine, which is definitely becoming more frequent of late. .. ..
Why is it that individuals in the employ of governmental or local authority establishments, local interest groups etc., fail to reply or acknowledge incoming e mails, particularly when they contain offers of help and/or subjects of local community interests
Is it complacency, indifference, ignorance (of the fact that the sender has its receipt noted), or simply that it is deemed unnecessary, or of insufficient importance to warrant attention, consideration or a reply ?
It has been muted that projects with entreprenarial substance ( even the non-commercial) may be considered as "un-touchable" .. .. or in my opinion even "threatening"
So what is the answer? .. .. a lack of simple courtesy or a total absence of goodmanners ! ! !
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