Saturday 1 November 2008

Clubs and Meets

Burton Joyce Village TimeLine Diary - the serious and amusing
- News, Views, Faces and Places”

e.mail Comments on Blogs -- Click “Interactive B J Village Tour
Click for "BJ TimeLine"
B J Groups

Stroke Club - Tel 931 3288; BJ Runners 931 2978; Calligraphy 955 4222
Sugar Craft - Tel 987 5605; Senior Citizens’ Club 961 8254
Local History - Carnarvon Rooms meets Tues 10.00<12.00…;
Bridge Club Tel 931 3820; Trent Valley Art Group - 931 2422 ;
Local Parish Councils Meets
Burton Joyce - 4th November 08,
2nd December 08. 13th January 09. 3rd February 09
3rd March 09. 7th March 09. 5th May 09.
19th May 09. Annual Meeting
Bulcote - 9th December 08 10th March. 09 15th
April 09.* Annual Meeting (Tentative)
Look out for the news of the Comprehensive Review of arrangements and day to day running of the Poplars Sports Ground and Pavilion. incl. fees and contractual arrangements-
The “Review” is scheduled for presentation to the Burton Joyce Parish Council’s Finance & General Purposes Committee in November

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