Friday 31 October 2008

What a MESS

Burton Joyce Village TimeLine Diary - serious and amusing
- News, Views, Faces and Places”
Burton Joyce Old School - MainStreet
What a MESS !
Within a premier position, within the village centre, within the vision of almost everyone passing by - other than those UNDER 1 M tall ( that’s 3 feet 4 inches “plus a bit” in sensible language), there continues to be an unkempt area of overgrown undergrowth and wild vegetation..
The oblique reasoning behind this probably lies in the fact that this undergrowth and wild vegetation provides an ongoing hiding place for the dilapidated prefabricated building (class room ?) which is also sited there. This unkempt area has, through-out the summer provided a most un-distinguished ( is that the correct word - I wonder ) backdrop to the majestic Flag Standard positioned in the village centre.

This unacceptable vision reflects adversely upon our pride, our established and widely recognised reputation for being a caring, well kept, well presented village. This unattractive, “unkempt patch” reflects adversely on us all and if left in its present state, will continue to flout and disrespect the significance and importance which the Old School and adjoining ground contributed to the history of this village

To those responsible --- Please!.. Please!.. Stand up and be counted.. ..
Give this area the care, attention and respect it deserves as a place which has stood alongside and witnessed so much of our village history thro the centuries

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