Sunday 2 November 2008


Burton Joyce Village TimeLine Blog & Diary
News, Views, Faces and Places -serious, amusing, contentious

Click for "BJ TimeLine" -- Click “Interactive B J Village Tour

B J Primary School
We should congratulate the school as it continues to progress in the 2008 SAT ‘s
Key Stage One Level 2+
Maths - 100%; Reading - 97.5%; Writing - 95%
Key Stage Two Level 4+
Maths - 100%: English - 94.6%; Science - 100%
The school now has its own Mini Bus for outside events and provides a large number of “after school” clubs - Chess, Netball, Football, Art and Music.
The school also offers parents Breakfast and After school Clubs with care from 7.30am to 6.00pm

A fine achievement long may it continue

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